Peugeot 207 fault code p2177.
P2178: Uncovering The Symptoms Of This Auto Fault Code.
Peugeot 207 fault code p2177 e. Malfunction Indicator Ligh (MIL) active; Possible Causes. I have tested all these, but none of them was the Code défaut P0053: Résistance de l’élément chauffant du capteur O2 chauffé (H02S) (Banque 1, capteur 1) Lire la suite Code défaut P2177: Système trop pauvre Banque inactive 1. Pour la sonde de P2178: Uncovering The Symptoms Of This Auto Fault Code. Nie brakuje mocy. netDon't forget to Subscribe, comment and hit the notification bell :)Support the cha Moved Permanently. N’oubliez pas, un entretien régulier de votre véhicule peut prévenir des problèmes futurs Search Peugeot 308 Codes. If the PCM cannot achieve the desired balance between fuel and air, it will set code P2177. M. Chevy. 6 VTi EP6C (5FS) has the following possible causes. Potential causes for this code Understanding the P2177 code is crucial for diagnosing and fixing the problem. 2 V6 avec ethanol sans boitier et aussi je viens de changer les 2 pompes a essence. Live data shows Upstream lambda : 0. 15 – Störung im Stromkreis der Kraftstoffpumpe. . 4 16 valve engine code EP3 8FS. With no other engine fault codes from our general diagnostic to go on, I joined this forum. This code indicates that the PCM has detected a lean condition. 11 – Selbstdiagnoseprozess abgeschlossen. A. 3008 . 6 HDiF 16V DV6DTED (9HP) 2009 - 2013 The F994/5 errors are not related to the P2137/P11B4, seems strange The dreaded 'depollution system faulty' came up last July on my 207 1. This can be fixed by adding fuel additives to clean out the fuel system. Peugeot did release a engine ECU download at the beging to increase the mixture band but proved unsucssesfull 307 407 3008 (2017 Symptoms of a P2177 engine code may include: Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) illuminated; Lack of power; Occasional misfire; Poor fuel economy; Causes. RedSector 292 Replies. Powrót do góry: Jakie naprawy można naprawić kod P2177? Wiele napraw może naprawić kod P2177, takich jak: Wtryskiwacze paliwa wymienione lub wyczyszczony; Naprawiono problemy z zasilaniem paliwem lub niskie ciśnienie paliwa; Czujnik masowego przepływu powietrza wymieniony lub wyczyszczone, jeśli to konieczne; Czujniki tlenu wymienione Peugeot Models. 307 These are the most popular Peugeot fault codes that people are searching for. 6 THP 150 moteur 5FX par moment le véhicule n'a plus de puissance un P2177 apparait sans allumage du P2177 thp 150 Défaut régulation de richesse : Mélange trop pauvre - Tlemcen Car electronics OBD II fault code P2178 is a generic code that is defined as “System Too Rich Off Idle – Bank 1”, and is set when the PCM (Powertrain Control Module) detects that the air/fuel mixture contains too much fuel Peugeot OBDI-Fehler . The engine control module (PCM) uses multiple sensors to determine the required amount of fuel needed to keep the engine running efficiently. Porsche. 6 VTI EP6 Engine Cooling Issues . 4 VTI de 134 600 Km qui à un problème moteur (moteur qui tremble comme si elle tournait sur 3 cylindres, voyant moteur allumé avec message erreur "système antipollution défaillant", perte de puissance et emisions gazeuses non conforme lors du contrôle technique. Turn ignition of and restart car drives no problem. Long story short, we had to fit a second hand engine as the timing chain tensioner had come lose and a compression bonjour, je rencontre un problème avec une 207 1. Samochód jeździ równo, obroty silnika są w normie. They are located in the exhaust system, allowing them to detect if the engine’s air-fuel mixture is biased rich or lean. Peugeot 208 Fault Code P1336 Meaning Random/multiple cylinder misfire detected 307 407 3008 (2017-2024) General Discussion 207. NOTE: The causes shown may not be a complete list of all P2177 - Fuel Control System 'A' Too Lean Off Idle (Bank 1) - Code d’anomalie OBD2 Signification Causes Symptômes Diagnostics Guides de réparation Coûts de réparation Gardez votre voiture en bonne santé Hello have a problrm with peugeot 207 1. "1" in the third character position in a DTC indicates that the fuel and air metering and auxiliary emission Additionally I scanned the car and it has this code P0597 stored; but there are no warnings or check engine lights or anything on the dash. When a car manufacturer detects a problem with a model they put out a recall notice I have a 2008 Peugeot 207 gti 1. Peugeot (307, 308) Porsche (Cayenne) Skoda (Octavia, Yeti) Smart (Fortwo) Volkswagen (Coccinelle, Golf, Passat, Tiguan, Touareg) Peugeot 207 THP175 GTI Pack (2008) Save Share Reply Quote Like. Peugeot 207 cc 1600 GT 2007. P2177 Symptoms Szczegółowe dane kodu: Kod DTC (Diagnostic Trouble Code): P2177. 4 petrol with 75k miles on it. Learn More. Kod dziesiętny (Decimal Code): 8567. Vin No is VF3WA8FSC34510971 Starts OK, but has rough idle, turns very rough with a tiny bit of throttle (off-load) then The P2177 trouble code is a diagnostic trouble code (DTC) that indicates a “System Too Lean Off Idle Bank 1” condition in an engine. PEUGEOT Car Fault Codes DTC list - 107, 1007, 206, 2006, 207, 306, 307, 308, 3008, 405, 406, 407, 408, 508, 5008, 605, 607, Boxer, Partner. est ce l’éthanol la cause ? merci Lccn fault code peugeot 207 CC P2178 Default richness regulation Mixture too rich. What causes the P2177 Fault code? Hi All, I recently acquired a Peugeot 207cc 2007 1. Le code défaut P2177 se réfère à un problème de mélange air-carburant dans le système d’alimentation du moteur. 6 PureTech I have a Peugeot 208 1. 4) try delete fault but cant this Have try with launch x431 and delphi ? Anyone can help Br. The Peugeot P1351 fault code indicates a Have a p1340 fault code which pointed me to camshaft position sensor, have changed this and fault still happening, any ideas? Peugeot Models. Symptômes du code défaut P2177 the P code P2191 fault is listed as a mixture fault but infact is a timing fault. My local garage found the culprit after Peugeot had spent the best part of £2k attempting to solve the problem. Kod szesnastkowy (Hexadecimal Code): 2177. 6 Petrol. Since then they have told me it drives fine and has had no other faults during testing. Peugeot 308 Recalls. It goes back to normal after a few minutes. com/free Si vous disposez d’un outil d’analyse, supprimez les codes de diagnostic de la mémoire et voyez si ce code revient. Vous avez vu le code d’erreur P2177 apparaître sur votre outil de diagnostic OBD2 et vous vous demandez ce que cela signifie ? Ne vous inquiétez pas, cet article est là pour vous aider à comprendre et résoudre ce problème de manière simple et efficace. The car as been running fine, only fault left on is the p1351, can here relay clicking of. P0053,p2177,p1676,p2626,p0562,p0368,p0597,p2237,p0011 If i helped please use thanks+rep buttons . The specific diagnosis time and labor rates at auto repair shops can vary based on factors such as location, vehicle make and model, and engine type. Fiat. 2. P2177 Code - System Too Lean Off Idle Bank 1. 6 thp. This generic powertrain code indicates that the engine control module (ECM) has detected that the air-fuel mixture is too lean (too much air/not enough fuel) in the engine's Bank 1 while off idle. simplydiag. Top Faulty front heated oxygen sensor Ignition misfiring Faulty fuel injectors To diagnose the P2177 code, it typically requires 1. Se indicar constantemente que o motor está a funcionar com mistura pobre, identificar quaisquer variações que possam fazer com que o motor funcione pobre. ADS77. Clear all the codes out, then wiggle all the wires around the engine bay with the engine idling and see if you can create a fault code. Possible trouble codes stored: P0011, P0012, P0014, P0170, P0171, P0172, P11A3, P11A4, P11A8, P11A9, P1337, P1338, P1339, P1340, P2177, P2178, P2191, P2192. Join our community for invested professionals at https://www. 4HDi. Thanks Given: 236 Thanks Received: 25 (21 Posts) Posts: 863 Threads: 386 Joined: Aug 2011 1 06-01-2013, 02:02 AM Hello, I have a 308 1. Lastly, a What is Code P2177? OBD-II diagnostic trouble code (DTC) P2177 stands for "System Too Lean Off Idle (Bank 1)". 0 hour of labor. BMW. One common cause of the P2177 code, indicating a lean air-fuel mixture off idle on bank 1, is the presence of air leaks in the intake system. P1351 I have this code on my pug for about 3 yrs. 1TD 307 407 3008 (2017-2024) General Discussion En résolvant le code P2177, vous pouvez assurer le bon fonctionnement de votre véhicule et améliorer ses performances. While driving along the car dies out and the Anti polution fault come up on display. Poor electrical connection in the ETB circuit can also trigger this fault code. Forum Peugeot 108 ; Forum Peugeot 207; Forum Peugeot 208; Forum Peugeot 2008; Forum Peugeot 308; Forum Peugeot RCZ j'ai toujours eu ces 2 codes en fugitif qui reviennent tous les ans. No warning lights on the dash and car running perfectly. Computer Codes & Descriptions: P2177 – Volvo code ECM-532D Emissions Impact (Faulty Signal) Suggestions to Fix Issue: Check for intake or exhaust leakage, low or high fuel pressure, leaking injectors, faulty O2 Symptoms of the P2177 Code. This code refers to bank number 1, i. Symptoms of a P2177 engine code may include: Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) illuminated; Lack of power; Occasional misfires; Poor fuel economy; Possible causes for this code to be set include: Faulty Air Fuel Ratio Sensor / Oxygen Sensor (AFR/O2) Faulty Mass Air Flow (MAF) Sensor; Rarely – Faulty Powertrain Control Module (PCM) Erreur OBDI Peugeot. Diese Modelle, The issue can be caused by a variety of factors, including vacuum leaks, a faulty oxygen sensor, a dirty or clogged fuel injector, or a malfunctioning mass airflow sensor. I still think that if that had been done first ( misleading fault codes mithinks!) that would have solved everything especially as the timing chain had been replaced just 20k miles earlier but just out of warranty. i brought a 207 cheap off a neighbor since he said a garage had the timing chain changed and it just needed a new inlet dephaser Hi, i could really do with some help as i have been having problems with my peugeot 207 GT, it is a 2008 model and it has done 45000 miles, i have had numerous problems with my engine witch i believe should be sorted now and a few weeks ago it had thrown out another fault code, witch brought my Hello everyone, my name is Cris and I am new in this forum. The document has moved here. Surveillez la tension du capteur MAF sur votre outil d’analyse. com/Whatsapp para Cotizar Repuestos 👉 Si le code revient, nous devrons tester le signal de tension du capteur MAF au PCM. Other symptoms may include the check engine light turning on I hocked my Lexia did a global test and the following fault in the injection read "Temporary fault mixture regulation fault mixture too lean" P2177. Si le code revient, nous devrons tester le signal de tension du capteur MAF au PCM. Esto significa que la mezcla de aire y combustible en el motor está desequilibrada, lo que puede resultar en un funcionamiento Car is a 2008 Peugeot 207 1. 987 The automobile fault code P2107 can be caused by a faulty Electronic Throttle Body (ETB). Save Share If was on my car I would be changing the thermostat initially, clearing the fault code and see the results. Description of common 2 réflexions au sujet de « P2177 » Lccn 21 avril 2016 à 16 h 39 min. 6 SE (2007). Ford. ” This means that the engine control module (ECM) has detected an Symptoms of a P2177 engine code may include: Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) illuminated; Lack of power; Occasional misfires; Poor fuel economy; Possible causes for this These are some of the possible repairs that could resolve the P2177 fault code: This code can be caused by a low fuel pressure or a clogged fuel injector in some cases. 0HDi 405 T16/2. To further understand the triggers behind this Code défaut P2177: Système pauvre, banque inactiveCode défaut P2177: Système trop pauvre Banque inactive 1 Découvrez les causes et solutions possibles pour l Innerhalb der Modellpalette von Peugeot gibt es bestimmte Modelle, bei denen Fehlercodes häufiger auftreten. Peugeot (307, 308) Porsche (Cayenne) Skoda (Octavia, Yeti) Smart (Fortwo Bonjour à tous, je m'appelle Gérôme est je suis propriétaire d'une Peugeot 1. 14 – Störung im Stromkreis des Kühlmitteltemperatursensors. leading to more severe and costly repairs. Laisser un commentaire Annuler la réponse. Its a 2008 1. Peugeot. 0 2013. 14 – Dysfonctionnement dans le circuit du capteur de température d’eau. 4 2010 47000 miles, it has not been driven for 4 years. Thanks given by: The P2177 fault code can affect vehicles of all makes and models, including but not limited to: Mazda, Mini, Audi. Czy to poważny problem i co powinienem zrobić. Dazu gehören beispielsweise der Peugeot 207, der Peugeot 308 und der Peugeot 508. P1351. I am having a trouble with anti-pollution fault that is recurring. P2178 is an automobile fault code that triggers the Engine Light ON or Service Engine Soon Warning Light. Common Causes of P2177. New to Peugeots and have a problem with my Girlfriends 207. Często widzę że w te miejskie kaszlaki trzeba czasami wsadzić więcej niż w premium na przestrzeni np 150 tys km Peugeot 508 II 1. 11 – Processus d’autodiagnostic terminé. I have a 207 (Petrol, 2011) and it is with me now for 13 years. Peugeot 2008 Recalls. The estimated repair time for this The P2178 code can be caused by fuel delivery problems, faulty engine sensors, circuit issues, a stuck open purge valve, a mechanical problem in the engine, or an issue Para resolver e corrigir o código de erro P2177, verificar o sensor ar/combustível/oxigénio (AFR / O₂). 6 gt code faulty p0172. The vehicle then loses When addressing the P2177 code, consider starting with a thorough inspection of the fuel injectors and MAF sensor for potential issues that could be causing the lean condition off 207 . The fault code P2177 indicates a lean condition in the engine. What does it read engine off, and just after a start? The O2 sensor is also showing as invalid, but this may only be used during re-gen, not sure (or the car may not actually have one!). This code indicates that the engine is running too lean, What Does the Engine Code P2177 Mean? Character "P" in the first position of Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) represents the powertrain system (engine and transmission), "2" in the second position means that this is a ISO/SAE controlled OBD-II (OBD2) DTC. Sort by Oldest first Oldest first Newest first Most reactions. I checked the details and found up that the fault was triggered when car speed What are the common causes of code P2177? Get Help with P2177; What Does Code P2177 Mean? OBD II fault code P2177 is a generic code that is defined as “System Too Lean Off Idle Bank 1”, and is set when the PCM Symptoms of a P2177 engine code may include: Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) illuminated; Lack of power; Occasional misfire; Poor fuel economy; Causes. This time the faults were P2177 Mixture regulation fault P2196 information on the mixture between the upstream sensor and the downstream sensor. Les champs obligatoires sont indiqués avec * Commentaire * Un code P2177 peut signifier qu’un ou plusieurs des problèmes suivants se sont produits : Le capteur de rapport air/carburant/capteur d’oxygène (AFR / O₂) est défectueux. 1 2. When a car manufacturer detects a problem with a model they put out a recall notice Peugeot 207 1. Il indique qu’il y a un déséquilibre entre l’air et le carburant, avec un mélange trop pauvre lorsque le moteur fonctionne autrement qu’au ralenti. They also said the exhaust was on the way out, showing signs of corrosion. P1336. This means that the air/fuel ratio has an excess of air. Hi, I really need help, I pulled mine off the valve body of my al4 to replace the solenoid valves. 5008 (2009-2016) Can this also possibly be a cause for the fault code, or is it most likely just the EGR valve itself? 5008 407 2. PEUGEOT 207 1. Theres a code that keeps coming up, p1336. After driving at 60-70MPH for 20 minutes the vehicle starts to judder and goes into limp mode, displaying the depollution fault on screen. Votre adresse e-mail ne sera pas publiée. the side of the engine where cylinder 1 is located. This code is triggered when the engine control module (ECM) detects that the air-fuel mixture for bank 1 of the engine is too lean during off-idle conditions, meaning there is too much air and not enough fuel. I have a Peugeot 207 1. Votre Retrouvez [résolu] Défaut système anti pollution 1. I took it into a Peugeot garage who said the fault codes were related to the catalytic converter, camshaft dephasing sensor as well as a brake light switch fault. Decoding the P1351 Fault Code. Peugeot 207 2007 Hi, . 4 vti 8fs engine, the car runs stable with very slight cutting from time to time but gets rough when warmed up, until it starts having a rough idle, you can smell petrol on the back, replaced spark plugs Peugeot Power Steering My wifes 2011 207cc has developed a intermittent power steering failure, the power steering will fail with the usual message and then after being turned off will work fine again, I used Peugeot Planet and found the code P0606 internal fault, after checking the internet and coming across threads on this site I emailed Peugeot UK customer care "My Hi all, Just scanned my car with the discounted OBDeleven I got thanks to this forum but unfortunately it's giving me a P2177 code system too lean. Top Contributors this Month View All. Have checked charge voltage, seems OK about 13. Potential causes for this code to set are: Faulty air/fuel ratio sensor/oxygen sensor (AFR/O2) Faulty mass airflow sensor (MAF) Rarely - faulty Powertrain Control Module (PCM) Diagnostic and P2177 code definition P2177 is a general OBD-II diagnostic trouble code indicating a fault with the bank 1 too lean. I initially had a engine fault message on the multimedia system, the service light and the engine warning light all appear. A multitude of items can cause the P2177 code: Engine misfires; Faulty readings from the oxygen sensors; Air leaks in the intake; Low fuel pressure or 18609/P2177/008567 - Bank 1; System Too Lean off Idle 18609/P2177/008567 - Bank 1; System Too Lean off Idle: Upper Limit Exceeded Possible Symptoms. Have done Cómo borrar el código de fallo P2177 con sus propias manos: descripción del código OBD2, síntomas, diagnóstico, consejos, solución de problemas. Been losing power when going on long journeys, cannot rev past 3000 rpm. Définition du code Problème pour le code P2177 Citroen / Peugeot; Daewoo; Fiat; Ford; Geo; GM (Buick, Cadillac,Chevrolet Suzuki; Toyota; Volskwagen Audi Group (VAG) Volvo; All; Entrez le code: + P-+ 0-+ 0-+ 0-+ 0-Définition du code de vérification du moteur P2177: Generic (Commun pour tous The P1351 fault code often stems from issues related to glow plugs, relays, and wiring, highlighting the importance of thorough inspection and targeted solutions. Układ (obszar pojazdu): układ napędowy. 5008. ly/3nwO8dA🌐 Encuentra más Códigos en nuestra Web https://codigoobd. 4 8V (petrol) 2010 KFT My issues where I need help are the following: car is starting rough in the morning(2-3 seconds key), after I drive ~10km car starts fine for about 2 hours sit (tested Hi, I am new to this site, I have a engine fault code 0246 on my peugeot 806. Venez leur trouver une solution ici ! - Féline 207, le forum de référence consacré à la Peugeot 207 ! News; Reportages; Essais; Forums. The car seems to be running fine but just lacking that After an initial test it came back with the fault code P2137- accelerator pedal position sensor signal fault. Kia. I then cleared the codes and went for a drive to see what faults would show. Symptoms of this fault code include rough idling, poor acceleration, stalling, misfires, hesitation, and reduced power. When the P2177 code is triggered, vehicle owners may experience several symptoms that indicate an underlying issue with the engine's air-fuel mixture. If the powertrain control module (PCM) detects Created by VideoShow:http://videoshowapp. Selbstdiagnose. 208 . Common symptoms include: Illuminated Check Engine Light: The most noticeable sign is the activation of the check engine light on the dashboard. La descripción técnica indica que se trata de un sistema demasiado pobre fuera de ralentí (Banco 1). Cause Incorrect valve timing due to camshaft position (CMP) actuator not being locked in setting position when carrying out repair work. The causes of this fault code can be a faulty oxygen sensor, damaged wiring, or a failed PCM. 301 . Volvo. It can also be caused by an open or shorted ETB harness. Bonjour, j’ai lancé pour la 1er fois Torque et il me diagnostique le code : P2177 : System Too Lean Off Idle bank1. PEUGEOT Car Fault Codes DTC PEUGEOT Car Fault Codes DTC list - 107, 1007, 206, 2006, 207, 306, 307, 308, 3008, 405, 406, 407, 408, 508, 5008, 605, 607, Boxer, Partner Définition du code défaut P2177. 15 – Dysfonctionnement dans le circuit de la pompe à essence Both 207 sensors were pretty coked up so i cleaned the one i was putting back in. Si vous avez suivi toutes les étapes ci-dessus et que le problème persiste, il est recommandé de consulter un professionnel. Jump to Latest Sounds like the common timing chain or tensioner fault. Took it to be moted after doing numerous things on it it failed on drop link ( no biggy) But it came up with this error code something to do with air/fuel?? Here are some common symptoms of the automobile fault code p2177: 1. 3. 13 – Störung im Stromkreis des Ansauglufttemperatursensors. Do you know the fault code already? Enter it in the box below and hit "Search Codes". 13 – Défaut dans le circuit du capteur de température d’air d’admission. The only modification to the car is a Ramair intake and I've recently Forum Peugeot | Peugeot 301 | Peugeot 207 pojawia się komunikat Antipollution Fault Peugeot: ogłoszenia • ceny używanych • wiadomości • dealerzy P2177; P0170). 18 – Störung Ok, the fault code P0171 for a Peugeot 308 1. 8 volts when charging. I brought to a garage for diagnostic Search Peugeot 2008 Codes. 308 (2007-2014) 307 407 3008 (2017-2024) General Discussion 207. Hyundai. Proszę o pomoc i z góry dzięki. The key is identifying the underlying cause, whether it’s a sensor issue, a fuel delivery problem, or an air leak. Addressing these issues will What does the P2177 code mean? The P2177 code indicates a “System Too Lean Off Idle (Bank 1). Gibbo 33 Replies. Get it looked at as soon as possible as if the chain jumps or snaps it will do major damage to engine Comprendre le Code d’Erreur P2177 : Causes et Solutions. show up as sync problem but enough that the mixture goes out of what the ECU has regulated for so brings up a mixture fault. The car seems to have lost a bit of guts lately and I have now got depollution system faulty warning with a check engine light. 4 petrol year 2007, have read engine ecu (MEV17. Mighty306 33 Replies. Peugeot 207 1. 12 – Commencer le processus de test des systèmes du véhicule. This code may be seen with other lean condition codes or misfire codes. Hi all, I have a peugeot 207 1. IDM Input Circuit Malfunction/ Ignition Coil Control Circuit High Voltage. Mercedes. What Does P2177 Code Mean? OBD-II Code P2177 is defined as a System Too Lean Off Idle. Si ce n’est pas le cas, les connexions étaient probablement votre problème. Had depollution system faulty, car has been on planet they reset counters, Looking visually the additive tank is about 1/2 to 3/4 full, code cleared No more engine management light & bleeping computor. 1408 posts · Joined 2015 Add to quote; Only show this user #2 Nah the fault codes are misfires, the thp engine has slight variations on the code descriptions compared to standard psa ones. . Search Codes. 6 VTI 120 sur Problèmes mécaniques, électroniques Venez leur trouver une solution ici ! - Féline 207, le forum de référence consacré à la Peugeot 207 ! El código DTC P2177 OBDII guarda relación con el valor que es entregado por el Sensor de Oxígeno (O2), al Módulo de Control del Tren de Potencia (PCM), con el objetivo de contribuir en el control de la cantidad de combustible que se ¿Qué significa el código DTC P2177? El código de falla P2177 se refiere a un problema en el sistema de combustible de nuestro vehículo. c’est un Cayenne 3. 12 – Beginn des Prozesses zum Testen von Fahrzeugsystemen. Diagbox 🔴 Más información de este Código https://bit. The symptoms of this fault code include poor fuel economy, rough idling, and decreased engine performance. (1) Oxygen sensor in front of the catalytic converter (2) MAP and air temperature sensor (3) Fuel pump (4) Coolant Опыт эксплуатации Peugeot 207: Приветствую Вас, уважаемые посетители этого поста-нытья! p0054 Downstream oxygen sensor resistance fault, Resistance too Having ongoing intermitent problem with my 2009 207 1. The DTC P2177 OBDII code is related to the value to help control the amount of fuel injected into the engine. Autodiagnostic. Plus de 18000 codes de toutes les autos. Next Post P2179 – Système trop pauvre en position de repos 2. but then I went a little crazy and pulled it all apart to l clean it all the bits, and I never measured how far some of the plugs were Has anyone come across this fault code before. hafido1983 Location Offline Senior Member Reputation: -4. P2177 – Système trop pauvre en position de repos 1. Save Share dephaser fault ill share my experience even if it doesnt help (i had the same code reading). 308. Fuel Pump (G6) faulty; Mass Air Flow (MAF) Sensor (G70) faulty; Intake System leaking; Exhaust System leaking; Wrong Fuel Pressure Sensor Oxygen content in the exhaust is measured by oxygen (O2) sensors. Leave a Reply Annuler la réponse. adhvehlfgxxbfabzoldrkuwmvccfsdkuuznodqiklchpjhxckryidctcwhfwyygekscyfrqpaiii