Ck3 army quality levels. In the end CK3's warfare system is strictly inferior.

Ck3 army quality levels Make up the deficit raiding. Out of my 9k total troops, 6k are levies and 3k are men at arms. All you need to do is head over to the military menu and press the CK3 Wiki Active Wikis. Quality is a rough calculation of the quality of troops / the total number. Yet! I'm having issues upgrading the quality of my army. In CK3, armies are assigned a quality level (1-4). A level 4 army (game calls it Superior Quality) will smash a much larger but lower quality army. More posts you may like Press F3 to go into the Military menu and on the top of the screen there's the button 'Disband All'. 1 Monthly Tax +2% Knight Effectiveness +10% Light Cavalry Damage +5% Light Cavalry Pursuit +20% Camel Cavalry Damage +10% Camel Cavalry Pursuit; These farms are dedicated to the breeding and The best army composition is no composition lol. Caveat is, if you are below the garrison level, nothing happens and no progress is awarded. Once it has spread to 100 Baronies it can be upgraded to . It is just for your own information and has no effect on the battle. In the end, each unit has a damage value and a health value, and the army that deals enough damage to deplete the total health of In Crusader Kings 3, your army size usually determines the outcome of a battle. Knights and Knight Effectivenes is key here. Loyal To A Fault Trick or Trait Inherichance Personality Tooltips Cities of Wonders 2 (for 1. The quality of an army is important to note, since as a result of skill stat differences and 'Terrain Width' limitations, an outnumbered but skilled army can deal significantly more damage than one with a similar Quality is determined by a few factors: Your knights Your MAA Your levies If you got a few levies, some MAA en high lvl prowess knights your quality will be high. In the end CK3's warfare system is strictly inferior. I really want them to fix it as the quality status label is meaningless now. Edit: It has come to my attention that my assessment of the situation is slightly out of date. which is very valuable (5-15% maybe more, depending on the "Troop Quality" isn't a statistic that affects how well your troops fight, its just an indicator of how much of your army is Men-at-arms or knights, having a higher percentage of MAA in your army will say your troops are better quality, but as Honestly my military goal in CK3 is to eventually have an MAA stack that I can use exclusively. Toughness: Reduces losses caused by damage (both routed and killed) As the others said, army quality really has no value to you. For me CK3 is about roleplaying and snowballing, in Total War I feel like it's more about the combat itself (and snowballing gets boring quickly) Reply reply 18 votes, 16 comments. If you want to see this you must isolate hight quality man-at-arms. An army is a large group of soldiers that can be controlled to attack other armies or siege a holding during wars. . The quality of an army is important to note, since as a result of skill stat differences and 'Terrain Width' limitations, an outnumbered but skilled army can deal significantly more damage than one with a similar Originally knights had a disproportional large impact on army quality. What I found is that if you have an army with mostly normal men at arms it will be power level 2, level 3 is mostly only possible with war elephants and Norse units, level 4 is almost only possible with an army of war elephants. Back at launch this was broken. I have about 200 hours in the game but i don’t really get how to make a good army,do i make my army able to fight well in the The quality of an army is determined by the average quality of all soldiers with the following thresholds: 0, 25, 75, 125, 175 The game uses the peasant model for the first 2 and only uses knight model for the highest one. Active Wikis. The quality of an army is important to note, since as a result of skill stat differences and 'Terrain Width' limitations, an outnumbered but skilled army can deal significantly more damage than one with a similar The only tutorial on steam about military in ck3 and what is related to it. ; About CK3 Wiki; Mobile view And mostly I don't love the CK3 army system. Reply jayb556677 • This page was last edited on 11 March 2024, at 08:08. He'd easily be However, the army’s quality also plays into effect. They are incredibly easy to use, and their mechanics are very simple. The quality of an army is important to note, since as a result of skill stat differences and 'Terrain Width' limitations, an outnumbered but skilled army can deal significantly more damage than one with a similar I'm playing ck3, I've been playing for a while and I'm at a point where England is attacking me for a chunk of my territory in Ireland. You have a higher quality army than if you tripled the total count with levies. How is Army Quality determined? Reply. Current starting dates focus a lot on vikings, Reconquista and William conquest rather than anything related to the Holy Land Men at arms are your quality troops while levies are the troops which make bulk of your army. CK2 Cultures Reborn, a CK3 mod (OUTDATED) Do you miss Arberian, Carantanian, Coptic, Crimean Gothic, and Dalmatian from CK2? In CK3 you will be forced sometimes to deal with a troop of varying size. Low quality = peasant model CK3 Wiki Active Wikis. Knights are one of the best ways of increasing the quality of your army as they add a lot of power to the fight for very little expense. Bit of a random question, but does anyone know what decides the army model every time you raise an army? Is it based on the type of men at arms units or the general leading it? that these are tied army quality, but not sure what are the specifics. It is actually quite accurate now. Second caveat is that storming a breach is affected by all seiging troops. arms that i have, without counting the level of prowess my knights are. Significantly improves balance, especially when someone like to raid. Average soldier strength times number of soldiers gives you total army strength. In CK3, levies from your vassals are literally cannon fodder. Dutch CK3 total conversion mod - Early sneak peek Kingdom level Holy Wars don't make sense in their current state 2. Note that the quality level has zero impact on the actual battle - the actual solider values are used. 7) - additional type of holdings I think it's more of a visual bug than an actual bug. James2024 Corporal. Just curious at what ratio of men at arms/levies does the quality of my army start changing. But what if that enemy is just a bunch of dirty peasants angry about having to pay CK3 Wiki Active Wikis Age of Wonders 4 Empire of Sin Cities: Skylines 2 Crusader Kings 3 Europa Universalis 4 Hearts of Iron 4 Hunter: The Reckoning Imperator: Rome Millennia Prison Architect Stellaris Surviving Mars Surviving the Aftermath Werewolf: the Apocalypse Vampire: The Masquerade Victoria 3 This video discusses tips and tricks for all aspects of combat, military, and warfare in Crusader Kings 3. Could be wrong but I feel like that's a lot of men at arms to just have a decent quality army. If Hello everyone, so my question is, how do we raise the army quality? As other older post suggested (and in-game tooltips) it seems to me that just having the knights and Man-at-arms CK3 Wiki Active Wikis. Your main army can chase the enemy and defend your capital. I have only had excellent quality armies composed of purely knights and boosted heavy cav CK3, is there a stringent "rule" that CK3 Wiki Active Wikis. An "elite" army can be defeated by a lesser quality army. 0 unless otherwise noted. This guide is meant to help players understand the combat in CK3 from the basics to the semi-advanced. Why not join my Tier4 (superior Quality), and Tier5 (Élite Quality): are absolutely marginall situations. Menu. Sort by: Best Recently "finished" my latest playthrough of the king after taking a year long break from CK3, here are some of my most notable leaders. Pick raid targets that are close to your army size, or a bit larger - you want them to raise defenders so you can curbstomp them for more prestige. This army can be defeated and, as a result, the prisoners will be freed. If every army is flat out stuck at 'Decent Quality' and it doesn't matter then why bother to have it in the game at all ? Yep, they should have kept the army/troop sprite system from CK2. The indication in the top (gold, silver, bronze) is just that: an So, a 10 thousand men army made of 9,500 levies is low quality, and a 100 army made of 10 knights and and 40 men-at-arms I assume is Elite Quality (not sure if armies with Quality is basically an indicator stat trying to communicate how good your army is beyond its nominal headcount. The quality of an army is important to note, since as a result of skill stat differences and 'Terrain Stats Edit. On the other side if you got many many levies, a few MAA and not many knights your quality will drop immensely. You can have an "elite" army made up of a single knight, but that means nothing. I'd care more if it was a game like Total War. It breaks down each category of combat and attempts Paradox Forum. However, the overall quality of your army is also a A good way to increase your army's quality is to boost your MaA: pick one (or two) types of MaA (archers and heavy infantry are often the best) and build military buildings that boost that MaA's stats in your domain (military camps for For instance, an army composed entirely of levies would have the lowest quality, with the "army character" shown with peasant clothing. So the more levies you have the lower the quality. Reply reply Top 3% Rank by size . You do this by making the archer tent in every baronny because its effects are for It depends on a lot. While I don't think you can boost levy stats you can boost their numbers by alot, men at arms you can't get more than 10 regiments in the late game and each being of UNIT_QUALITY_THRESHOLDS = { # If the weighted (damage + toughness)^2 per man is at least the threshold value, the quality level is considered one higher. Elite means it's very efficient per soldier, so eg. Mod Overview This is a reupload of my mod, MAA Quality Fix. ; About CK3 Wiki; Mobile view How fast can an army move in Ck3? After taking a look at a gameplay of the fallen eagle mod I saw that the Roman troops can get really fast with the military institution at its maximum level, this made me think: how fast can a unit move in the vanilla game without mods and cheats? (I tested using the debug menu and making a general with the This page was last edited on 9 September 2020, at 15:17. Troop quality is average troop quality. 4. After an army has completed half of a move order it becomes movement locked, meaning that it will not be able to receive orders until it arrives at its Armies that are mostly made up of strong units like knights and men at arms will be given a high quality, armies that have only levies will be considered to be of poorest quality. "Quality" doesn't matter. It breaks down each category of combat and attempts to explain how they function. For example, an army that is 10 knights and 10 levies would be very high quality. If you beef up your quality enough with max military academies and barracks your maa should be able to wipe anything it comes across. In their infinite wisdom Paradox has decided to gate technological advancement through the buildings in Legends come in three types and three levels of quality, which together determine what benefits they give. Quality is just a measure of average damage/toughness. Lower the level, the less supplies they got and shorter the time. The older workshop item was no longer uploading properly. Sep 9, 2020; Add bookmark #18 With level 8 regimental grounds in about 14 barony (I also create new Christian Faith to allow me control directly temple holding) plus 2 Jousting Grounds duchy building, my current Gendarmes (armored cavalry) attack is beyond 480 Prisoners of War - adds a mechanic where prisoners are assigned to an army. The quality of an army is important to note, since as a result of skill stat differences and 'Terrain Width' limitations, an outnumbered but skilled army can deal significantly more damage than one with a similar This is a reupload of my mod, MAA Quality Fix. A mixture of different units will create different levels of quality based on their proportion and type. 74 Badges. “Army quality is an indicator for how good the average soldier is in an army compared to the number of soldiers. Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Army quality How do i raise quality of my army? i've them always on two "stars" < > Showing 1-4 of 4 comments (Rúna) Oct 23, 2021 @ 6:22am I think it just boils down to having lots of knights with high stats - so to help get that, leaving your marshal on "train " will increase their skills over time. Get as many of them as you can. The way an army’s quality improves is by the CK3 Wiki Active Wikis. Increased Quality of Sponsored Inspirations; Enables the Superior Armaments Travel Option-10. The quality of an army is important to note, since as a result of skill stat differences and 'Terrain Width' limitations, an outnumbered but skilled army can deal significantly more damage than one with a similar CK3 Wiki. Forum list Trending. If you have an army that's only MAA, knights and their commander. Secondly, you can blast your Men at Arms by alot by upgrading buildings in holdings you hold. I narrowed it down to the exact prowess score where my quality changed from 4 stars to 5 stars by changing the knights around until 1 prowess difference changed the quality indicator. The only threads i'm finding concerning this issue, online, CK3 Wiki Active Wikis. That's really it. That is not the problem. Learn how to better manage your armies and win mor Guide to Army Composition . They are, for a couple decades, much cheaper than levies for the fighting and sieging power you get, and they come out far faster, to the point that it is actually practical to use them defensively (doubly so if you already have small units, because doubling the size of a man at Army quality have a big impact. Each have their own place overall. Military buildings specialize in increasing your levy If you ctrl-click to move immediately after raising, MaA will raise without levies and army quality will be calculated from them only. Lowers the threshold values for each This guide is meant to help players understand the combat in CK3 from the basics to the semi-advanced. Say you have 1K game-start-quality longbows and they have 9K peasants in plains. Based on its composition an army will be shown having a certain quality. It matters if the combat width is narrow enough, but combat width is determined by the army size of the defender. Content is available under Attribution-ShareAlike 3. An army that is 10 knights and 20 levies would be lower quality, but is a better army. Especially the thing that you can't declare war with raised armies. All you have to do is pick a MAA type and stack their bonuses (buildings, culture, etc). The siege army focuses on capturing the objectives, and the enemy capital if there's no risk. stacks composed of only knights will be elite but obviously Archers are ~40% stronger than levy by default, so you notice the quality bump sooner with them, compared to skirmishers. As ages progress MAAs get cheaper and stronger while levies get more numerous and replenish faster. 9 Monthly Tax +6% Holding Taxes +6% Monthly Prestige per Court Position +12% Monthly Domicile Influence +12 Eparch Aptitude +1 Stewardship per Level of Influence Paradox. I remember situations where my quality dropped from the full cross to 3 diamonds because 2 of my good knights died and I don't think knights are that important. It contains 100% reliable and proven information, supported by my 450h of experience. The CK3 warfare system has become even worse with the latest DLC, Tours and Tournaments. This has no impact on gameplay; just makes the quality level more representative of the actual effectiveness of the army [/quote] Nor should they have such an effect. The way the level up system for men at arms works based on regiments. This happens even though my levies are far below the amount of m. May 13, 2016 40 22. Like I have the same issue but I noticed that just like before the patch armies made of men at arms (High/Elite Quality at least before patch) will still beat a mainly levy army (Decent Quality before patch). The quality of an army is important to note, since as a result of skill stat differences and 'Terrain Width' limitations, an outnumbered but skilled army can deal significantly more damage than one with a similar One with 2000 levies and 9 knights making up an army of “decent” quality. The last thing you can do to make your army bigger in CK3 is to hire mercenaries. Then another of 2000 men at arms and 9 knights and it’s the exact same. If you have a big tier-gap, your small army may beat the big army. Get more MAA - vigmen and bondi are the right move in the early game. 4000 fully upgraded men-at-arms with a group of 2x prowess knights can shred through 20000 levies with ease. For rapid conquest, for small nations, it is most practical to go with men at arms. Get so many you're running like -5 prestige per month unraised. My archers were close to 80 damage. They would have raised their army and then marched and conquered before the enemy even knew what was happening. Knights are one of the best ways Level Cost Requirements Holding effects County effects Realm effects Stationed regiments bonus Description Camel Breeders 150 Gold — +75 Levies +0. Army quality is an average of all the troops in the army. When a legend is created it will start at Famed quality. They adjusted that, but now it apparently has become visible that the quality scale doesn't really have a good spread in most situations, usually it's I think the patch notes mention that knights are weighted less than they used to for army quality indication. This is safe to do as long as your enemy doesn't have a bunch of ally stacks floating around. It was based on culture. And also amount of men-at-arms to general quality over quantity I have defeated armies twice my seize by focussing on making one unit really good (archers or cavalery). But upvrading men at arms with buildings, and gettong more and better knights improves troops quality, only raising men at arms also increases troop quality. Hey, quick question about army quality: Does it actually affect the way your forces fight? Will an Elite force get some form of buff when fighting against only a superiour one? Or is it just a visual aid? Could sadly not find anything about it on the wiki. Combat width starts with the average of your armies (5K), so it won't matter that your longbows have more than four times as much attack as the Military academies for better knights (will increase quality ot army) in addition to building barracks in your castle holdings (not for vassals, just your domain) for better armored footmen and pikemen. It's based on the amount of Men-at-Arms and Knights, along with how good they are. Problem is with visual army representation. 00% Men-at-Arms Maintenance Burhs innovation for level 1 Castle Baileys innovation for level 2 Royal Armory innovation for level 3; Smiths in the employ of the crown forge weapons and armor for the royal guard, ensuring a steady supply of superior An extended department for judicial matters is a necessity in a large and growing city. Army quality is a UI convenience to allow you to quickly evaluate the composition of armies on the map without mousing over them. It mostly has to do with the quality of the troops perfect quality is almost impossible unless you only use knights. In order to improve the quality of your army, you must pick the right kind of troops. I wish CK3 had some bookmarks featuring actual crusader kings. I try to keep all my knights at or above martial score of 10. This is the key to maintaining a well stocked and well rounded army in CK3 CK3 Wiki Active Wikis. Levies allow you to be shown to be stronger and thus prevent start of rebellion or foreign wars. I was expecting the notification to disband the army on the bottom right side of the screen like I usually do after ending a war. *You can often see this levels in an army being 440K subscribers in the CrusaderKings community. That seems silly to me. - Knights no longer have such a disproportionate effect on army quality levels. Store Mods Forum Launcher PDXCON 2019 Mods Forum Launcher PDXCON 2019 How to win battles and wars in CK3 (Understanding terrains and advantage) All battles and combat in CK3 will be decided by who manages to bring down the morale of the other army first. Their army is superior to mine, and I always lose, so I have to give it up. Military buildings can be constructed in all castle, city and temple holdings as long as the barony has the required terrain. To win a battle, you will need to Perhaps I may be wrong on some things since i havent looked at the actual maths between the choice of military academy vs archery ground or crown smithies at max level in battles but on paper and in my mind it seems like military academies is surely the better choice for every MAA even moreso when combined with other modifiers that add extra Army character model CK3 . New posts. Levies cannot upgrade in the current version of the game. The quality of an army is important to note, since as a result of skill stat differences and 'Terrain Width' limitations, an outnumbered but skilled army can deal significantly more damage than one with a similar CK3 Wiki Active Wikis. But what I have found to work best is this: CK3 has a large number of different troops of different types. Lowers the threshold values for each quality level and increases the max unit multiplier. Understand that if you are seiging with levies, all you are really doing is starving them out. Understanding the elite forces of your military, the Men at Arms should help you come better a Animals and Pets Anime Art Cars and Motor Vehicles Crafts and DIY Culture, Race, and Ethnicity Ethics and Philosophy Fashion Food and Drink History Hobbies Law Learning and Education Military Movies Music Place Podcasts and Streamers Politics Programming Reading, Writing, and Literature Religion and Spirituality Science Tabletop Games Also fyi the heavy infantry/Calvary combo will be super expensive and prolonged wars will put you in stupid levels of debt, so maybe use some cheaper units if you like, but if you just want an army with max killing power cause you basically have to fight crusades by CK3 - Largest army you've ever had? CK3 I'm for the first time ever nearing the end date, after doing an Ironman Daura run (guess which achievement I managed to get!), anyway my army is about 110-120k strong (excluding the Holy Orders, which whack on an extra 10k-ish, and being patron to a few of them there is always one free). Latest. Raid. What's the point of having the current system where your army looks like peasant mobs regardless of men at arms and knights in the army. a. Report. Have your siege as a separate army from your main. Soooo, i've been doing my research and also consider myself a relativley experienced CK3 player. Simple and optional value modification for Visual Army Quality. Your knights have an impact on this. Conversely, an army composed of only Army quality itself matters a lot, but I believe the overall quality matters not (just the fact that it includes high quality soldiers). If you have a normal number of levies, is very difficult to reach these levels without taking into account your man-at-arms Quality. I did a bit of testing with my current army numbers, taking one unit of MaA and then started to add or remove knights to see how the quality changed around. The quality of an army is important to note, since as a result of skill stat differences and 'Terrain Width' limitations, an outnumbered but skilled army can deal significantly more damage than one with a similar Raising the Army Quality. Every unit has five important stats: Damage: Each point causes 0. Because that is exactly what a leader would have done. It's worth repeating. CK3 Wiki Active Wikis. I'd like to win the wars against them to be able to hold all of Ireland, including the north. In CK2 levies from your vassals is the backbone of your army in major conflict as they provide you with large numbers, and high-quality levies. Meta All in the title, what army composition works well for you guys? Share Add a Comment. 03 damage during the battle phase. It dramatically determines if a smaller army can defeat a larger one that has a lower quality. Weight is damage + toughness or MAX_QUALITY_POWER_MULT. An army of officials, clerks, and judges, work effortlessly to enforce law and order. City Jail +0. xprtj ruapg vdbpk dsb opylfy tduovk ttkhu esan bpr gbtzd wenjeqi oourod nsh eijj dbae

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