Band 1 housing waiting time. They have no connection to Worcester.
Band 1 housing waiting time 1 bed – A frequent question we receive from customers waiting on the housing register is: “How long will I be waiting for a property?” This is a difficult question for us to answer because waiting times can depend on a number of factors. But you could get a council home quicker if you have more priority on the waiting list. Renting Homes (Wales) Act; Waiting Time Calculator (2022) This site is Find out where you are on the Common Waiting List for accommodation in Cardiff. 2 bed flat – 2 years 5 months. Flat . Band 2. Household A is band 1. The average waiting time for Those in Band 1 wait around seven months on average, while it takes about five months for those in Band 2 to be allocated a home. For example: Band A - 26 Tables 2 (a)(b)(c) - JANUARY 2022 WAITING LIST FIGURES BY WAITING TIME AND AREA Tables 3 (a)(b)(c) - JANUARY 2022 WAITING LIST FIGURES BY BEDSIZE Those in Band 1 wait around seven months on average, while it takes about five months for those in Band 2 to be allocated a home. 3. To be moved into a higher band you must meet one of the higher band criteria, Lambeth has the seventh highest waiting time for one-bedroom properties at 1,217 days. You fit into this category if you need ongoing support to live independently. These essential cookies enable you to remain logged in and for your This is based on previous average waiting times for the size of the home they need, and the resident’s ‘housing band’ (which we use to assess the level of priority a Factors such as arrears or anti-social behaviour are likely to result in your banding being lowered and a much longer wait to be offered housing. Being in Band 2 impacts your waiting time for council housing. uk Waiting Time Calculator. Before submitting your application for Public Rental Housing (PRH), you may check your eligibility by answering some basic questions. It may take you approximately 10 to 20 The waiting times for a one-bedroom council house vary significantly depending on your housing band. Some applicants are still kept waiting a Application period : 28 May 2021 to 10 June 2021 Online Application opening time: 8:00 a. 11. 7. 3 Waiting Time: Waiting time determines priority for housing within each band. 1 years: Band B: 2772: 5. After you click on search 6 weeks. 9 Bed . So where I live there is a points based system and lots of very specific lists, your Band Number on housing register Average length of time on the Waiting List; Band A (including under occupiers) 1166: 11. 2 Bed 6 Bed . You may struggle to receive a home if you're in a lower priority band. Number of Housing Register applicants Average waiting time statistics displayed for the last 1 Year. The band we place you in depends on your housing circumstances. How long is the average waiting time for band B 3 bed applicants to be housed? For properties let, to date, band A is for those applicants who have the most urgent or critical housing need; band B is for those applicants who have a high priority housing need; band C is for those Band 3. Anyone looking . Maisonette . Being in one of the top three bands gives you a Those in a higher band will wait less time than those in a lower priority band. More details are on Manchester Move. However, the general structure of the housing bands system A. Skip to the page content. When you join the housing register you will be awarded a level of priority based on your circumstances. Click on the Average Waiting Time option and select the boxes that apply to you. 2024 there were 707 applicants in Band C of the Council's Housing Register . Applicants in Bands 3 and 4 will stand little chance of being rehoused through the Housing Register and are advised to look East London has the highest waiting times for properties of all sizes (1 to 4+ bedrooms) while South London has the lowest – but even within these regions there are large Dear Lambeth Borough Council, Please can you inform me about the average waiting time for Band c2 1 bedroom to recieve housing as well as how many people in band c2 Band 3 is low priority. 3. 3 years: Band C1 We usually offer the property to the bidder in the highest band who has been waiting the longest. We have Thanet District Council has 2,358 occupants waiting for social housing, the highest figure across the county. Band 1 is the highest priority. They have held it for 2 years. Households in Band 1, identified as having an urgent need to move, can expect an average wait of about five Under the Harmonious Families Priority Scheme, public housing applicants choosing to live with or close to their elderly parents/dependent relatives will have their waiting time shortened for How long is the council house waiting list? The housing register, or, in other words, waiting list, contains different bands with each having differing wait times, with the top band The Housing Authority said on Friday that the average wait for a public housing flat as of the end of March has been shortened from 5. Bedrooms . Bungalow . As of 31/03/2024, what is the average projected wait time for households on the council’s housing Composite Waiting Time for Subsidised Rental Housing. thhs. Tell the council if your B Band Average Waiting Times Area Property Type Months Ackton Estate 1 Bed Independent Living Bungalow 4 Ackton Estate 3 Bed House 27 Ackworth - Doncaster Road Estate 2 Bed since 1/1/2023 could you please tell me the following How many people are there on each band A,B and C waiting for a 2 bedroom property ? Also what is the average waiting times for each To be able to assess what priority band you should be placed in you will need to provide us with supporting information. If you require more accurate information please contact the Waiting List Team on 029 2053 7111 The current average waiting time for a property can be up to 30 years, depending on the number of bedrooms you need. 1 Bed . How many applicants are currently waiting for 1 and 2 -bedroom properties in each Band on the council's housing register; In the last 12 months, how many people have, How Band 2 Affects Waiting Times. Application Category. 3 years as compared with last quarter; it also reduced by 0. I applied. org. is a health risk - for example, has bad drains or sewerage Your questions. 2 bed house - insufficient data. 2 How many of those in The borough’s density and disparity of housing need is reflected in its waiting times for social housing, where a one-bedroom property has a 2,008 day wait. The below table provides a snapshot of the number of people that are currently in each 204 Band D customers are waiting for a 3 bed property; 75 Band D customers are waiting for a 4 bed property; 21 Band D customers are waiting for a 5 bed property; 1 Band D customer is Apply for council housing/join the waiting list, waiting list bands, waiting time, types of council home, medical priority, length of tenancy, (numbered from 1 to 9) according to your housing B1 priority band? The average waiting time is 49. Your priority on the Band D 1 bedroom short + Band E Children above the ground floor in a high or low rise property = Band C2; Waiting times are based on banding, the length of time you have been awarded that TABLE 1 (a) BAND 1 HOUSING Area B Area D Area E Area H Area J Area K Area L Area M Area N Area P Grand Total Traveller Priority 47 10 13 1 26 9 1 1 108 Housing Medical Priority 47 5 TABLE 1 (a) BAND 1 HOUSING Area B Area D Area E Area H Area J Area K Area L Area M Area N Area P Grand Total Traveller Priority 44 9 11 1 26 7 1 1 100 Housing Medical Priority 45 4 24 Step 1. To provide you with the best online experience we use a range of essential site cookies. Properties in Lambeth with two bedrooms have a waiting time of 2,336 days, the third highest The total number of active households on the Council’s housing waiting list as of 4 March 2025 is 1546. Waiting times 4. 1 *Waiting time basically refers to the time taken Supported Housing Band. 1. 55+ properties - 1 year 1 month. 68 Band A customers are waiting for a 1 bed property; 25 Band A customers are waiting for a 2 bed property; due to our limited housing stock and high number of customers on our In February 2021 we launched our new Housing Allocation Scheme. Please see the table below for the average waiting times based on The Housing Bands System. The specific number of bands and their criteria can vary between local authorities. Please see the Allocations Scheme document for details. Studio . The table below shows how many households It also includes people who have left the Armed Forces and have lost military accommodation as a result, as well as anyone in social housing wanting to downsize. 5. 1 bed – 3 years 10 months. 8 years With the increase in public rental housing (PRH) supply, the average waiting time (AWT) as at end-2023 has reduced by 0. 3 bed - insufficient data. Average waiting time in Eastleigh. Below you will find information on each London Brent Council’s housing allocation policy identifies five bands of priority of reasonable preference, with Band 1 for households with emergency and urgent housing need, including cases of You should get more points or a higher band for council housing if your home: needs urgent repairs or is in a very bad condition. Housing bands. sometimes they put houses up outside of waiting lists. I applied to my housing association directly though. And even those in the highest priority band – A – have Band A - Urgent Housing. www. The If you meet the qualifying conditions to join the Housing Needs Register, you will be placed in a band based on your housing need. In all bands new applicants’ waiting TABLE 1 (a) BAND 1 HOUSING Area B Area D Area E Area H Area J Area K Area L Area M Area N Area P Grand Total Traveller Priority 41 9 11 1 26 7 1 1 1 98 Housing Medical Priority 39 7 31 Emergency+ - 13 weeks; Emergency - 24 weeks; Band 1 - 65 weeks; Band 2 - 70 weeks; Band 3 - 49 weeks; Band 4 - 135 weeks; Last month, fed-up mum-of-five Mia, not her real name, told us how she had The banding system is made up of 4 priority bands, band 1 is the highest and band 4 is the lowest. Band 2 1 How many people in Band C are waiting to be housed? As at 1. Band 1 is for highest priority TABLE 1 (a) BAND 1 HOUSING Area B Area D Area E Area H Area J Area K Area L Area M Area N Area P Grand Total Traveller Priority 47 8 12 1 25 7 1 1 102 Housing Medical Priority 46 7 24 2. 2. Refine results. Applicants A Band Average Waiting Times Area Property Type Months Ackton Estate 3 Bed House 2 Ackworth - Doncaster Road Estate 3 Bed House 9 Aire Street Estate 1 Bed Flat 3 S Elmsall The priority rehousing bands: Bands 1-3 The three highest priority bands are for people who have a need to move as described by the law. How many of those in Band B are waiting for a 3 bed? 166. Step 2. For more information on bands, please see our Allocations Policy. The figure is based on lettings of Band B1 Royal Greenwich Residential and Registered Social Landlord 3 bedroom 742 customers currently awarded a Band E; 497 Band E customers are waiting for a 1 bed property; 233 Band E customers are waiting for a 2 bed property; 12 Band E customer are Housing Register There is currently an extremely high demand for social housing in Manchester with No family homes were let to applicants outside of Band 1 and Band 2. Families and individuals desperate for housing have to wait an average of up to two years until they are allocated a home. As at end-December 2024, the CWT for PRH general applicants is 5. on 28 May 2021 (Applications submitted before or after the application period or not in the Wait times across different boroughs vary according to each council's priority scheme, but whatever a resident's situation, it's a possibility that they spend years waiting. A new applicant will be placed in the band that reflects their housing need. Got a decision a week later then had to wait 5 2. If you're in this band you'll be given the same priority as Band 1. Response. 2 years to 5. 01 months. B. 6. 10 Bed . 4+ bed - insufficient data . Everyone who registers for social The table below shows the average successful bid wait time for Band C housing applicants aged under 60 years old, not already in social housing, for the period April 2023 to This is based on previous average waiting times for the size of the home they need, and the resident’s ‘housing band’ (which we use to assess the level of priority a Average Waiting Times; Average Waiting Times. 7 years. They have no connection to Worcester. General Needs BAND 1 House / Maisonette N/A 9 9 14 Bungalow 6 N/A N/A N/A Flat 6 7 N/A N/A Bedsit 4 N/A N/A N/A Sheltered 2 N/A N/A N/A * N/A indicates there The waiting time for allocation of social housing varies in accordance with the type and availability of property. Advertisements and lettings C Band Average Waiting Times Area Property Type Months Ackton Estate 2 Bed Independent Living Bungalow 16 Aire Street Estate 1 Bed Flat 9 Aire Street Estate 2 Bed Flat 36 Aire Street This site is powered by Granicus. Some applicants are still kept waiting a 411 Band B customers waiting for a 1 bed property; 420 Band B customers waiting for a 2 bed property; 339 Band B customers waiting for a 3 bed property due to our limited housing HOUSING DEMAND 1 AND LETS 4 The way we decide housing priority changed on the 25th November 2020. As at end-December 2024, the average waiting time* for general applicants who were housed to PRH in the past 12 months has decreased by 0. Applicants in Band One receive the highest priority, followed by Band Two and then Band Three. 12. 3 years as compared with that in early-2022. It varies massively depending on location some areas have a surplus of housing available and you could be housed quite quickly. Andium Waiting Time Calculator 2020. While not at the top of the list, you are considered a priority over those in and bedrooms please? For example: Band 1, 2 bedroom property: 6 months average wait. 8 to 5. Urgent Housing Priority - An application where the life of a household member would be in immediate danger if they continued to live in their CROYDON COUNCIL ~ HOUSING REGISTER ~ FOI: STATISTICS & FIGURES ~ 1. m. Examples of the types of supporting information that we may require, If you are accepted onto the housing register, we assign you: a band (1, 2, or 3, with 1 being highest priority and 3 being lowest) a priority date within your band (this is usually based the When we have assessed your housing application form, and determined that you are eligible to be admitted onto the common housing register, you will be placed in one of three bands People who need two-bedroom properties (regardless of their banding) wait the shortest time (110 days), and those in the emergency band also have a shorter wait (110 days). Click on the link and enter the required details Average Waiting Time. Many will never be successful in securing a property through the You can now see an approximate waiting time if you have applied for Council or RSL housing. Property Type . 7 Bed . Topics. 3 years. Closely following in second place is Canterbury City Council, with a total of 1,929 facing up to a 15 month wait on º†%vÉaJ¶!?Ð3«‹D@¾0 ËZ ‡PŠ¡ú µ0¥ ™´D»fŒ˜K’Z‚·’\ö'Fÿò‰©ç/aO c86¶5gy ¤C¥æR#ë|îÉ¡&s™"5 üÃÉøâ|4 {Ò@É upÕJçP¨ %¨ j} œ ¤s›E›¿“·FÞNéPÅE,‘7ÊU öxÐ7‘« nhïß Croydon’s housing allocations policy consists of three bands with Band 1 households given the highest priority for social housing and Band 3 for lower priority applications. There are not enough council and housing association homes in most areas. We allocate housing based on need rather than the length Totally depends on the number of people waiting for a 1 bed place in your council area and how they allocate. 3) What was the average waiting time for a 2-bedroom home for those in the B1 priority band (for the last 1 year)? 4) Does the council has a policy to prioritise individual within What are the waiting times for social housing? Average waiting time in years* Priority band Studio 1 Bed 2 Bed 3 Bed 4 Bed 5+ Beds; Band 1: 2. Use our waiting time calculator to see which areas of Cardiff you will be housed in quickest. No lets. Average number of Months wait: Band 2: 1 Bed: Sheltered housing : 30: Band 2: 1 Bed: Flat: Upper *No households with a Band D or Band F housing priority were rehoused in the quarter so we are unable to provide a 12-month average for these housing bands. The following table lists all the lettings during a fixed period during 2023: Lettings between 01 January Dear Lambeth Borough Council, Please can you inform me about the average waiting time for Band c2 1 bedroom to recieve housing as well as how many people in band c2 We decide which band applications will be placed in depending on the information provided in the application form. Renting Homes (Wales) Act; Waiting Given the high demand for social housing and limited number of available properties, our new Housing Allocations Policy has increased the number of priority bands from three to four. Household B is band 2, they have a connection to Worcester, they have held their banding Applicants with the greatest housing need will be placed in band 1. Band 2: 5. Waiting times for Can you please supply current information in regards to average waiting time/number of bids for rehousing in Cambridge through Homelink. Latest News: There are no news articles available Accommodation.