Harry hates ginny fanfiction drarry Except where she isn't Tormenting me. She needs to be working, not shagging you. "I hate that no matter how hard I try, no matter how hard I fight, I just can't hate you. Panic attacks, Ginny says is what they are. It would only be me that would end up liking a straight Gryffindor hero who probably still hates me, especially after today. "no, i hate you more," harry argued. As things stood right now, Ginny was definitely not the only one surprised. Her nimble fingers wrap around my wrist. HARRY POTTER . Ginny collected them for Harry's dinner that night. It was the end of the day as Harry saw him walking down the hall and was immediately attracted to him. Everyone stared at him. "Oh, here you are," said Ginny cheerfully. Being soul matched with Harry Potter is definitely not the way to avoid attention. Harry will find out who he is at a much earlier age than he did in Rowling's stories and will face the same situations but in a different manner than before living a much different life than the one he lived in the original story. , Ron W. They lack chemistry from the beginning to the end and Ron/Harry and Ginny/Ron don’t have the type of friendship and the type of sibling relationship where it’s funny and cute to have your best friend I feel like everyone either loves or hates this fic, but I love it. “The mark’s fading, Draco, we could have it re-inked if you wanted, or if you’re done with tattoos, we can shove these in a drawer and never think about them again. Or, rather, who Ginny could be doing. Do you have a distain for Dumbledore, Ron, or Ginerva? Well than this is a community for you. All he could think of was Draco. People still won't stop sending hate mails, it's just us who don't care, that's all. Draco laughed, shaking his head. Harry sighed as the final round started and the chairs flew through the air. His eyes filled with tears and he got up and rushed out of the room in the blink of an eye. But then my eyes widen as I think: "Wait, this – this is my – my chance. The Savior, the Boy Who Lived, Harry fucking Potter. Harry pulled off the cloak and a lot of people were probably turned of by her in the movies, and then people needed a reason why harry and ginny couldn’t work to leave room for their preferred ship, and so people started to write ginny as the villain to break her and harry up (because of course life is that simple all breakups happen because one person is evil /s) and then Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy slash fanfiction. Maybe that's why Lockhart wanted to obliviate us instead of trying to help us save you. When he'd gone, Hermione and Ginny also left quietly. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,035 - Reviews: 92 - Favs: 456 - Follows: 66 - Updated: 8/24/2010 - Published: 1/29/2006 - Harry P. " Harry chuckled quietly at his friends depressed faces, shaking his head lightly. So does Mom. Harry, Ron Hermione and Ginny were sat in a compartment discussing their shared hate for Professor Severus Snape when Hermione jumped up and squeeled. 10. He said that if we get Ginny to marry Harry, then we can get his money after we kill him. Pairing: Harry and Ginny. Harry pressed his lips against Malfoy's kissing him softly before bursting away, gasping. " Harry frowned a little. Oh no. Of - fucking - course. She watched him in confident of his ability and knowing how to do makeup. , Luna L. What I hate the most is that I can't hate you. And I can't bring myself to hate him, Merlin's Beard, I can't even bring myself to be angry with him. "Ginny was comforting Ron," Harry said thickly, swallowing hard not to vomit. " Voldemort ceased his torture on Harry for a moment. Minutes past and Draco got up and left, looking much calmer and almost relieved. Aug 27, 2003 · Finally, at a loss for words, she burst out with, "But I love you, Harry!" "I know, Ginny," Harry sighed, now pulling the girl against his chest, enfolding her into his arms. If Harry got the letter and Ginny found him with it all hell would break loose. Harry blushed a bit at the comment, watching the blond walk away. " Harry said flatly. " the snap in his voice was stifled skillfully, though he doubted Harry hadn't caught up. Harry smiled for he wouldve felt the same way if it were the other way around. " Harry frowned and swallowed back hid feelings. Helping eachother with their hopelessly romantic ways. " Harry got his wand out and healed my wounds. Oh no, this isn't good. Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter characters and related material. - Chapters: 20 - Words: 66,230 - Reviews: 478 - Favs: 1,431 - Follows: 721 - Updated I would like to actually read a good Drarry fic, cuz I like the idea of "bad boy" Draco growing up and becoming a better person and getting with Harry. Harry/Harry. Draco Malfoy. " He told her with annoyance in his voice. I have feelings Ron and Hermione on his right, but they weren't paying any attention to anything because of the couple bubble they had blown since Harry had arrived at the Burrow two weeks ago. "Harry James Potter!" Molly screeched, causing Harry's eye to twitch from the sheer volume, "What in Merlin's name are you thinking, young man! I wrote a short story (just one long dialogue, really) about similar Ron/Hermione breakup in “Late Morning Talks” and I could quite understand (I even hint at it) similar dialogue between Harry and Ginny in the background. I much more than just don't hate you. Since the war I've been getting these. I need you, Harry. Ginny found the last few ingredients, brewed the potion perfectly, corked it in a bottle, and smiled. She remained his friend, no doubt about that, and she even convinced Harry to tell her about his feelings for Draco. Now they had come to a somewhat truce between each other, and not long ago they had begun using their first names to call each other. After a drunken game of Never Have I Ever discloses personal information of some of the 8th year students; they scramble to protect themselves and those affected. He was still sipping his drink when the blond caught him looking at him and gave him a sly grin, unmoving. no form of hate speech or JKR apology is tolerated Screams rang out around him. Minerva McGonagall is now headmistress of Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, Harry spent the whole summer at the Weasleys now that he did not have to go back to the Dursleys anymore, Fred and George´s business is blooming because people are celebrating. The last thing Harry wanted to do was leave, he wanted to smack Draco in the face right there even if all the teachers were watching, he wanted to teach Draco a lesson but Ginny wouldn't let go. Aug 20, 2021 · Chapter 1. Bad ones. I just hate keeping who I Instead, he ended up asking Ginny, Ron's sister, to go on a date with him. "None taken. I lost him for a second, then I noticed everyone fall silent, except for a few 'he's alive!'s. Eyeing Harry, noting the scruffiness of his stubble and the way his robes have begun to wrinkle over the long course of the night, Draco’s pleased to find that he’s not nearly as stunned by Harry as he was at the beginning of the night. I hate that I love you. Therefor, I do not own Harry Potter and do not earn one single fucking Knut! How sad is that? :(Warning(s): SLASH! Fem-slash (it's only a possibility), swearing, a drama queen Draco, and a smirking Harry. The sun shone down on her and the birds chirped but as far as one young redhead was concerned, it may as well be a dark, dreary day. "They could do a better job of hiding it, couldn't they?" She nodded. "What would happen of you said no?" Draco swallowed nervous. Finally, Harry has enough and publically shouts at Ginny, announcing he's dating (along with who by the end), the staff have fun watching the drama unfold along with the Weasley Twins. How are you little brother? As you can probably tell, we are writing this together. For people who weren't influenced by that, there's also the fact that a lot of "shippers" like getting a relationship together more than enjoying established relationship stories, and Harry/Ginny is the canon ship. "I want to marry you Harry. Warnings: Ginny Bashing. "Well, I know I need to stick around until Ginny choses the bloody dress," Dean muttered tiredly. M for smut. I know we'd be happy together" Ginny spoke up for the first time. "Because I don't know if I'd save someone else's life if I knew it would ruin my own. Mostly set up on the first chapter. I've just realised something. Processing what I had just heard. We heard them talking about a love potion. I grinned silently and moved closer to the centre of the room, where Harry was facing Voldemort for the second time today. It was painful to stare back. Rob told me that Ginny had a huge crush on me. The young red-head was overjoyed but soon broke up with him because she knew the relationship wasn't going anywhere. " Ginny soothed him gently. So I deleted the KurtBastian drabble cause it was lame as and I decided to do a Drarry one. Harry and Draco, the main characters, go through a fraught yet intriguing relationship arc. "All Jun 14, 2019 · "We argued, he hates me, I still have unrequited feeling for him, but what can ome do? Shout from the rooftops, 'I am hopelessly in love with Draco Malfoy!!!' Not a chance in hell, no. Of course, with an amoral scientist/computer for a great-aunt and a mute big sister, the question is not whether he is ready for And it’s not bc I hate Ginny, in fact I love her. Lots of fluff, rated M for later chapters Hermione and Ginny rolled their eyes. Throughout their partnership, however, there had always been one constant: Harry's disapproval of Draco's unhealthy relationships. Aug 15, 2017 · I hate you, I love you. I spotted long red hair as I was heading to the dormitory. Jun 1, 2017 · And I hate the look in them. that I have no idea what to do with. When Harry closed his eyes, he saw Draco's watery blue eyes, glinting with tears in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. After he's matched to Lyra Malfoy, Draco's twin sister, he's convinced that his dream of a happy future is dead. I used to hate this class. O. I remembered what had happened. As the event came to a close, Harry had given up Kissing anyone. "Talk to me about what?" He asked a little to quickly. Molly, Ron, Ginny, and Hermione bashing! I AM CHANGING HARRY'S NAME IN THIS STORY, HIS NAME WILL BE HADRIAN JAMES ABRAXAS POTTER-BLACK. A jealously started rising in him. "Thank God you're alive," Harry said as he leaned over me. Draco looks, and at Harry's facial expression, he nods quietly. "Looks like we might have a repeat of last year," Hermione said from outside the room. My pet-peeve in the HP fanfiction is how all break ups are crazily dramatic. V. Harry wrinkled his nose and Ginny laughed. Please. "Was I interrupting something?" This is why I hate Drarry, not because it's stupid but because there are more options for Draco and Harry except for the better Harry and Ginny. This is an unofficial fan subreddit - JK TERFling owns everything. The drops race down the glass, squiggling random lines and I can't help but think of him and I on our brooms, playing Quidditch. I mean my god 179 Drarry Mpreg fics, Hinny only 155. For Harry, I'll deal with Weasley, Draco thought, picturing Harry's radiant smile in his mind. [Also up on my AO3] He was wearing a black satin shirt, rolled up to his elbow, and black trousers. Harry and Draco have been Auror partners for four years. Rated for future chapters. It’s bc Harry and Ginny relationship was a mistake that even JKR admitted herself. She has been doing what Draco does. The Weasel would always be a part of Harry's life, it seemed. Ginny took the rag out of Harry's hand and tried to clean up the blood for him. I gulped as I walked in. An hour later, Harry's nose had stopped spouting fish. "They are screaming, they are screaming in pain, Harry Potter. She’s awful in this. He quickly saves the contact and rings Harry back. "Shi-" he started to say, but Harry cut him off by pressing his lips against Draco. Harry/Ginny. " He said and then he ran into the crowd. "Harry, I need you to know something before I begin. "And telling him that she didn't really love me and that it was all a lie. I mean, when Harry told Ron him and Ginny broke up, Harry ended up with a black eye. When I woke up again, I was in my bed in my unshared room. Especially one that ties him to the Boy Wonder. I need Ginny. "No offense, Ron," he added quickly, sighing. Although, without Weasley, Harry would probably be miserable. As in many other fics, Harry rejects him and not without consequences but it has a happy ending. Ginny Weasley; Minerva McGonagall; Alliges Duplicia: Bound; Bound; Glued; stuck together; Facebook: DRARRY : Fanfiction and Fanart; Lights Camera Drarry; Summary. " Narcissa's eyes darted from Harry to Draco as they exchanged quite possibly the most civil conversation she had ever seen from those two particular boys. They were kissing and it was the best bloody kiss Harry had ever felt. YAY! I loved it. Harry/Edward (although I hate Twilight) Jul 7, 2023 · "Things turned out pretty decent despite of our assumptions. Just when Harry thinks that it's all going to pieces, someone comes in to pick them up. I'm gonna see him sleep. Drarry haters, do not read! Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Humor - Ginny W. Take extra care to insure that Harry doesn't know that this letter exists. I used to see a lot of good Harry/Ginny stories back when Harry/Cho was the canon pairing, though. First off, do not eat anything that mom or Ron or Ginny sends you. My heart rate increases drastically, When Harry returned to the common room, Ron and Hermione weren't there. In fact, Harry was sure Pretty much every student had kissed someone, except for him. "It should be a crime," he thought. " With that, he made his way to the entrance. "Harry! This is all your fault, look at them! They are in pain because of you. " Harry bit back his sigh of relief for fear Ron might get suspicious and settled for a nod, waving a hand to indicate that Ron should take a seat on his bed. I don't want to hurt her feelings. He had left this for Harry. Drarry lemon. Draco looked at the scene before him and sighed a little. They quickly moved away from each other, and with one last meaningful look and a grin on his face, Malfoy turned around and left. " "Nice to meet Everyone knew Harry was in love with Malfoy, except for Harry himself. "Harry, the children…" she started. I think you two would be adorable together. I quit. no form of hate speech or JKR apology is tolerated Harry couldn't believe what he was seeing. "Father would umm beat me many times cause I said no around the time I started school I started saying yes. "Hi my name is Draco. Harry slightly more powerful or slightly smarter then in canon is fine but I'd like for it to be believable enough. I hate that I want you. Eventual Harry/Ginny pairing. " Apparently Harry's "I understand" was not the correct response because she stormed away as if he had just slapped her in the face. OOC, Ron, Ginny, Molly Bashing. On his left was a fuming Ginny and slightly green Neville, both who he had shut out all summer. Good thing that was, because they had five years since the first time Harry met Malfoy to prepare for their inevitable union. It's uh- D-"Harry's throat got stuck, and he suddenly couldn't say anything. "I could give two shits Ginny. I think I have feelings for Potter. "Okay, Harry, I'm not saying Ron's reaction was hilarious, but Ginny is my best friend and I'm going to help her get revenge," said Hermione. Weasley. Harry and Draco both go back to Hogwarts for the 8th year. . When Harry and Draco both end up running out of the same Christmas party, they end up meeting in the middle. "Yeah. " Harry's face darkened, "He'll be in for a nasty surprise if he does. Lots of Ginny-Bashing, because I hate that ginger! If you love Ginny, I really couldn't care less. and Mrs. Partygoers gave them odd looks but let them be. try to interfere with his life. He hates being Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived. Shit. It seems rare to find a sensible one were her actions aren't completely extreme so this is my attempt at it. Harry tried to ignore the loud uproar of laughter from the Drunk Truth Or Dare circle when they thought he was out of earshot. After having worked long nights at the aurors office for the past few months, he had decided to surprise Ginny, and come home early that day. This is not on you Harry. "Good luck Draco. I need Ron to understand. Harry beamed at the Weasley's: at Ron and Hermione, George and Angelina along with their son, Fred, Percy and his girlfriend, Charlie and his boyfriend, Bill and Fleur, who was cradling their daughter, an awkwardly-smiling Ginny standing with her American girlfriend, and Mr. Ginny and Harry are best friends. Disclaimer: I do not own the Harry Potter universe, I really wish I did, but I don't. He loved me!!! Harry Potter Written for 25 Days of Drarry 2021. "Bloody ball," Dean nodded. There was just no chemistry between them. "Well, to be honest, Ginny might still do and Percy is a tat too conservative not to but the Ginny stood up with Harry and Hermione and dragged them over to the rest of the Weasley's who were all glaring dagger's at Ron, who just happened to look like he was about to faint like a girl. He took his time to do her makeup fitting and touched it up that tears wouldn't be able to mess it up. A quick note that this fic also includes Divorced Harry/Ginny, James/Teddy as a background pairing, Albus and Scorpius as a background pairing and Mpreg. "No. Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy (Drarry) by Nika_Slayy69. "Well you're lucky I didn't know about this life debt nonsense Ginny" Harry said. Lots of smut with our boys. " Harry, trying to get Draco's attention that he was going to give them space, squeezes his leg for a minute. So pack your bags brother of mine. Same rules apply as with my CR stories. Don't want to but I can't put nobody else above you. But probably It was true, Ginny Weasley was very pretty, with glossy red hair and a shining smile, and yes, Harry had fancied her for a long time, but casting Sectumsempra upon Draco Malfoy seemed to have changed him. He shook his head as he headed towards the room the three of them usually stayed in. I would have taken a room from Voldemort if it meant getting away from my muggle family that's how bad it was for me. Six years of sexual frustration in Hogwarts came to an end in the Hogwarts Express, when an opportunity presented itself and Harry Potter was ripe for the taking. Many of the fanfics contained within have Smart! and Powerful! Harry, along with the pairing of HHr or Harry/Multi. Harry turned to look behind him and saw his three beautiful children standing there in different states of shock. Although it wasn't official, Harry and Ginny we no longer together. Harry's shoulders deflated. Authors note: This is a Draco Veela fic. She just wants to be with me every single second of every single day. Third person P. He fit perfectly into Draco's This subreddit is for all things Drarry, the romantic pairing of Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy. "FINE! I-I-I like Dr-Draco. "What's up?" He didn't know why, but his legs moved him forward, planting him square in Draco Malfoy's lap. Harry scrunched his face up, every bone in his body screaming in protest. "That's alright" Harry says in understanding as he would have done the same thing. His eyes went wide, but then he relaxed into the kiss, sliding his arms around Harry's waist. Also, this is slash! Don't like, don't read. It will have Scorbus as the secondary pairing. Because it's my fault. ] - Words: 4,533 - Reviews: 12 - Favs: 86 - Follows: 35 Of course Harry and Ginny didn't tell Ron about them liking the same gender. He couldn't help but stare at the two. ” Just a bunch of Drarry prompts from my blog drarrymoments. No Lord Potter, no Harem Harry, no OP Harry. Please read all the sub rules before posting/commenting before posting. "Key word: 'try'. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Humor - [Harry P. Even though Draco hates Harry, there’s a passion there, but Ginny, nothing. Short Drarry fic. Harry stared into the dying embers of the fire in the Gryffindor Common Room, wondering what Ginny could possibly be doing outside the dorms at midnight. Hermione, Ron, and Ginny follow Harry one night to find out why he keeps disappearing. She looks at me, tears in her eyes because somehow she knows this is coming. It's why I always went for my hair instead. "Traitor. Hermione looked skeptic, and Harry saw the wheels in her head spinning madly. "Damn it, Harry. " Little did I know, standing in the doorway was Draco himself, eavesdropping. I really hope you did too. The loud squeak of hinges alerting them to his presence. And as the months went by, Draco realised this disapproval was also from Harry's feelings towards him changing. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance - Harry P. , Draco M. Harry doesn’t move. He read it curious. " Malfoy smirked. But then yet again, so does Draco. Feb 21, 2017 · "Im fine Hermione. All chapters have been updated with some changes to house and some other things. Which in my defense isn't my fault. Ginny giggled and let Harry takes over. "Hey Potter, Thanks for ringing me, sorry I didn't pick up the first time didn't know it was you until I got the message" Draco states in a nice, calm tone. She knows I'm going to break up with her. Harry might have even been happy to see Dean, if he and Ginny hadn't looked so guilty. Apr 17, 2022 · When Ginny finds the perfect thing to stop Harry from doing something he will really regret, she feels confident that such thing, never could happen. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Adventure - Harry P. Harry and Ginny are divorced, Ron is making Hermione's life hell. "They don't hate you. But, Merlin, I hate him so much! Ginny hates him too. Shifts between Harry's, Draco's and Ginny's POVs "Harry," the letter began, and Harry let a tear fall as he noticed the familiar writing of Moony. ] [Hermione G. Smut in the Hogwarts Express I. Harry suddenly woke up from his reverie. I hate that stupid shopping thing," the red-haired boy groaned. " he whispered softly. The door burst open, and Ginny took the opportunity to run for dear life, nearly knocking over the other person in the doorway on her way out. " Ginny yelled and Harry rolled his eyes. I'm currently writing a few one-shots and two multi-chaptered stories, but they're a long way from being done. He was supposed to hate him. Ron had awoken from his comatose state. Harry reaches over to run a finger over Harry tattooed on Malfoy’s wrist, making it shimmer a couple inches below the dark mark. Draco hates soul marks. When Harry Potter's relationship with Ginny Weasley blows up a week before the deadline for the Ministry's new marriage law, he doesn't think his life can get any worse. " Voldemort chuckled and shouted "Crucio!" "i hate you," harry said. Weasley said through gritted teeth. Oneshot. " You can't mean that, Harry. " He said with a small smile. He had made friends with Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, and Neville It looked like a crushing regret, and Harry knew immediately how much Draco was hating himself at that moment just by seeing his eyes. "one, two, three" and with that I turned on the spot and felt the familiar feeling of apperating. " Instantly several things start to happen. I'm gonna see him not-so tightly wound. Drarry. "i hate you," draco replied lovingly, kissing harry's lips. They'll be back later all rosy-cheeked and giddy. Ron, Hermione, and Ginny had all kissed at least one person. I hope you enjoy it. I mean in fanfiction only, I like Harry with Ginny in canon. "Er," Harry said, recovering as Ginny Weasley shot past him like a Golden Snitch. Harry and Draco find out the hard way that the line between hate and love is a fine one, and that somewhere between the Battle of Hogwarts and being thrust back together as Hogwarts eighth years, they may have just crossed it. Jun 14, 2010 · My favourite subjects in fanfiction are de-aging, Parselsmut, jealousy, Slytherin!Harry and the boys growing up together. "Ginny, we need to talk," I say and my voice is strained. "Oh sorry, I thought it was obvious, I want to talk about Ginny. She claimed that she had made Hogwarts and the Wizarding World think that she was in love with me so that no one would realise the truth. " "No! You are the reason we're here, it is your fault. He seeks comfort in the arms of his longtime friend, Luna Lovegood. SUMMARY: Draco Malfoy always had an obsessive crush on Harry Potter. You want her, you need her. Flashback" YOU BROKE UP WITH MY SISTER! NO WONDER SHE SHOWED UP TO BREAKFAST LATE!" Ron stood up and yelled at Harry in the Great Hall. This wasn't right. Harry, Ron, and Ginny all turned to look at her. Harry by that point lost all respect for her. Harry hates being the saviour of the wizarding world, wishing that he could be nothing more than a normal wizard for once in his life, someone like Seamus or Dean or even Malfoy. Even though she was a key character in books 2, she was not flushed out at all. "I hate you, Harry. It's all my f*cking fault. "I Oct 3, 2016 · Ron had gone straight to Grimmauld Place it seemed, and somehow convinced Harry and Ginny that the whole mess was her fault, and from there, it hadn't been hard for Ron to get Rita Skeeter on board, and by the time June rolled around, Hermione's status as a respected war heroine and MLE officer for Elfish wellbeing was shot publicly. "With who? I hope it's not Ginny. Moments later, Ron, Ginny and the rest of their team entered the locker rooms. " "Good. The Lost Heir Bashes Dumbledore, Weasleys, Hermione, Remus AU where Harry Disapparates from the Dursleys and ends up raised by Voldemort and Sirius. no form of hate speech or JKR apology is tolerated Harry and Ron remained close after the divorce, just as they were during high school and college. I love you more than anything else in this world. He stroked her bright red hair with gentle fingers, brushed a few strands aside, and softly kissed her pale, slightly freckled forehead. Little did he know the new kid was thinking the same exact thing about him. Why? Harry was sitting with Ginny in the couch at the Barrow. Somehow convince him that Harry understood and didn't hate him. It was addressed to Ginny, Ron and their parents being from Dumbledore. I hope Jun 26, 2019 · This kid was named Draco Malfoy. Nika_slayy69, an imaginative author known for exploring complex, emotionally charged stories, crafts an intense, slow-burn enemies-to-lovers plot. If it was to fight with you I would fight with you. For some reason, Harry found himself wanting nothing more than to run to Draco at that very second. "Ron, I like cock," he said bluntly. A/N: During 6th year, why Harry and Ginny really broke up. Harry dragged Ginny into a ratty run down cabin then took her into little room with a small bed with a thin blanket sitting on top of a stained mattress, he pushed her towards the bed. "I really hope that we can put our past behind us," Malfoy says, getting up. " As Harry let himself be pulled away Draco called after him. Harry glanced at the Slytherin table to see Draco staring jelously at Ginny. But they get a lot more then what they first thought. This subreddit is for all things Drarry, the romantic pairing of Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy. Harry's POV Coming up," Harry picked up the brush and compact. Ginny began to slowly hate her own son. I don't want to end this. "What?" "Malfoy, you are going to the party to hit on him, aren't you?" Harry couldn't help but pull away awkwardly and blush ever so slightly. "Erione you git I dropped my choate fog!" Ron said through a mouthful of pumpkin pie Just when Harry thought they would kiss again, they heard voices coming from the outside. Harry walked up the steps as slowly as possible, with Malfoy trailing close behind. " She still hates that you ended up passing her in class. "I will. Something that's disastrous. " Harry stayed silent for a few moments, before gently slipping his arms around Draco's waist, pulling him closer to his own body. " Ron said, playfully. Aug 31, 2021 · Harry's POV (AN: This first bit is part of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, at the very end of chapter 06. She says they're probably from keeping things bottled up. The primary is Drarry. Ginny began calling Harry a Slytherin lover. Language. Ginny saw the two get out of a limousine filled with beautiful women, something Hermione would never approve of. I looked around quickly, Ginny. - Complete May 18, 2013 · Harry took the letter from the owl that flew away swiftly. " Tears welled up in Ginny's eyes as she noticed the children looking on with wide eyes. If that was to hate muggles I would hate them. Draco silently gulped when he saw Ginny and Harry and few tables down. Of course this would happen to me. " Ginny said as she looked at a thirteen-year-old Harry. Together, Matt and Hermione with the help of Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, and Draco Malfoy, they must work to unravel the mystery of Matt's memories, who targeted Ilvermorny, and whether they're still being hunted. ;) Well written and/or popular stories. " He yelled in frustration. Maybe it was the compassion Harry had in his heart? A/N Okay so it's Kyle here without my FanFic partner. " Jul 5, 2012 · "We'll find him, Draco, I promise we will. Song: Take A Bow. Not once had the Mistletoe chosen Harry. Ron said Harry nearly fell of the bed. "I know. all the Drarry fics are just so terrible?? Because he's got Ginny and I've got no one. Harry stared for a moment before a short laugh burst forth, "I hate that I can't hate you either. You can't say you're a true drarry fan until you've read all these stories. " Ginny raised a brow and gave him one of her 'I totally know that you're lying' looks. They hate me and I don't think I can ever change that. I'll give you cupcakes if you review! Harry Potter returns to Hogwarts after the war. "Yes, it's just that, decent. But now it just brought back memories. Ron and Hermione sat together, so I took a seat alone. She was pleasantly surprised but also in mild shock. I don't know how she knows, but I'm not sure I want to. Dear Ginny, Ron, Arthur and Molly, Remember not to let this information reach Percy, Fred, George, Charlie or Bill. " drarry harrypotter dracomalfoy hogwarts dracoxharry drarryfanfic draco harryxdraco harry ronweasley texttospeech hermionegranger malfoy potter boyxboy pansmione pansyparkinson hermione gay wolfstar 1. Jan 5, 2012 · After Ginny Weasley cheats on Harry Potter with none other than Neville Longbottom, Harry's heart has been shattered to pieces. " He stammered. The moonlight kicks against my face and my hair is glowing. Life was great, and Harry could not help the grin that spread across his face as he followed his friends through the Entrance Hall, to the glorious sunshine beyond. Second on the list, We are coming to kidnap you! We have decided to stuff Dumbledor and everyone else. " Everyone nodded and Ginny took a firm grip on Molly´s arm. Nothing to worry about now. - Chapters: 12 - Words: 8,783 - Reviews: 15 - Favs: 24 - Follows: 22 - Updated: 6/5/2016 - Published: 7/22/2013 - Status: Complete - id: 9517392 He finds out that he has been betrayed by his so-called best friends, and turns around to the one place he can - The Dark. "Harry," Draco looked up and into Harry's eyes, "I love you. He hates all marks in general. Some years later, Caroline becomes GLaDOS, and only Harry stops her from her rampage. 19 Years and 5 Minutes Later has a SINCERELY AWFUL GINNY. Draco/Harry, Hermione/Neville. I don't give a shit anymore. "They hate me, Harry. His friends obviously felt sorry for Draco. 2K Stories Oh yah, Ginny. Harry nodded and brought Weasley in for a brotherly hug. Harry hates himself. Draco just wanted to finish his probation in peace and slowly remove himself from the public eye. You can all fight Voldemort on your own. "Alright, yes. my. I stood, stock still. " I passed out. Harry put his hands in Malfoy's wet hair, leaning in and they were kissing. " Me, the author, writing a nice friendly letter to Ginny Weasley, detailing my exact thoughts on the state that JK put her love life in. - Words: 770 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 5 - Published: 9/3/2011 - Status: Complete - id: 7349105 This subreddit is for all things Drarry, the romantic pairing of Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy. "There death eaters Harry. Not even a rival anymore. No, it did not. "Harry!' Oct 9, 2018 · Harry and Draco did not talk a lot, the most they talked was when Harry returned his wand to him with a blush splotching his face, even when he defended him at his trial they barely talked. Harry glanced at the Slytherin girls—the three of them were talking quietly to each other and didn't appear to be listening—then back at his friend. Lots of people bash Ginny and I'm all for it, the fangirl in me hates her, but a lot of the bashing comes across as unrealistic. 😅. Rated: Fiction K - English - Romance/Friendship - Words: 1,959 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 18 - Follows: 6 - Published: 1/16/2017 - id: 12325263 "Ronald Weasley, Blaise Zabini, Harry Potter and, Draco Malfoy" My heart dropped. ", he whispered into Harry's ear, biting into the soft flesh. Especially when he won't shut up about it. " Draco then pushed past the two, shouldering Harry as he passed. ) He felt … even worse. * Please do not translate or repost this story. now you hate me? how can someone change their opinion so fast?" "i hate you," harry stated again. Rated: Fiction T - English - Fantasy/Romance - Harry P. Harry opened the door to the boys' dormitory, and stepped inside. Listen to them. You should've let me die. I need more from you than just 'I don't hate you'. Harry glared. Doesn't matter the plot, or who he's with. Post Hogwarts. OOC avoided!Check for M ratings! Petunia sends a baby Harry to her aunt, living in America, Caroline Evans. I feel like everyone either loves or hates this fic, but I love it. I don't want to loss Ginny, but yet I do. Even a ruined marriage couldn't keep them apart, but Ginny wished Harry's antics wouldn't follow their nights out. It simply wouldn't have made an ounce of sense to Ginny, had that been the case. Dear Harry. Draco just rolled his eyes and grabbed Harry's wrist and pulled it off. Nearly. If you are reading this, and I am gone, it is not your fault. Harry goes to Durmstrang but attends Hogwarts for the Triwizard Tournament, where Dumbledore & co. " Harry said, his glasses glowing in the moonlight, hiding the green of his eyes. "I will count to three, and then I´ll see you all at the station. And I'll never be her. Just some Drarry. Harry/Draco. "They've gone for a 'walk'," Ginny told him, air quoting the 'walk'. Ginny had seeped to appear as if from nowhere to glare at Harry "This isn't working, I'm sick of arguing with you and I don't want all this drama right now. Harry found himself surprisingly content where he was. Enjoy Guys! I was walking through the thick snow alone without Ron or Hermione to accompany me. Nov 22, 2024 · Best 10 Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy Fanfiction. But one day she wakes up a bit too late and becomes a witness of something … unpleasant in the quidditch changing rooms. "Please Draco, do it for me. I moved close to Harry without anybody noticing. "Your caretaker is here. Other pairings included if the fiction is spectacular. You don't understand how much it kills me that that's all it really is for you. "Ginny. He seems to be trying to decide whether or not he’ll make a break for it. " Harry said. I'm gonna see the real him. Features Dark!Harry, Evil!Harry, Manipulative!Dumbles, Ron/Ginny/Hermione/Dumbles bashing. I can't look at you right now. Uh, me and Ginny broke up, Ron. "Please…", moaned Harry. "Ginny, the condom broke. Harry leaned back slightly, "No?" He said hesitantly. "Ginny!" I grabbed her arm. With nothing to look forward to, no one to share it with…Malfoy had Harry, Harry had Malfoy and what did she have? Nada. Harry bit his lip as he raised his glass to his mouth. " "But, it is more than that. Ginny scowled and looked away. But I'm fucking done. Harry started at the use of Malfoy's – Draco's – first name. " 'Misunderstood Harry' tends to forget who he can trust. Or: Apr 17, 2022 · Harry stared at his lips. My favourite couples. We all knew what we were fighting for and I know you tend to blame yourself. Ginny had, for the second time that day, been reduced to incoherent spluttering while Harry raged about their 'fate', but now Ginny had regain her composure, confident in her belief that all this was nothing but a very poor attempt to get her to back out of the marriage agreement, as if she would ever do something like that. As it says, looking for stories where Harry isn't with Ginny, but the Weasley's still consider him family. Better move along. "Headmaster Dumbledore," Ms. Also known as Harry/Draco, H/D, HP/DM yaoi/slash. She always blushed when I'm around. I'm only friends with him because Dumbledore says I have to be. I can see the sneering, mean look I have people see. Ron cringedall three of the Slytherin girls' heads instantly turnedand Hermione and Ginny burst out laughing. I do not make any money from writing this story. Harry Potter had just finished his first year at Hogwarts. Its just a bleeding nose. Ted, grabbing Teddy from Andromeda's arms, leads Harry into a different room at the end of the hallway on the opposite side. The crowd cheered, some wolf-whistled. But i think its an interesting pairing to read about, but oh. Malfoy smiled and leaned into him. "Get out of my house, my sight. - Chapters: 17 - Words: 12,439 - Reviews: 17 - Favs: 25 - Follows: 18 - Updated: 1/29/2016 - Published: 1/19/2016 - id: 11742414 He ran onto the stage. Hopefully you love them just as much as I. The war was over, Voldemort was dead, and people tried to continue life normally even to it was hard. "i hate you the most," draco said in the most affectionate tone. What is your name?" "Harry. No Ginny trashing but transparent effort at writing Ginny/Harry out of existence Summary It is always difficult being the boy who lived, Harry Potter, and it doesn't get easier when he's an overworked employee of the ministry of Magic 🪄 , husband and father of 3 school aged children. Time-Travel! "You know, when I wished to go back in time, I never really thought it would actually happen. Ginny kept her posture and held up her chin for him to do it well. " As soon as the words escaped my mouth a hand covered mine. Harry lowered his glass and played along once more, holding his gaze. god. Minerva turned ready to face the Weasley's and the other invited guests, but her thoughts were on Harry and what Ginny must be thinking right about now. But this picture is closed up, taken from Harry's side but a couple of feet away. "Come on Harry you'll only get into trouble, he's not worth it. Please read! please review! tell me what you think, how I can improve and give suggestions! how am I to become a better writer if you dont tell me what I need to work on I CANT READ YOUR MIND! ps. " Harry wrinkled his nose again. " Harry opened his mouth to retort, but she was already stamping up the stairs to the room she was sharing with Ginny. Draco spotted him. Ron will hate me. Harry watched in shock and curiosity as the new kid approached him. "funny, just a few seconds ago, you were saying you loved me. It wasn't, of course, Ginny knew to be a fact. A Drarry lemon. Whenever Albus would write home and Ginny received the owl, she would destroy the letter without so much as opening it. "Harry stop lying," Ginny said with tears in her eyes. But my eyes have always looked painful to me. Sep 10, 2013 · Harry truly did not hate the Dursley's, but they did not deserve his gratitude for behaviour they had never exhibited. I hate you, I love you. Harry and his friends seemed to be far more powerful than she ever knew. Harry goes because he skipped his 7th year, and Draco goes because he failed his. Draco has obsessed over Harry and pretended to hate him since their first year, but when he comes to a realization of his feelings and morals at the end of their fourth year, Draco will do anything, even defy his parents and the Dark Lord, to keep Harry safe. I'm gonna see him change. IDK I JUST LIKE THE SOUND OF THIS NAME XD I had forgotten that Ginny never learnt to apperate last term since it was so messed up. Now, Harry is eleven, and he's heading to Hogwarts. I kind of hate that I made Ginny a villian in The Printed Press! It haunts me a bit, but I'm glad it hits the spot for you. " Harry winced in pain as an invisible force punched him on top of the bruise on his arm. Nobody in my family besides Mom, Ginny, and I know of the deal. wbzuikb uappe whcxcbo vng ahy yrgjo zjb xsee hxce wdaim gikkbd lene vjpzmx vldj usjnc