Best cnc cut boat kits Step up in size to the bigger cats, and with a flybridge the layout options are as big as your imagination. Designs. * Detailed Assembly Drawings. For those lucky enough to have a CNC machine in the workshop – this is the way to scarf and cut your plywood!. 8m, a 5. Remember you don't actually need CNC cutting. Due to the enormous With the right machine and some tweaking you might even cut aluminum. Explore our top-notch CNC Marine aluminium boat kits in Australia and NZ, precision-cut across key locations For Pricing select Study Plans, or CNC Cutting Files under the “Choose an Option” drop-down menu above. Dudley Dix is a designer of steel/aluminum monohull sailboats that uses a CNC laser service to cut out all the parts and pieces. Follow these links for the Portage Pram Sailing Version Complete Kit and the CNC cut boat kits for home boat builders. won the “Best Contemporary Boat” award at the 2019 ACBS Boat CNC KIT – $4,250 plus shipping (Introductory price for OCH members in U. What we do. 99 – $ 1,999. QUALITY CUTTING . At CJM Technologies, we are proud to handle your boat kit project from design to delivery. Optionally we can supply CNC machined NACA Unlock the power of precision with our revolutionary 3D aluminium boat kits. Quick View. Sherwood. We design the boat components in kit form, laser cutting them economically from a sheet. Automotive. For example, a high-end CNC with 600 IPM speed may cut plywood at 300 IPM. All the epoxy materials are supplied (resin, hardener and fillet additive) plus the wood for the trim and A number of boat design companies will sell either the kits or DXF cutting files (including my own). x 43-in. HOME. Description. To keep things this way, we finance it through advertising, ad-free subscriptions, and shopping links. The options may be chosen on the product page 2020 Chaparral 246 SSI $ 300. Optional sail and running rigging also available as a separate kit. Recreational Boat Kits and Plans. Using world-class naval architectural, industrial design skills and boat building knowledge to ensure that our boats are of the best quality for recreational and commercial vessels while Recreational Boat Kits. 8 Metre + Mono Kits. They combine the precision of CNC cutting technology with meticulously designed components, ensuring that your boat comes together seamlessly. Kit Includes: CNC cut plywood, Prints detailing assembly of the jig, Plywood and dimensional lumber selection guide. Contact. All Our Kits Start as 3D Computer Models. Firstly, it’s best not to cut these materials too slowly with slow 4×8 CNCs. This boat is built using the cold molded method and best suited for those with boat building or woodworking experience. Time saved depends on the project and your skills but expect 10% to 20% of total build time. MANA is the Recreational Boat Kits and Plans. Add to wishlist. Genuine Marine Plywood is the best material for Boat Plans include prints detailing assembly of the boat and full size templates to trace and cut all jig parts. License to use our CNC Files to cut one boat (additional boats 50%). 530 PRO 17 Foot 5. Human Powered Boats. in Blue Hill, Maine. Speaking of aluminium, the material of choice for many boat builders, the benefits of CNC cutting are undeniable. The control station flybridge up top has plenty of room with a big lounge. All of the CNC machines listed below are excellent machines. Please browse under the selected category and peruse the list. Our v2 kit Includes all plywood components to build a Pathfinder hull: frames, planks (cut to exact shape, including clinker overlap) stringers, decks, seats, centerboard case The Pre-Cut Aluminium Plate Kitset Boats include the necessary components to weld the complete shell of the boat. More . 00. For Pricing select Study Plans, or CNC Cutting Files under the “Choose an Option” drop-down menu above. (Added: 17-Apr-2003 Hits: 14444) My Links | Rate | Cached | Visit Conrad Yachts. Welcome to CNC Boatworks - DIY plywood boat kits suppliers. You need to find a company using CNC plasma cutting (not flame cutting). About CJM Technologies: CJM Technologies is a multi-generational company that manufactures high-quality aluminum boat kits for boat building companies and boat enthusiasts. With a swept sheer line and a 2. 0m Hard Top. And you can build it from a kit in your garage! or CNC Cutting Files under the “Choose an Option” drop-down menu above. This is another of the Ocean Prowler designs produced by Jon Mini Jet Boat Plans This plan set includes PDF prints with bend dimensions and angles. 002 – 0. 1. Existing or custom kits developed for specific applications and Pre cut flat pack aluminium boat kits with a design difference. S. Design examples and ideas. 4 Meters) Top. SPECMAR INC (previously Specialty Marine Contractors) is an aluminum boat design, and lofting company. Boat kits. CNC Cut boat kits. Off-the-shelf sails and complete epoxy & fiberglass cloth and rigging Description. So make Kit order includes all CNC cut foam panels. for limited time): Kits of all the plywood pieces, pre-cut, can be ordered through Hewes & Co. Included in the Pre-Cut Aluminium Plate Kitset: Detailed Assembly Plans; DNV-certified 5083 Marine Grade Aluminium plate CNC cut with folding and part numbers marked; All extrusions are provided in 5-meter lengths Although perhaps best known for the range of kit boats he cuts at Hewes & Co. Boat Kits Section: We have a large selection of monohull kits, mainly in the trailerable range from 4m to 8m. Print the plans on adhesive backed vinyl, buy a good jigsaw with new blades and spend some quality time cutting. or fishing in your local river, creek or pond, this 12' row boat is destined to become a favorite with family and friends. torch travel area can handle material right from the mill. About. Comes with a clamp of your choice. When everything looks good, the builder simply "tack welds" everything together with epoxy before removing the zip ties and coming Best 2×4 CNC Router Alternatives . Jig Kit includes prints detailing assembly of the boat, plywood jig parts CNC cut, Hand built by you! Timber BoatWorks manufactures extraordinary stitch and glue wooden kayak, canoe and paddle board kits, utilizing high quality Okoume marine plywood, fibreglass and epoxy resins. All3DP; All3DP Pro; Projects Basics Buyer's Guides News. Andre from Australia is building the small boat “Noosa” in his workshop in Melbourne and sent me these pics of his progress so far, kindly allowing me to share them with you. M2 kits including a laser ship in 3-5 business days. The Alaska 275 is good all weather serious boat that can be set up as a commuter, sturdy family cruiser, or serious sport fisher. Catamarans. Introducing CNC Marine’s latest merchandise lineup: Experience our Aluminum boat design services and general considerations for custom boat design and customized kits. No building jig, no frames—just epoxy, cloth and the plywood kit. LOA – 21′ 3″ (6. Hand Made. We have a wide range of aluminium boat kits for sale, including kits for aluminium plate boats, fishing boats, centre consoles, side consoles, offshore plate boats, deep dead rise plate boats, pontoons, flat bottom ribs, car toppers, flat bottom boats, and offshore boats. Welcome to jordan boats – quality plywood boat kits. The Alaska 275 Outboard Version is good all weather serious boat that can be set up as a commuter, sturdy family cruiser, or serious sport fisher. For the extra money, you get an all-metal Z-axis, 40-inch cutting speed per minute, and built-in Here are the best DIY and kit CNC routers on the market. Using DXF files is straightforward. Best Overall CNC, Best for The Maker Made M2 is the new and upgraded version of the original Maslow CNC. More About The Kits. 15’ racing/cruiser sailboat that packs an amazing amount of features into such a small boat. Also included are DXF files for CNC cutting of the parts. Rio Drift Boat. Foil kits preshaped for the centreboard or leeboard and rudder blades; Plywood components only kits; Plywood components precut plus all timber; Sails; To Order a Boat Or Canoe Kit or Discuss Options Phone (USA) : 903-894-6293 Email Description. If you’ve read our guide and now think you may need a different size machine, here are the top alternatives to 2×4 CNC routers. 3 Meter / 14 Foot welded aluminum alloy CNC boat kit is available in two models: The Utility version, and the Sport-Fish version. View Cart Checkout Continue Shopping. 0m Walk Around. Professional Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Cut Kits - Leave the lofting to us! Quality marine plywood - you choose what type of wood you prefer More information on West Coast Boat Works kits - see West Coast Boat Works Wooden Boat Kit Details; Contact West Coast Boat Works - or give them a call at (541)653-7838. 5 degrees Bottom of Hull: 1/4in thick Aluminum Hull: 1/8in thick CNC cut boat kits for home boat builders. Today we are pleased to continue to bring you an ever growing stock catalog of precision CNC Kits Custom Design, and Custom Boat Kit Creation Home builders can build a boat at a fraction of the cost of buying new. Axiom Iconic Series: User-Friendly Wood CNC Marine visited Legend Boat Builders just north of Perth, WA to explore their boat building shed for past, current, and future projects, as well as plans SCA-SCAMP-CNC-PLY Availability: SCAMP kits are cut to order and may take 1-3 weeks to ship. CLICK HERE to fill out an inquiry form and When discussing CNC kits most people naturally assume you mean a CNC router, but in fact, there are CNC plasma tables, CNC milling machines, and even 3D printer kits that fall under the CNC umbrella. Projects; Basics; Buyer's Guides; News; Get It 3D Printed This article is free for you and free from outside influence. 004″ We professionally design the best aluminium boat kits, optimised for performance, usefulness, and build ability — plus all the information you need to know how to make your own boat. Boat Kits Sponge Docks Skiff 19 Complete Kit $ 5,999. 3m Sportfish Aluminum Boat Kit is the first in our “PRO” line of boat kits suitable for the This kit contains only the CNC-cut wooden parts. Projects. BobsCNC Evo 4 – Top 2×2 CNC Router . 5m Power Cat Kit. Compatible with CNC laser/plasma, CNC router and or CNC waterjet cutting. Stage 1 Kit; Stage 2 Kit; Gallery. Why Roosterfish Boats are the Best: 3D Engineered Precise Interlocking Components; PRECISION CUT COMPONENTS; All cross member bulkheads and stringers are CNC cut and precisely interlock. Cutting Shops; Builders; Contact Us; 0. All plywood parts are pre-cut - just take it out of the box and assemble it yourself! Keep it at home, trail it and sail it anywhere. The kit is offered in CNC cut foam panels to reduce weight, increase resale value, and increase First published – 30 June 2017. The layout shown is fitted with outboards and setup as a serious offshore game boat. Adventure Ready. Home; Kits. Based on the popular Pacific Northwest sports fishing boats, the Walkaround 20 has self-bailing decks, built in 60 gal fuel tank , integral engine bracket , center console , and plenty of storage. If you have a design, or use another designer but you would like us to cut and supply the kit, we are able to do this Devlin Designing Boatbuilders, In collaboration with West Satsop CNC, has brought the Devlin design catalog to independent boatbuilders as a precision cut CNC kit. 8. 2m to 13m. There are CKD Boats specialise in developing Kit boats and supply CNC cut designs from as small as the Optimist Dinghy to as big as a 43ft Dix Design yacht and larger. Our v2 kit Includes all plywood components to build a Pathfinder hull: frames, planks (cut to exact shape, including clinker overlap) stringers, decks, seats, centerboard case, rudder. BobsCNC Evolution 4 CNC Router Kit. Current Stock: Our sister company Gig Harbor Boat Works has been putting these under their fiberglass SCAMPs Our best-selling CNC now features laser engraving capabilities, so checkout with the M2 + Laser option below, and enjoy our most popular offering yet. Have a look at our Build Logs section for a comprehensive gallery of build photos of this boat kit. CKD Boats specialise in developing Kit boats and supply CNC cut designs from as small as the Optimist Dinghy to as big as a 43ft Dix Design yacht and larger. CNC Cutting Files in AutoCAD . Modernized and upgraded for 2023, the Maker Made M2 still offers the fantastic 4 x 8 foot cutting range, as well as excellent 1mm accuracy, as well as a laser engraver upgrade kit. Features: Length: 10ft Width at chine: 46in Width: 60in Side height: 24in Deadrise: 13. This 4. 11. V Hulls 25' & Under. The options may be chosen on the product page 2007 Yamaha SX230/SR230/AR230 Plotting and cutting it by hand (even with a jigsaw) is nearly impossible to achieve the necessary precision. Sure it saves time so it's a good method for commercial boat builders who pay high labor rates, but it adds unnecessary expense to a backyard boat builder's project -- and cnc cutting is absolutely NOT necessary for Build your own boat from one of our high quality pre-cut marine plywood kits from DUDLEY DIX YACHT DESIGN CAPE HENRY 21 PAPER JET KIT Plywood components are CNC cut from six sheets of 4mm BS1088 Okoume marine Complete boat or canoe kits with plywood components cut to shape, all timber, fiberglass, epoxy, sails and more. They are basically a big jigsaw puzzle and are easy to assemble. Services. narrow growth rings, thin branches and fine centering. Hull panels are CNC cut to be as accurate as possible. Boat Plans include prints detailing assembly of the boat and full size templates to trace and cut all jig parts. Longer lead times may occur during the holiday season. New CNC Alumnium Boat Kits. The basic kit from Jordan Boats comprises: A set of plans; The planking and frames, CNC cut in Lloyds Type Approved Marine Plywood; The moulds over which the boat is built, CNC cut from WBP Plywood; patterns for shaping the stems. All Kits; Your Wishlist; 21 Foot 6. Small enough to fit on top of a small car but large enough to comfortably Pre cut flatpack aluminium boat kits with a design difference. 5Meters) Beam – 7′ 10″ (2. Superior offshore performance. Assembly. 16 Sheets of A2 plans in PDF format showing assembly of the yacht from the plywood CNC routed boat kit, as well as keel and keel box assembly and rudder box assembly. All of Sam’s construction plans enable you to build from raw materials, but the value of the kit is twofold. 99. A pre-cut plywood kit will speed up your project, saving time measuring, drawing and cutting parts. The Best CNC Routers for Woodworking. Because we want you to have the best possible quality, all of the hull components derive their geometry from our full-size 3D model of the Zip and all parts are processed on our state-of-the-art CNC machinery to Builders & CNC Shops. Carbide 3D Shapeoko 4: Best Wood CNC Carving Machine for DIYers; 2. Activities. Website: top of page. I am thinking of either laser cutting or CNC milling. This gives the absolute best wood for spars. The Power Cat range extends from 5. CNC Cut Boat Kits-Marine Conponnet. Deep vee hulls for superior offshore performance. Shipping varies. Chesapeake Light Craft specializes in the cutting of plywood boat kits and building of "stitch and glue" boats, all of which are small craft- but their "interiors" and general accouterments are very simple. top of page. First, we source the best materials for your project. Boat kits designed by boatbuilders for boatbuilders. The kits consist of either the basic materials to assemble just the hull and deck The Eastwood Versa-Cut 4 x 4 CNC plasma table delivers the features of a professional CNC plasma cutting table at a hobbyist price. We supply precision CNC routed plywood kits in Australia for the Lion 550 Adrenaline from Unik Yachts. Our plywood kits are CNC cut from Response Marine offers a wide range of welded aluminum boat designs and plans, cutting kits, and design services including 3d modelling, plate development and cut files. Pre cut flatpack aluminium boat kits with a design difference. ), and is a lot cheaper. We make good use of folded parts in our kits for a nice finish and to reduce welding, so things like gunwales Glen-L now offers a complete precision CNC cut wood kit with all the wood you need to build the Glen-L Zip! I spent about $2200 on wood for my Zip 10 years ago and it wasn’t CNC cut to fit!!! Great price point, it really makes sense to just buy the kit at this price. Recreational Boat Kits. Crafted with cutting-edge 3D CAD software, our kits are meticulously constructed in the virtual realm before they come to life. HIGH QUALITY CNC ROUTING MACHINE. BobsCNC Evo 4: Best CNC Wood Router for the Money; 3. This is 70% of the CNC speed. CNC Marine Kits-Metal Frame. Whether you’re looking for a fishing boat kit or large commercial boat kit, we will utilize our experience, knowledge, and state-of-the-art equipment to manufacture a high-quality aluminum structure with a scratch-free finish and ship it directly to you in a timely manner. 9 metre beam, this is an inboard version with big fuel capacity, a serious fishing platform. CNC Boat Kits-Milling Part. frames, stringers and all main hull, deck and cabin structure. 4m Hardtop Cuddy Aluminum Boat Kit. Introducing the HT21 – 21 Foot 6. dwg format. More. Under 1000$ and some elbow grease all in. Some users have been able to cut thin sheet For Pricing select Study Plans, or CNC Cutting Files under the “Choose an Option” drop-down menu above. Marine plywood and supplies. 4m Hardtop Cuddy Cabin Aluminum Boat Kit. In 1993 we were one of the first companies to offer CNC Kits publicly and in doing so we helped establish an industry. If you're not planning to pickup kit we'll contact you with a freight quote once we have an estimate. Our background in boat building allows us to provide you with unique solutions for specific kit parts and for the entire assembly process. Boat Kits Sponge Docks Skiff 19 CNC-cut components $ 3,359. Simply cut tabs holding pieces into sheet and sand to fair line ready for assembly. A small angle grinder and a dremel for fine tuning and beveling. TNF is a standard Dacron sailcloth for For Pricing select Study Plans, or CNC Cutting Files under the “Choose an Option” drop-down menu above. Dealer of aluminum pontoon boat kits, and accessories. Everybody can build their own boat with our boat kits. Aluminum Boat Design Services & NC Kits. This welded aluminum 16 foot (5 Meter) welded aluminum boat kit will take a beating and last a lifetime. CNC Marine offers boat building kits and cutting files perfect for schools. CNC Plywood Boat Kits-Metal Anodizing Prototyping. We Offer Years of Experience with 100’s of Kits Expertly Cut and Delivered to Your Home. (Best Value) 2 Boat kits provide a structured, efficient path to realizing your nautical dreams. Andre has a CNC router in his workshop and is using it to Boat kits from Dudley Dix Yacht Designs, with descriptions, Didi 950 being built from a kit by Mike Vermeersch. Custom Pontoon Boat Kits etc. The kits consist of either the basic materials to assemble just the hull and deck or a full package from the building materials right through to the mast, rigging and sails etc The ZipKit goes beyond a simple stitch-and-glue project, bringing together art, science, and craftsmanship for a rewarding experience both on and off the water. Our name reflects our commitment to utilising CNC technology We offer plans, pre-cut metal boat kits(and /or)cutting files, custom marine design services, 3D surface modeling, custom boat design in aluminum and fiberglass. Given we are operating a small buisness, these kits are cut and packed to order, so please check the current availability on any kit page for our current queue length. Your Wishlist; Skip to content. 00 Select options This product has multiple variants. Another feature of note is that most of the cockpit space is sealed off dry storage. Cart. View Cart Checkout Description. Top. Home. The complete Scout 10 Pacakage includes all of the packages that we sell: Scout 10 CNC Kit Scout 10 full sail rig Scout 10 foils, rudder and daggerboard Scout 10 Epoxy and fiberglass kit Scout 10 Hardware and Deck hatches kit Questions Wharram's First Kit Boat Introducing the CNC-cut self-build 'Cat Kit', a trailable family camping boat. Comfortable accommodations for weekends or even weeks of vacation and fishing. 00 – $ 400. 3D modelling, plate development & NC cutting files for parts. Medical Devices. CNC Marine design are at the forefront of marine design within the industry, designing for a broad range of areas including commercial survey, offshore recreational & smooth water estuary use. UPC: MPN: $3,200. Therefore a boat-builder, amateur or professional, may sub-contract If the STEEL OR ALUMINUM PLANS & CUTTING FILES is cut from plates that are too small; A width of say 1200 mm / 4 ft is considered too narrow and for best results the plates should be at least 1. Technical Support during construction. FAQ's Plywood & Epoxy Kits – a custom kit that provides you with everything you want included to build your boat. are drilled including the stitch holes where required. . Established in 2005, CNC Marine is a Brisbane-based company specialising in recreational kit boats. Application. A versatile Sportfisher and Family Cruiser. Our CNC’s can cut sheet goods such as: hardwoods , plywood , MDF , laminate , hard plastics (acrylic, nylon, uPVC, hard PVC) , and soft plastics (polycarbonate, polyethylene, soft PVC) . That’s 50% of the CNC speed. Price: Check price at Amazon here; Cutting Area: 610 x 610 x 85 mm; Precision: 0. $3500. Producing maximum moving speeds and featuring a spindle speed range with a max of 10,000, this CNC router comes with a newly designed box, control board, power supply, and emergency stop. SKU: GL-Rio $949. 8 m / 6ft wide. Boat Kits F1830 Sit-On-Top Kayak Complete Kit $ 1,899. How do you make a boat? At Townsville CNC we use our Laser Cutter to laser cut a boat from sheets of Marine Ply. , Pickering says his bread and butter is supplying CNC-cut parts to commercial boatyards in his corner of New England. Get Our Latest News The St Ayles Skiff is by far our best selling kit, with over 280 purchased in the UK, and more than 125 more between the Supplier of CNC routed plywood sailboat kits for the DIY boatbuilder. How to Build pre cut kit, for you to build in your shed, garage or carport. Build your own boat with one of our boat kits. Monohulls. Ships in 1-2 Business Days. Included in the Pre-Cut Aluminium Plate Kitset: Detailed Assembly Plans; DNV-certified 5083 Marine Grade Aluminium Build your own boat! Shop our range of aluminium boat kits for sale: car toppers, open decks, special ops, flat bottom punts, pontoons & more Chase Small Craft produces precut, DIY wooden boat kits for people worldwide who want to build their own sailboat kit, rowboat or motorboat We provide a manual and plans, precut, CNC plywood boat kits and all the precut timber Boat kits from Dudley Dix Yacht Designs, with descriptions, Didi 950 being built from a kit by Mike Vermeersch. Both share the same proven hull-form as our other small boat line-up, featuring integral floatation and our unique structural [dc]B[/dc]uild this fast cruiser yourself, with the CNC precision-cut Okoume plywood kit. This welded aluminum dinghy will take a beating and last a lifetime. Choose flexible options like pre-cut aluminium kits or DXF files tailored to your needs. X We have top-grade machining capabilities to let you process many metal materials into complex final parts. Pathfinder kit v2. Panels larger than can fit on a single sheet of ply are joined using a jigsaw If you have access to a friendly joiner sympathetic to the idea of building the boat, this will help considerably. Or on top of it if you have been keeping up your gym membership. For example, companies making signalling panels are frequently equipped. The cutting bed needs to CNC (C omputer N umeric C ontrol) machines are becoming more and more common. You could own the machine for less. This offers exceptional strength, resistance to saltwater, fungus, and insects. User Login. Our expertise in developable and CNC-cut hulls allows us to economically provide you with a semi custom design without sacrificing quality. CB-17 Option: Boat Plans w/ Patterns, Boat Jig Kit. We have a large product line including aluminum drift boats, aluminum landing craft, aluminum monohull boats, aluminum catamarans, aluminum special purpose boats, and aluminum RIBs (rigid inflatable boat). News. The large 49-in. Boat Kits MASH 24ft family cruiser CNC plywood kit $ 7,999. 00 - $3,499 our new RIO Driftboat comes as a CNC-cut plywood kit. He has seen that work increase massively in recent years, from simply providing hull molds and bulkheads to, in some cases, supplying whole interiors. We do not use any marine plywood due to its Explore top-notch aluminium boat kits, cutting files, and paper templates delivered to Australia, New Zealand, USA & Canada. Plate Alloy Australia - manufacturers of plate alloy boats, cnc plasma cut kits, kit aluminium boats. About Us. The mainsail is made with white TNF Dacron sailcloth. Premium Builder of Inspected Passenger Tour Boats. When a Townsville boat builder asked us to laser cut a boat for him we didn’t 10 000$ for CNC cutting the boat? Crazy. Marine Design. Existing or custom kits developed for specific applications and The Pre-Cut Aluminium Plate Kitset Boats include the necessary components to weld the complete shell of the boat. 7-metre skiff boat, designed specifically for the river rat, but with the capability to head out into the bay The World’s Best Boat Kits. Epoxy and cloth, oarlocks and other parts sold spearately. Including a top-of-the-line 7. The FoxAlien CNC router is a device that has a 300-watt spindle and stepper motor, which makes it all the more powerful and efficient. Any hatch holes etc. The specs of this boat are [mark]HERE[/mark] [hr] This kit includes more than 110 pieces cut and identified to be precision assembled (13x6mm Okoume, 2x4mm Okoume, 2x 3/4" BC construction) 3/4" BC plywood temporary bulkheads and cradles Set of plans and basic instruction Boat Kit – Dry Fit $ 20. Using advanced naval architecture Response Marine offers a wide range of welded aluminum boat designs and plans, cutting kits, and design services including 3d modelling, plate development and cut files. Our plywood kits are CNC cut from All Chesapeake Light Craft and Grain kits are CNC cut and packed in house at our Tasmanian workshop from local and imported materials and components. However, with a CNC that provides 100 IPM of speed, it may be best to cut at 70 IPM. Certificate Of Authenticity, and Serial Numbers for registration and insurance. My first choice would be laser cutting, because it is less limited in what it can do (very small holes, inner 90° corners, etc. mbkwimbybkncvjvypdrixnfdqoaczxksdubkyvimoeugubdbannprgogwfkobwbzjoetdlzorsclmxxnak