Makara rasi god Aaj ka Makar rashifal (Capricorn Horoscope) in Hindi. People born under this sign are known for their ambitious nature, determination, and practicality. Key Nakshatras include Uttara Ashadha, Shravana, and Dhanishta. Here are the respective Hindu gods and their rashi. With the help of the positive influences of Makara Rasi, also known as the Capricorn zodiac sign, is the tenth sign of the zodiac and is represented by the symbol of a goat. This article explores the various attributes and associations of Capricorn, known by names such This page provides Makara Varshik Rashifal or Capricorn Yearly Horoscope for 2025 based on Vedic Astrology. Key Characteristics of this Rasi. Committed to responsibilities and duties are very helpful in many cases to complete the allocated job. We compose telugu bhakti songs, telugu devotional songs, Aartis, bhajans, devi February 2025 Month Prediction for Capricorn Moon sign, Makara rasi, Makar rashi Ketu will be in Virgo, Rahu will be in Pisces till May 2025; Sun will be in Capricorn from 1st Feb 2025 to 12th February 2025 and then moves to Aquarius on 13th Feb 2025 ; Mars will be in Cancer till 21st Jan 2025 in retrogression and will be in Gemini till March 2025. The other significant phenomenon of astrological guidance for natives coming under Makara Rasi in English is the birthstone of Capricorn. The ideal house facing Makara Rashi is a south-facing house as they are considered auspicious directions according to vastu shastra. Venus on your 9th house will create golden moments in your relationships. CAPRICORN (MAKARA RASI) - 2025 PREDICTIONS Income : Expenditure :: 8 : 14 (ratio) Gains are possible in all professions and you need not surrender to any one except to god. Thus the Shani assumes both the title of "Lord of Good Blessings" and also the title of "Lord of Collateral Damages" @ the Shani is capable of delivering something good through the bad; (or) something bad through the good. They are believed to provide Capricorn prosperity, stability, and positive energy. Mostly they are of independent disposition. It spans the 270°‚¬300th degree of the zodiac. Likewise rahu and ketu continue their stay September 2024 Monthly Horoscope for Makara Rasi (Capricorn Moon Sign). Today's Tamil Horoscope for Capricorn is based on Tamil Astrology. People born under Uttarashadha Nakshatra (2, 3 and 4 Padas), Sravana Nakshatra (4 padas), Dhanista Nakshatra (1st and 2nd padas) comes under Makara rashi. You will experience a favorable phase until April 2025, excelling in your studies and gaining admission to your dream college or university. All through 2024 Saturn or Shani is placed in your sign and this disciplines you to work hard Ugadi Rasi Phalalu 2025: మకర రాశి జాతకులకు విశ్వావసు నామ సంవత్సరం రాశి ఫలాలు ఎలా వున్నాయి? Astrology Rasi Phalalu 2025 Horoscope Ugadi 2025 Ugadi Panchangam 2025 Ugadi Rasi Phalalu Makara Rashi. People born under the Capricorn are known for their practicality, discipline, and determination. Saturn Transit 2025-2027 Makara Rashi Saturn Transit 2025-2027 Capricorn. ; Here the Shani is placed in the Makara Rasi (Capricorn sign), which happens to be the 9th house for the Rishaba Lagna (Taurus Rising) natives. In this article, we will explore all you need to know about. Check out Today Rasi Phalalu now. 10th house = action, endeavours, undertakings, achievement, success, power, leadership, authority, king. 10. In Vedic Astrology, Rashifal based on Moonsign is more Which facing house is good for all rasi? House facing based on rashi and house facing based on nakshatra and house facing based on name. It is also known as Karma Bhava, representing all types of professions or works a human does. Family, Career, Health, Education, Business and Remedies for Makara Rashi in Telugu. The Nakshatras of Uttara Ashadha, Shravana, and Makara as the Vahana (vehicle) of the goddess Ganga. This earth sign, ruled by Saturn, imbues its natives with a strong sense of Complete details about Makara Rashi . These transits would influence the various facets of life for the Makara Rasi people. This 12 months, Makara Sankranti shall be celebrated on January 14, Tuesday. You will be energetic right through the day. Weekly Predictions for Capricorn between 16 March 2024 - 22 March 2024 Career : Gains in power and strength, or increasing influence, advancements in one's profession, and tremendous affluence are all possible. Guru is retrograde entire month in vrishabha rasi. राशिचक्र की दशमी राशि मकर और स्वामी शनि है, आइये जानते है मकर राशि के बारे में विस्तार से। Understanding the Makara Rasi: Traits and Characteristics In Vedic astrology, the Makara Rasi, also known as the Capricorn sign, is the tenth sign of the zodiac. He signifies general health, I hope you will support my determination to provide you with God-given knowledge of science as freely as possible. This guide will tell you about the planets and stars according to your zodiac sign (10) Capricorn (Makara): Saturn (Shani) is the ruling planet of Capricorn. Gemini. The ten Vishwadevas are . Capricorn (Makara Rashi) is 10th sign of astrology sign. The start of this New Year will bring great fortune for students. Makara is the naisargika Karma Bhava or the natural 10th house of the zodiac. For example, nicha-Guru may be experience faith in Know more about makara rasi, health of makara rasi pepole, makara rasi temperament and personality, makara rasi physical appearance and more. As per Makar Rashi 2024 predictions, people born in the first quarter of Makara Rasi will do soul searching and adopt an attitude to face both happiness and sadness in an equal manner. Worship Thiruvonam natchathiram Makara rasi palangal in Tamil is given here completely. If according to your birth star, you are born in either Mesha or Vrischika,Makara and Kumbha Raashis East symbolizes life as God Sun rises from this direction. People born under this sign are known for their ambition, discipline, and practicality. Rashifal Kundli Rashifal 2025 Horoscope 2025 Today Horoscope Calendar 2025 Chat with Astrologer ₹ 0 Sign In / Sign Up. Sadesati for Makara Rashi - 24 January 2020, 24 January 2020 to 17 January 2023. Capricorn, the tenth sign of the zodiac, is a symbol of ambition, resilience, and duality within Vedic astrology. திருவோணம் நட்சத்திரத்தில் பிறந்தவர்களின் குணநலன்கள் Compatible Matching Stars feature of Astrograha calculates all stars / nakshatras that matches the rasi of a boy or girl for marriage with percentage compatibility based on South Indian 10 porutham. Therefore Vishwadevas are the universal gods or the gods who rule universal traits. In this article, we will explore the traits, characteristics, and personality of individuals born under the Makara Rasi sign. Professionally, you’ll Impact of Chandrashtama Days 2025 for Makara Rasi Makara Rasi individuals may experience the following effects during Chandrashtama Days: Emotional Instability: Heightened emotions, mood swings, or irritability may arise. In Hindu iconography, the Makara is usually depicted with its front half as a terrestrial animal: a deer, elephant, or stag The lord planet or Swami Graha of Dhanus Rashi is Jupiter or Guru. Makara appears as the vahana (vehicle) of the river goddess Ganga, Narmada, and of the god of the ocean, Varuna. Good months are April, July, October and December 2024. (11) Makara Rasi, also known as Capricorn in Western astrology, is the tenth sign of the zodiac. December 2024 Month Prediction for Capricorn Moon sign, Makara rasi, Makar rashi. During this time, Ketu or the Moon’s South node transits from your 9th house of Kanya Rasi to the 8th house of Simha Rasi. This page provides Makara Rashifal or Rashiphal for March 22 2025 based on Vedic Astrology. People born under this sign are known for their ambitious nature, determination, and practical approach to life. Daily Magaram Rasi Palan, also written as மகரம் ராசிபலன் in Tamil, is here. You will experience the life as very During this transit Rahu transits from the 3rd house of Meena Rasi to the 2nd house of Kumbha Rasi for Makara Rasi people. Could use it either for good or bad. During the interaction of such forces there may be hardship and suffering. मकर राशि (makara rasi) – Meaning in English. Makara (Sanskrit: मकर, romanized: Makara) is a legendary sea-creature in Hindu mythology. Capricorn Moon sign natives are Goal oriented, 2025 New Year Education Horoscope Predictions for Capricorn (Makara Rasi) Capricorn. Aadayam (Income), Vyayam (Expenses), Rajapujyam (Honour) and Avamanam (Dishonour). Ruling Gods to be worshipped are Sri Dakshina Murthy, Hayagreeva, Vishnu, Lord of Capricorn (Makar) and Aquarius (Kumbh) zodiac signs is Saturn or Shani. Welcome . You might have suffered a lot in the past over 3 years due to Sade Sati Shani and unfavorable transit of Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu. Besides you were under sade sani for the last 7 years. You might have seen the worst phase in your life for the last few years. Mercury on your 8th house will improve your communication skills. Hindu gods are sometimes depicted wearing Makara-shaped earrings called Makarakundalas. Makara Rasi, also known as Capricorn, is the tenth sign of the zodiac in Vedic astrology. The celebrations embody paying obeisance to the Solar God for the great harvest and paying respect to Mom Earth, the crops, This page provides Makara Saptahik Rashifal or Capricorn Weekly Horoscope for 16 March - 22 March 2025 based on Vedic Astrology. It represents discipline, hard work, responsibility, ambition, and perseverance. Family and Love 2023 for Makara Rasi. Family and Love 2025 Makara Rashi. Career Prospects for Makara Rasi People: A Comprehensive Guide Makara Rasi, also known as Capricorn in Western astrology, is the tenth sign of the zodiac. Numerology Calculator Moon Sign Sun Sign Rasi Calculator Ascendant Calculator Ayanamsa Calculator Nakshatra Calculator Love Calculator Friendship Calculator; Festivals . In Vedic Astrology, Rashifal based on Moonsign 2025 New Year Transit Predictions for Makara Rasi (Capricorn Moon Sign). You did not have Jupiter fortune aspect for the last 7 years. You might have suffered a lot over the past years. Go to AstroSage Cloud. There are no words to explain the pain you have gone through in the last two years. Nakshatra: Best: 2nd Best: Which god should I worship according to horoscope or date of birth. It corresponds to the constellation Capricornus and is symbolized by a sea goat, a mythical creature with the #makararasi #rashiphalalu #99tvdevotional Makara Rasi | Weekly Rashi Phalalu 2025 | 23-03-2025 To 29-03-2025 | 99TV Devotionalసొంతింటి కల . 17 January 2023 to 29 March 2025 Sadesati for Makara Rashi, Capricorn This is a year that would bring about new meanings and new paths for Makara Rasi people or Capricorn Moon sign natives. It is a Capricorn (Makar Rashi), ruled by Saturn, embodies discipline, ambition, and loyalty. 2024 2025 Jupiter Transit Predictions for Makara Rasi (Capricorn Moon Sign). Makar Rasi (Capricorn Sign) For Makara Rashi people, Saturn is the lord of the first and second houses. Know Your Makara Rasi in English. Starting from March 29, 2025, Saturn will transit into the third house for Makara Rashi, focusing on areas such as communication, self-expression, courage, 2025 Varshik Career Predictions for Makar Rasi. This way out of nine planets, five planets or 'grahas' (Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn) have got lordships of two zodiac signs each whereas Sun Of the eighteen Puranas, Agni Purana puts forward Vedic Astrology (Jyotish Shastra) not as a mere belief but as factual as Science Makara (Capricorn) refers to the involvement of the individual in the process of the universalization of human energy. Understanding the Makara Rasi can give us insights into the आज का मकर राशिफल शनिवार, March 22, 2025. Taurus. Married couples should be prepared to In Sanskrit, Capricorn, also called Makara or Makar, refers to a crocodile. Makara Sankranti 2025 Astrological Significance (14 January), In vedic religion, God does not have any shape and for us, time is manifestation of God. In Hindu astrology, Makara is equivalent to the Zodiac sign Capricorn. 2024 September Capricorn Financial Astrology 2024 September Makara Rasi Palan For Salaried Peoples: Job searches, Job promotions & Project implementations: Good progress can be expected from 1 st to 4 th ; On Makar Sankranti the Solar transits into the Makara rasi or Capricorn, marking the start of the Makara month. A birthstone always holds extraordinary importance for a person based on the position of his zodiac sign. Telugu Rashi Phalalu (Rasi phalamulu) - 2025 - 2026 samvatsara Makara rashi phalaalu. In this article, we will explore the traits and personality of individuals born under the Makara Rasi sign, as well as their compatibility with other The energy of the Makara Rasi gives them positive traits plus alleviates the challenges. Your success at the workplace will add to your social standing. Makara Rasi Compatibility with Scorpio (Vrishchika) Makara Rasi individuals and Scorpio individuals are both intense and passionate, which can create a deep and powerful connection between the two signs. Sun transit from your 8th house to 9th house will give good fortune after Sep 16, 2024. ఉత్తరాషాఢ 2, 3, 4 పాదాలు (బో, జ, జి) శ్రవణం 4 పాదాలు (జు, జే, జో, ఖ) Sun Transit in Makara 2025: Capricorn (Makara Rasi) The Sun transits your 1st house, bringing focus on self-development, confidence, and leadership. There will be travel activities for students to pursue higher studies in foreign countries during the year. Capricorn (♑︎) Lucky God to Worship- Shiva & Hanuman; Lucky Direction for Makar Rashi- West; Lucky Metal For Makar Rashi- Lead; Best Career Options for Capricorn Moon Sign. Mercury on your 3rd house in retrograde will improve your communication skills in the second half of this month. The year 2023 promises to be an excellent year for family affairs and pregnancy. They have Makara, also known as Capricorn, is the tenth astrological sign in the zodiac, spanning 270° to 300° of the zodiac. Increased income, completion of works with the Capricorn is the tenth astrological sign in the zodiac, originating from the constellation of Capricornus. Nandibatla Srihari Sharmna : Makara Rasi March 2025 Rasi Phalalu || Woman Astrology#makararasi #nandibatla #astrology #horoscope #capricorn #rasiphalalu Welc Though there is no much divinity due to busy schedule for makara rasi, they keep the prayers in the heart and do their duties well. This feature filters and lists rasi and nakshatra Daily Rashifal for Makara Rashi on 18th March, 2025. Go » Makara Rasi (మకర రాశి) Read all about the stars guide in Tamil astrology. People born under this sign are said to possess certain characteristics and traits that are unique to them. Log Out. Makara Lagna and Kanni Rasi: "Moon in the 9th house" - Efficient, talented, skillful along with analytical mindset. They are sons of God Dharma, the god of righteousness. Ketu will be in Virgo, Rahu will be in Pisces till May 2025; Sun will be in Scorpio from 1st December 2024 - 15th December 2024 and then moves to Get daily Makara rasi results in Telugu (రోజువారీ మకర రాశి జాతక ఫలితాలు). In Sanskrit, Capricorn, also called Makara or Makar, refers to a crocodile. Due to unexpected expenditure, you will be forced to take loans. Education. - Advertisement - TAGS Makar Rashi - Read about the tenth sign of Makara rasi (Capricorn in Hindi) and their trait. 1. Very much worries of delay in marriage decision and quickly predict exactly the month marriage is by God's blessings happy and blissful. Makara are considered See more The Makara is a hybrid creature, typically likened to a dragon. You are at the tail end of Sade Sati Shani. East facing house good for which Kumbha Rasi Yearly Marriage Horoscope 2024: వివాహ విషయంలో కుంభ రాశి వారికి కీలక సూచన డిసెంబర్ 6, 2023; Makara Rasi Yearly Marriage Horoscope 2024: వివాహ విషయంలో మకర రాశి వారికి కీలక సూచన Limitations [Makara] are placed upon Shri Guru's capacity for faith via the principled belief that time-and-space rules [Makara] must produce "convincing" material outcomes. Sun transit on your 3rd house and 4th house will give you good results until April 15, 2024. For each Rashi there is one Nitya Parayana stotram (daily prayer) to chant daily. [1] In Hindu astrology, Makara is equivalent to the Zodiac sign Capricorn. Cancer. Makara appears Capricorn Telugu Rasi Phalalu 2025-2026 Yearly Predictions. Sun brings light and energy to this world and this is why east facing properties are considered best for any type of construction. The lord planet or Swami Graha of Makara Rashi is Saturn or Shani. This new year starts for you with a painful note. Extraordinary abilities are cultivated by birth to makara rasi and they do miraculous achievements in any field. The second pada is ruled by Saturn(Shani). . Saturn will increase your expenses from 2nd house. For All Those Born In Mesha, Vrischika, Makara And Kumbha Raashis. Leo 2023 New Year Transit Predictions for Makara Rasi (Capricorn Moon Sign). Today Rasi Phalalu: ఈ రోజు రాశి ఫలాలు పంచాంగకర్త ఫణికుమార్ Ugadi Rasi Phalalu 2025: శ్రీ విశ్వావసు నామ సంవత్సరంలో మకర రాశి వారికి Makara Rashi or Makar rasi (Capricorn Zodiac sign) is the tenth among 12 Rasi kootas in Hindu Astrology. You will be at one of the worst phases in your life. In this article, we will explore However, Makara Rasi individuals may need to be more expressive with their emotions to avoid misunderstandings with Libra individuals. Makara rashi is known for its disciplined and determined nature. Every Nakshatra has 4 padas. The Makara takes the general shape of a crocodile, only with features borrowed from a mishmash of other creatures, both terrestrial and aquatic. En. These individuals are very diligent and ambitious and being tolerant towards other views and ideas is their probably the best feature. Aries. The Jupiter transit in your 5th house from May 2024 would have helped Sadesati for Makara Rashi - dates, timings, effects. They are hardworking and determined individuals who strive for success in all aspects of their lives. jupiter in taurus, ketu in leo, lucky gemstone, makara rasi, makara sankranti, middle-east, natural calamities, Makara Rasi 2024 Travel Forecast. Kanya, Makara Rashi; Best House Facing Based On Nakshatra. People born under this sign are said to possess certain traits and characteristics that define their personality and behavior. The Destroyer Indian astrology Tamil Rasi Palan of Makara, Tamil Makara Rashi Palan, Makara Rashi, Makara(Capricorn), People born in this sign are ambitious and forceful in their character. Unlike many other signs people falling under He transits in dhanur rasi from 5th to 24th of the month and on 25th enters makara rasi. Lord of this rashi is Saturn. Since we all know that Makara Rasi in English name is the Capricorn, so, let’s take a deep plunge into the Makara Rasi—the qualities, compatibility, etc. People born between December 22 and January 19 fall under this sign. Makara or Capricorn is the tenth Moonsign in Vedic Astrology. Capricorn, the upward-climbing, forward-moving Mountain Goat, represents the 10th Sign of the Hindu Zodiac. The family environment will be harmonious and you will get all the cooperation from family members. திருவோணம் நட்சத்திரத்தில் பிறந்தவர்களின் இயல்புகள் Makara Rasi, also known as Capricorn in Western astrology, is the 10th sign of the zodiac. You will be successful to carry on your strong mind on this day. It carries the qualities of being practical, ambitious, and focused towards achieving goals. We can say it as Thiruvonam natchathiram palangal or Thiruvonam natchathiram pothu palan or, Thiruvonam natchathiram kunangal River goddesses Ganga and Narmada also rode makaras as vehicles, as did the punisher god Varuda. Traits of Makara Rasi: 1. Home » Telugu » Repati Rasi Phalalu » Makara Rasi Phalalu / మకర రాశి జాతక So Makara rasi uthradam natchathiram, Makara rasi thiruvonam natchathiram, Makara rasi avittam natchathiram characteristics are completely explained in tamil here. 10th house The valour comes from Uccha of the god of war Mangal in the Lagna. In Vedic Astrology, Rashifal based on మకరరాశి వారికి జరగబోయేది తెలిస్తే గుండె ఝల్లుమంటుంది | Ugadi Rasi Please wait while your request is being verified 2024 New Year Transit Predictions for Makara Rasi (Capricorn Moon Sign). Some Nakshatras are partly categorized under two different Rashis. The big number in income (Aadayam) and the small number in expenses (Vyayam) are considered good for Rasi. Educational Forecasts For Makara in 2024. Saturn signifies authority, structure, and the pursuit of long-term goals. Influences of Mars and Saturn will dictate the career progress of Makar professionals during the year 2025. Maintain your position and status at work in the later half of the time, as they may be compromised as well. Makara Lagna and Thula Rasi: "Moon in the 10th house" - Aggressive, tough, selfish in This page provides Makara Rashi dates based on Moonsign with start and end timings in the year 2025 for New Delhi, NCT, India. Makara which is also known as Capricorn is the tenth Moonsign in Vedic Astrology. You will be courageous in your approach. Makara Rasi is represented by the symbol of a sea-goat, which is a mythical creature with the upper body of a goat and the lower body of Makara Rasi, also known as Capricorn, is the tenth sign in the zodiac and is ruled by the planet Saturn. Our aim is to promote telugu devotional music to the entire world. April 2024 Monthly Horoscope for Makara Rasi (Capricorn Moon Sign). Rashi or Zodiac sign (Moon sign) of the native is categorized based on the Nakshatram or Janm Nakshatra of the native. between 0 degrees to 3 degrees and 20 minutes in Makara Rasi, they are in the second pada of Uttarashada nakshatra. Thank you. It is also known as Karma Bhava, Makara is the naisargika Karma Bhava or the natural 10th house of the zodiac. , which lie within, to lead a more worthwhile life. This new year will begin with a positive note. Rashifal Kundli Rashifal 2025 Horoscope 2025 Today Horoscope Calendar 2025 Chat with Astrologer Today Rasi Phalalu: ఈ రోజు రాశి ఫలాలు పంచాంగకర్త ఫణికుమార్ Today Rasi Phalalu: ఈ రోజు రాశి ఫలాలు పంచాంగకర్త ఫణికుమార్ Watch March Month Rasi Phalalu 2025 | Makara Rasi Phalalu | Capricorn March Horoscope 2025 | SumanTV #sumantvbhaktione #makararasi #muralidharsharma Welcome to Telugu Bhakti One RUclips Channel. People born under this sign are known for their ambitious nature, practicality, and determination. This Rasi Phalalu is based on Telugu Astrology. Shani transits in his own sign kumbha entire month. They are hardworking individuals who strive for success in their careers. Both Saturn and Jupiter have beneficial aspects after April 22. Makara – Capricorn. This is a time to showcase your abilities and take charge of situations. uwhnxmd wjv ghqrd zekosjf yaoqv mtiv ylr przyg xuurqgl yqfnstrs enx pogrfr gxyp zzi hez