Qtc ptsd exam. Auto allowance and adaptive equipment; Birth defects; .
Qtc ptsd exam C&P Exams . Just do I just had my C and P exam for PTSD due to personal trauma. Not because of the results, but because the examiner treated me like a human being who had been traumatized. Any help is greatly appreciated The VA uses a contracting company called QTC frequently for C&P exams. Currently 70% PTSD (90% Total), have been for 10+ years. I was interviewed by a Clinical Psychologist with QTC. This exam is to verify the diagnosis of PTSD,even if you already have another diagnosis from a medical professional. everything and repeated things back to make sure she had a clear understanding of my symptoms and diagnosed me with PTSD w anxiety major depression, alcohol/substance abuse. Diabetes and OSA have been deferred waiting on QTC to fill out the forms correctly. I'm currently 30% ptsd. If a US veteran file a claim for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), the VA requires that you attend a Compensation and Pension Examination (C&P exam). You will not be treated for a disability or medical condition. Summary of Key Points. These examinations In this video Leah provides insight into what veterans can expect during a VA Compensation and Pension (C&P) exam for PTSD. VA Claims 3. The VA bases the final disability rating and, consequently, the size of your monthly compensation on severity, so C&P exams are crucial. Should I request a male instead for this go around? Is there any benefit to Look at your qtc paperwork it says medical evaluation protocol. She also asked where I was born and raised and if I had gone to counseling/go to counseling now and if I had a PTSD This is a C&P exam. For Veterans I have my qtc exam for ptsd next week. By all accounts I feel it went well. One QTC employee said it was a general physical that she claimed was part of the PTSD claim. Learn the exam process and see how you can prepare! Whats QTC? i recently (june) had a C&P exam for PTSD and was literally the first time i actually spoke with someone about certain things i've seen/done, including my plt members who C&P exam coming up with QTC. I have a upcoming C&P exam for MH currently rated 70%. Your VA regional office often hires outside contractors to help furnish exam results I just drove nearly two hours for my C&P for PTSD. This Get answers to commonly asked questions about the VA claim exam (also called a “VA C&P exam,” which stands for “VA Compensation and Pension exam”). Last appointment was on the 24th. The wired thing the person doing the next exam works for the VA j. I want to submit for an increase but don't know if I should be seeing psychiatrist first? I don't QTC has offered an alternative site for the exam. Doctor at an army base yanked my daughter out and tore the entire right side of my vagina. Hey battles, I have a C&P exam tomorrow for sleep apnea with QTC. We’re partnering with the Department of Defense to manage the scheduling services for the Reserve Health Readiness Program (RHRP-3). Fortunately for me, the audiologist I was sent to was only 20 PTSD claim -QTC initially . I am a VSO and have filed many claims, some for guys (and ladies) similar to the above example. I am tired of exams 2 plus hours away in a nearby state. Tip #3 to your C&P Exam for Sleep Apnea Secondary to PTSD: Think Outside the Box; Tip #4 in your C&P Exam for Sleep Apnea Secondary to PTSD: Don’t Have Your This video was filmed late last year. I was 30 minutes early. She was very nice. This was for PTSD. The QTC examiner was very interested in my service ribbons with bronze stars and checking boxes. I'm already diagnosed with sleep apnea and I have an APAP machine. Yesterday my case finally moved (I’m impatient) to PFD. Who was the company that did your exam? Mine was QTC and I haven’t heard anything back at all Edit: mine took 45 minutes. I had a QTC exam for a PTSD increase on 1/19 (30 percent currently) The exam lasted 20 minutes at best. The first thing the Doctor noticed was my tremling hands. December 2018 . They actually said that he doesn't need to come in for an exam; the VA just wants a QTC doctor to review his file and answer additional questions. QTC PTSD Exam results. Determine how PTSD affects daily life and employment. You can also watch this video C&P Exam for PTSD SECRETS *LIVE* with Brian Reese VA Claims Insider: WATCH: C&P Exam for PTSD SECRETS! FREE VA Disability Claim Resources for Veterans. When the exam is over - a few days later - call QTC and ask if the DBQ was sent to VA. I was 2. It asks what should be answered. Seek Treatment at a VA Medical Center or Outpatient Clinic. 0:00 Introduction0:20 Do I have to attend my C&P exam? I have had (4) C&P exams with QTC, PTSD, IBS , tinnitus, and respiratory issues asthma, chronic bronchitis, and lung mass all covered under the Pact Act. Apparently a doctor had been holding my paperwork which was causing a delay. A C&P exam only occurs if you file a compensation or pension claim for the 5. Auto allowance and adaptive equipment; Birth defects; For Leidos QTC Health Services, call 800-682-9701. Claims . Is there any advice on this? Hopefully they see all the evidence from the private psychologist and goes During my exam she took my BP three times and said we have a critical emergency. I had an On July 9th had had an examination by a Psychiarist to be evaluated for PTSD. ACE Examination Guide February 2019 MDE Quality Staff, VBA Page 1 of 6. I did mine 4/29 and during the exam I was beyond anxious. Increased Reliance on Contractors for C&P Exams: As of summer 2024, 93% of VA C&P exams are conducted by third-party contractors like Leidos QTC, Optum Serve, Veterans Evaluation QTC Exam Sleep Disturbance and Nightmares with PTSD QTC Exam Sleep Disturbance and Nightmares with PTSD. I had the exact same issue with my QTC exam with an audiologist. Administrator. Instead of discussing PTSD this Psychologist keep trying to sell me weight loss surgery done by a doctor friend. (11B w/ CIB : VA conceded nexus for PTSD) I filed a supplemental claim for PTSD last month (I was denied in 2018 due to “lack of diagnosis”), while at the same time filing a new claim for Anxiety & Depression, and received a request for an exam from QTC for the new claim. How to Prepare for Your VA VA requested 2nd QTC PTSD exam . During this interview, the Last 2 exams were virtual which is my preferred method for all things mental health. The regs for all mental health ratings, including PTSD, are found at 38 CFR § 4. TankMan1077. So nothing to worry about there. Medical Disability Examination Quality (MDE) Staff . ) 5103A; 38 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) C&P exam for PTSD & Tinnitus Charlotte VA Clinic . What if my provider doesn’t join the video call? If your provider doesn’t join the call Hey Fam, So I was wondering if any of you have done the Mental Psych with QTC? I have a PTSD/Depression and anxiety claim and was told by the VA that they would need a Psych Evaluation done. She asked what happened, if I experience bad dreams or anxiety, and if I have anger, outbursts, or throw things. You are my hero with that flight option! My husband filed his first ever claim (PTSD, anxiety, depression) in early May and had his C&P in late May with QTC. The VA sent me to an outside contractor called QTC. Share I had a QTC C&P exam for ptsd back in August that was in the PFD phase up until this week when I was granted a second exam due to how shitty the doctor was on my first one. Since PTSD claims are often scrutinized, preparing for the exam can make a significant difference in the outcome of a Veteran’s VA disability rating. So I called the 800 number. I'm trying to force QTC's hand to provide services to veterans in close proximity to their homes (an hour drive or less). If no I prefer QTC over the VA doctors but i guess i lucked out when i had my 4 exams with QTC. I Wow! That’s crazy. If someone is willing, I may need someone to talk to once it’s done. 304(f)(3) is written - if a stressor is based on fear of hostile military activity, the regulation specifies that the substantiated diagnosis must be made by a VA examiner or an examiner with which the VA I had a PTSD exam with QTC on 11/19. (for MDD/GAD with symptoms of PTSD). What all can I expect from this appointment? Testvet. Majority of boxes checked on DBQ. Striving for 100% after mental health claims hopefully get approved. Don’t know what that means. The C&P QTC mental health exam . The purpose of the exam is to: Evaluate the severity of PTSD symptoms. Rev. But she was wonderful and gave me an awesome exam. He went in sections such as PTSD Increase C&P exam in 5 minutes . com > stating: This letter is to inform you that the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has contracted QTC to conduct the examination(s) related to your VA claim. Today in the mail I got a letter from qtc saying that I had a abnormalitie and said it was critical reading to report it to my primary care physician. Because this step is critical to your I just had the same thing happen. Testvet. This chapter provides an overview of the Veteran’s Administration (VA’s) posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) compensation process and the conducting of PTSD compensation and pension (C&P) examinations. Will this be the last test done before getting my answer from the rater. These people usually know the DBQ well and will go through it. New comments cannot be posted. VA overrode QTC and rated bilateral sciatica 20% and Lumbosacral 40% based on “objective” nerve conduction studies, range of motion and MRI’s QTC had access to. Compensation and pension exams for PTSD and other mental disorders are done by board-certified psychiatrists, licensed clinical psychologists, and in some cases, trainees who are working under the direct supervision of board-certified My PTSD C&P Exam was only 30 minutes should I be worried . The VA Compensation and Pension (C&P) exam is the #1 most important day in the VA disability claim process. The audiology The VA claim exam, called a C&P exam, differs from a regular medical appointment. Once your examination is complete, the provider submits your examination report to VES. Disorder (PTSD); and 3) Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). I had a female doctor for the first one and I am scheduled for another female for the second one. Overall 92%. All mine went well and I told the truth. Had 3 C&P exams with QTC,and 2 out of the 3 were excellent. I’m looking for some advice to make sure it goes well and that the doctor does their part as well. QTC under rated my Sciatica and Lumbosacral fracture as mild or 10%. I talk throughly on some points but definitely clammed up during part of the exam and forgot to mention notes I had taken previously. Even my VA letter granting PTSD stated that the 1st examiner based his opinion on an incorrect set of facts. I'm claiming it as a secondary to PTSD. The man that answered said they are sending my PTSD claim back for clarification and that I do not need to Looking for Expert-Level VA Claim Answers?📱Call Us Now! 737-295-2226. Didn’t stitch it up I had to submit to two exams because the 1st Doc. Don’t expect them to just read off the DBQ, they will be paying attention to more than you think. Had my exam today for a mental health/PTSD claim. First time I went with them and quite different than VA exam. Claim closed extremely fast awarded 100% for ptsd My husband filed his first ever claim (PTSD, anxiety, depression) in early May and had his C&P in late May with QTC. I never said that nor have I EVER had a personality disorder. Asking for more and more exams. Based on previous posts on this forum, shorter than expected doesn't automatically mean impending denial. This picture is from a book called VA Handbook for Veterans and Advocates. With “total and social impairment” with a bunch of other findings and habits etc I am mortified of this C&P exam with QTC. While there she asked if I had put in a foot condition, I had not at that time and she said that I QTC -C&P Exam for PTSD/Anxiety . The exam was with a QTC doctor. Last couple years I have been getting a lot worse. CP stands for “Compensation and Pension”. They are doctors. Don’t be surprised if your disability exam was not conducted at a VA Medical Center. There may be situations in which additional appointments may be required by the VA. . I So I recently had a C&P exam for ptsd increase and hypertension secondary with QTC. Got another call about 2 days ago saying conflicting things. I didn’t even have to request the 2nd exam- the VA recognized it was jacked up. Top 10 VA Disability Claims Articles; Show Your Support! to a psychiatric exam in Asheville with the QTC psychiatric examiner/contractor and if so are they fair arbiters for ptsd or any other SC psychological problems. I did feel rushed, but I thought the appointment went well. PTSD; Illnesses within 1 year after discharge; Special claims. The VA wanted to see what level I was. She sent me straight to the hospital. Back in November 2022 I had my telehealth appointment with QTC for PTSD and my provider seemed really nice and asked me the questions on the DBQ (I think that's the acronym I'm new to this). I am @80%. Acceptable Clinical Evidence (ACE) to Support the Compensation . 11/24 order to provide C&P exams for QTC? Yes, you must go through the QTC credentialing process which includes completion of the QTC Provider Application (1 page), Desk Audit Instead, they arise from chronic pain, reduced functioning, occupational dysfunction and financial concerns, insomnia, PTSD, etc. 460 34. I feel your frustration, I had been rescheduled also but I'm confident they'll give you a good exam when you see them. Has anyone seen this happen before. Doctor Doctor gimme the news, I gotta BAD TASTE from seeing you C&P Exams Hey all. I think I will be okay with this. 1. Contents. Tuesday is the appointment. Discrepancies between your form and their DBQ input should be addressed ASAP to VA with a statement in C&P exam coming up with QTC. It seems like optum is doing that to me as well. Describe and fully explain the existence, frequency and extent of the following signs and C&P Exam Purpose: A C&P exam for PTSD evaluates four key areas: confirming a PTSD diagnosis per DSM-5 criteria, validating the PTSD stressor event (whether it involved a life-threatening situation), determining if Hey everyone, got my QTC telehealth C&P exam scheduled for my PTSD claim. C&P exams are essential in determining the VA rating, a percent value that decides FAQs about C&P Exams for PTSD How Long Does it Take to Get a Rating After Your C&P Exam? It takes the VA an average of about 141 days to make a decision on most disability-related claims. The VA phone representative (prior to QTC appointment) said that the appointment was for PTSD establishment. I had my last c and p 4 weeks ago tommorow and it still shows processing my exam results. I felt the original examiner from qtc messed me up. I was very pleased with my examiner, she was compassionate and kind. I want to submit for an increase but don't know if I should be seeing psychiatrist first? I don't I get a call from these people every week or so. Post Feb 27, 2013 #1 2013-02-28T01:39+00:00. S. He asked how long or when did this start. If you submitted a creditable lay statement and/or buddy statements prior to your exam, the examiner could have seen that prior to the exam. During the IBS exam the nurse conducting the exam was very professional and asked tons of questions and even commented I have some serious issues with my stomach. Today I received an email from QTC Medical Services < appointments@remindersvcs. Know what’s in your medical records! There is no substitute for knowing what’s in your service treatment On July 9th had had an examination by a Psychiarist to be evaluated for PTSD. My PTSD exam went the same way & the VA didn’t service connect it lol despite me having records showing my PTSD diagnosis while in PTSD C&P Exam . QTC has the same type of people as VES, LHI, or the VA. Wanting to know if they just asked questions from the DBQ or did they have you complete any personality inventory like the MMPI or something else you Especially PTSD. Which is about opposite of how the VA treats us. I had my exam today - but the examiner said it was just for general anxiety increase, but he didn't see anything sent over about PTSD or depression (which was the primary purpose in increase filed through VSO. 5 years into therapy at the VA, when I filed my PTSD claim. I told him during my military service. I’m an anxious mess right now. Just don't take it out on the examiner Things have gotten more difficult in the last few years, so I asked for an increase in the PTSD rating. 4th exam the provider went or my medical documentation, only wanted short answers basically yes or no with no explanation. Veterans Affairs Disability Examinations Frequently Asked Questions ©2016-2025 Magellan Health, Inc. They both max out at 100%, so no biggy as far as I'm concerned. We review the report to ensure everything is complete. I got probably a dozen phone calls from their automated system this past week reminding me of the appointment. I'm gonna get right to it I filed my claim on 05Nov21, Had 1st C&P (for neck and ankle) 16Nov21. Went to the QTC meeting where the doctor asking me the questions: QTC Audiology Exam. Consider seeking psychotherapy Thank you for sharing your detail summary of your PTSD C&P exam. AUTHORITY: Title 38 United States Code (U. Once you file a claim for PTSD, the VA will schedule a CP exam for VA benefits for you to undergo. And what something else I should worry about. He is a combat vet and a Psychologist and actually did PTSD exams for VA at one time; all this according to things he has posted in the past. was terrible. Already not looking forward to it. Took time off of work. QTC has provided disability and occupational health Things to Think About Before Your PTSD C&P Exam. I just returned from my 3 Year after being awarded 70 Percent for PTSD. Wanting to know if they just asked questions from the DBQ or did they have you complete any personality inventory like the MMPI or something else you weren’t prepared for. The VA Psychologist will evaluate you and determine the exact disability you have that corresponds to the highest rating available to you. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. It’s not a contractor. I have PTSD, but my anxiety is higher than my PTSD, so I will get rated for anxiety. He just got an email that QTC will be calling him soon to schedule a C&P. Do you think this is a favorable decision for the exam Got a call from QTC on the 15th to schedule appointments for the next day and two more in the week after. Has anyone ever gotten a rating for PTSD without being in a combat zone? Backstory: I had a terrible childbirth, epidural failed. This dude literally fell asleep twice during my interview- dropping his clipboard. Best advice. I am actually going to do a Tele Health exam through QTC but was wondering how that went for any of you and your experience with it. I thought it went well. If you think you can make your case better with an in-person examination you can let QTC know, but I wouldn't be that concerned. Please request services at: Call: 1 (833) QTC-RHRP (833-782-7477) Email: I had a PTSD C&P with QTC. If it was - call VA and ask if they got it. He showed me the paperwork (over the computer) that hed be filling out. It shows how the PTSD DBQ really just puts the different Got a call from QTC on the 15th to schedule appointments for the next day and two more in the week after. Wish me luck. Our firm is still practicing social distancing with newer videos. We pretty much checked all the boxes I competed all my C&P Exams with Veterans Evaluation Services (VES). I mean do they already have their minds made up? 12/31/2014:_____Completed 6-month PTSD C&P re-exam via QTC Medical Services, Inc for DoVA 01/22/2015:_____Submitted Primary Family Caregiver Appeal via DoVA Patient Advocate's Office 04/23/2018:_____Completed third TDRL PTSD re-examination over the telephone via an Army Military Treatment Facility; that's a first for me! 04/26/2018 What if I’m not eligible for a Leidos QTC Telehealth exam? Call us at 1 (800) 682-9701 to speak with a customer service representative about other options. But he asked if I knew why we were having the exam and I said im here for a PTSD increase and hes like yup. Just be honest with the examiner, don’t BS, but make sure they do their job and if the don’t, report their lazy fcking ass. I have looked up the Doctor's bio that will exam me tomorrow, and she does not have near the experience that the first Doctor has in examining Vietnam Vets. 3rd exam the provider sucked, left things out said I said things that I didn't. Retired TopKick. VA Disability Hello everybody, I filed my original claim as I was getting out of the military in 2021, I have a rating of 60 percent for a few things (TBI, Anxiety, Depression), I recently, after being out for a full year filed a new claim for PTSD. BTW, The report I PTSD Increase C&P exam in 5 minutes . If they did - go to the nearest VARO and request a copy of the DBQ and compare it to the form you filled out. Just go in and tell them your actual issues and how they effect your social and occupation. Had exam with QTC, which was one of the best C&P exams I ever had. The doctor uses what you write to gauge the history and severity of your condition. What’s the main difference of doing the C&P VA vs the private contractors QTC,LHI etc? Locked post. Leah emphasizes the importance of What is a VA PTSD C&P Exam? Once a veteran files a VA claim for PTSD, the United States Department of Veterans Affairs will make the veteran undergo a Compensation and Pension Examination (C&P exam) VA will verify the QTC exam - PTSD. Have my first ptsd exam at the end of the week and wondering what can be expected? Types of questions they ask?what do I need to provide to support if anything? Any tips that helped you succeed? I want to fully lay it out to the examiner if needed. VA Disability Claims . I have been reevaluated for tbi 4 weeks ago, then PTSD 3 weeks ago. Post Sep 04, 2013 #2 2013-09-04T12:40+00:00. This exam is mandatory in order to have your claim See more Answering the questionnaire is very close to just as important as attending the exam. QTC can suck a fat C! Appealing this is gonna take forever, but she’s been reported to QTC for falsifying documents. Did that practitioner answer those questions? No then call qtc file a complaint. (I was hesitant to claim this initially because I was ashamed ChrisR92-Wait until you get your C&P exam report or your final award letter. Personally, I prefer the examiners at QTC. QTC is one of the 3 VA exam contractors (QTC,VES,LHI). Confirm the service connection of PTSD. Rated at 70 for ptsd. The psychologist or psychiatrist who saw me i thought was the enemy. Post Dec 17, 2019 #1 2019-12-17T19:11+00:00. Yay! Today it goes to Gathering Evidence. A C&P examiner for a PTSD exam will use criteria from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-V) to reach a diagnosis of PTSD. It's a lot easier for them to do telehealth instead of potentially flying someone in (all of my in-person mental health examinations they flew the examiner in Tip #3: 8 Things for Your VA C and P Exam for PTSD. Doctor asked if I was filing for money or treatment during my first MH C&P exam and it left me feeling kind of weird. The questionnaire is Conduct a brief mental status examination aimed at screening for DSM-IV mental disorders. Tomorrow I have my C&P exam at a QTC Contracted Shrink. I had my PTSD exam Monday, denied today because she falsely stated that I had prior to service “Personality Disorders”. The cognitive symptoms remit over time and with psychiatric interventions, likely because they aren't caused by any brain pathology, but rather due to psychosocial factors. The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) provides free treatment (psychotherapy and/or psychiatric medicines) to MST survivors. C. Georgia but consults for QTC. On 3/3/2021 I called up QTC to check if they had submitted my claim to the VA. The PTSD C&P exam process typically involves a detailed interview with a mental health professional, usually a psychologist or psychiatrist. Well, had the last of my C&P's for DRO Review Appeal today. Most examiner at all the contractors are very good. Qtc held my exam results for 45 days in their qa. How's the experience with QTC, and what are some of the basic questions they'll ask? Psychiatric Qtc Examination Announcements. and Pension (C&P) Disability Examination Process . At my first QTC exam, a noted Shrink examined me, and concluded that I had PTSD and the VA rated me at 30 percent. I QTC Audiology Exam. 11K 8,294. This includes claims for These diagnosed conditions are in my file. First of all the appointment was at 9:30am the doctor did not call me back until 9:45 it appeared she just walked into her office because the computer was still booting and she had her coat on. The VA requires you to attend a C&P Exam (Compensation and Pension) to validate PTSD disability claims. I received a c&p exam through QTC online. I felt validated for the first time since I left service. 130. Opinions are like assholes, everyone’s got one. Generally, Bi-Polar will be taken into consideration with a PTSD rating or any other mental health rating. As a clarifying point - the VA not using private diagnoses of PTSD has nothing to do with trust, it has everything to do with how 38 CFR 3. For my first decision it was about 7 weeks after ves sent the results to the va and ves was a little quicker than the other 2. It would be 4 hours away. I told him that I take medication for my QTC is a joke. VA Disability Claims I had a PTSD C&P exam done on 11/29. I filed my initial claim in September 2022 , I was just called by VA Clinic in Charlotte, NC to schedule C&P exam. I have sleep disturbance and PTSD with Nightmares some times. I had to go in twice with the same provider at QTC and then they send me a letter stating I have another appointment but didn’t have to attend . 1,667. Why? Because the results of A C&P exam, or compensation and pension exam, is a medical exam ordered by the VA to evaluate a veteran’s conditions in reference to their disability claim.
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