Stardew console commands mod. All games (3,524) Recently added (76) .
Stardew console commands mod Open comment sort This mod allows the user the change the real-time speed of the game. Installation Install the latest version of SMAPI. For more info, see the GitHub readme or use the help add_bush and help remove_bush Commands overhauled in 1. Support . For example: > debug action "AddMoney 10" Applied action 'AddMoney 10'. Added help documentation for each command. A mod that adds the list_mods command to the SMAPI console that lists the currently loaded mods to the console or a CSV file. Each console command must have: A name which the player types to invoke the command. Clearest name should be listed first. Example: debug boots 504 would give you Sneakers. How to Use Console Commands on a Stardew Valley Server 1. home Stardew Valley. Only one event can occur each night, so if you use this command twice, the second event will override the first. Existem centenas de comandos que podem serUtilizado com o SMPai, o mod carregador para o Vale do Stardrew. , one mod on one connected computer) to very broad (all mods on all computers). . Back close Close navigation menu. list_mods csv c:\temp\mods. ; Best practices. Stardew Valley cheats pre and post-1. But since all debts are purchased by the same bank (canonically the Bank of Stardew), interest rates are always the same. Mods. Page 3; Powered by GitBook. To uninstall delete Stardew Valley/Mods Issue Modded Silo Bugged. Make sure there are no build errors and the mod gets copied to your Mods folder. But it looks like when you reinstalled it, it got bundled correctly. If you don't have that console, than you need to start your Stardew Valley game with the 'StardewModdingAPI. remove_bush: Removes a bush. json) Console Commands adds a number of useful commands to SMAPI (like to change the date, clear a map, etc). 13. A SMAPI mod must have a compiled DLL file which contains the code to run as part of the mod (see mod entry below);; a manifest. These commands can save a lot of Console Commands adds a number of useful commands to SMAPI (like to change the date, clear a map, etc). Here you can also enter the commands. aquaponics_downgradeallaquaponicsponds Mod compatibility: Test the mod Basic testing. All Discussions I think the console commands are only for replaying events which you need a mod for any which also requires smapi what do you want to do with console commands #1. 6 may use the item. Credits & Special Thanks Credits to the following translators: That's the mod loader for Stardew Valley — it launches the game with mod support and lets mods interact directly with the game code. dll and . Console commands. You can also install the Chat Commands mod to use debug The SMAPI console is the window that opens alongside the game, which displays messages from SMAPI and mods in a text-only format. I noticed that when my friend downloaded SMAPI and started modding for the first time that their default Mods folder included a Console Command folder and SaveBackup folder. SMAPI provides access to hundreds of console commands with a wide variety of effects, ranging from useful tools to cheats to specialized test commands. 3. The destination can range from very narrow (e. All games (3,524) Recently added (76) added the /listen command which lets you listen to console output through the in game chat box; [Mod Name] at the start) from commands entered in the chat. Stardew Valley close Clear game filter; Games. Install the latest version of SMAPI. A place where the community can share ideas and discuss mods for Stardew Valley I followed the guide on Nexus which led me to do commands in the SMAPI console to just manually repeat the quest. It is recommended to put your items into a chest before running the command, especially if you are shrinking your backpack. Home; Rules; Page; Getting Started; Commands; How to Build and use a Ship; Planets; Group 1. Enter it to display information about your current location, including: The map's name (e. Y para instalar estos dos mods Lateness fines are generally higher for property taxes (configurable). locations list shows both active and shadow locations. For C# mod authors Using trigger actions in C# data. Added list_cabins and list_renovations commands (thanks Download mod file , unpack it to "Stardew Valley/Mods" folder, then start game with SMAPI; In Game , press the Q key(can be config) to open the menu and select the feature to be used. One of the lesser-known features of the game is the use of console commands, which can be used to modify the game’s behavior, fix bugs, and even add new features. Trigger actions are mainly meant for Content Patcher packs. Help For a list of other commands, type help in the SMAPI console. This template is used on Modding:Console commands to generate automatic anchor links and provide a consistent format for command documentation. Search CtrlK. The available commands are the following: multiplayer_emotes List all the players that have this mod installed Basic structure. "Farm" or "BusStop") Your Is there a fix to this or is the debug commands not available to us anymore? Login Store Home Discovery Queue Wishlist Points Shop News Stats Head to the official Stardew Valley Wiki page for a complete list of available console commands to use in-game. Sure, the Console Commands mod allowed players to use debug commands, but as far as official support goes, players remained tethered to ConcernedApe’s intended balance. RemoveSMAPIMessagePrefix to true. Players can enter commands directly into that window to interact with mods. Accepted event types: Commands This mod adds the following commands to SMAPI's console: The whereami command. But this is the what the console told me: quests_accept DurinsRestQuest4 9035 As part of the farming sim’s beefy 1. Download and install this mod (download with Vortex possible and recommended) Start SV and load up a save game or start a new game; Edit settings via console command as desired; Requirements. Harmony patching: Harmony lets you patch or replace methods, effectively rewriting Removing mods like Stardew Valley Expanded for example, will immediately cause your game to crash because it's trying to load content that no longer exists. For more info, see the GitHub readme or use the help add_bush and help remove_bush Console Commands. I used the console commands built in with SMAPI to spawn in a Silo and now I have 2 Silo's on my farm that dont work, I can walk through them, and I cant move or demolish them with Robin or the Wizard. Valid values for slots are 12, 24, 36 and 48. 8). StarDew Valley Mod Manager (SDVMM) was a very useful tool when it was regularly updated. Crusader Kings 2 Console Commands; Imperator Rome Console Commands; Pillars of Eternity Console Commands; We hope you have enjoyed this post and that you found the information you were looking for. ; getbabychance: Shows the current chance of the baby question. 6 update. Only this way you can use your mods. Console Commands This mod adds some console commands to use with the SMAPI console. Mod does not do anything for farmhands. stale Smapi console commands working. Give feedback chevron_right. Example console output Console Commands v3. Current features: - Travel UI - Press V to open an alphabetized list of your created travel points. params - Any parameters, separated by commas. See when to use Harmony. Confirm that you have followed the correct steps to enable the console and ensure that any necessary mods, like SMAPI, are correctly installed and up-to-date. 6 has changed many things about the game. Note that before we head on and go ahead with Stardew Valley mods and console commands, here is a list of item codes that This mod provides a SMAPI console command to alter your backpack size. Added detailed validation and errors for each command. player_setbackpacksize slots: Changes the size of your inventory. Media . You can separate multiple expressions with ; With SMAPI installed, you can run the list_items console command in-game to search item IDs. 18. See Data/ClothingInformation for a list of base game IDs. The mod is compatible with Stardew Valley 1. 6! Support. Commands This mod adds the following SMAPI console commands: add_bush: Creates a new bush of the given size. csv Lists the mods to the csv file on the (absolute or relative) path. Previously, cheats (or debug commands) were only accessible through Stardew Valley mods like SMAPI. Unzip the mod folder into Stardew Valley/Mods. It goes room by room, so if you don't see spawns in MinecartCave and Deepcave The mod is compatible with Stardew Valley 1. You can check Game1. 12. It's safely installed alongside your normal game, and you can uninstall it anytime. You can check your upcoming income taxes by running the console command `txs do property`. Additionally, you can check out some Stardew-specific examples on the Modding wiki. ; 1 warps the mountain (facing Robin's house). The former is straightforward and performs that singular command, then the latter opens a wealth of options. cs). Unzip this mod into the game's Mods folder. ADMIN MOD Console Commands: Setting Player Money . Collections . ; Unhandled errors in a patch can be hard to troubleshoot, which often leads to players asking for help on the page for SMAPI or someone else's mod. A description shown when the player uses the help command. See the Harmony tutorials and documentation. json in the mod Debug commands and the 1. exe'. The message won't be sent back to the mod instance that sent it, but it can be sent to the same I am trying to set my money using the 'player_setmoney' command in the back window of the SMAPI modded version. What is console commands? Console commands are string-based commands that you can run in the game or in the editor. On this page. Just type "help" in the SMAPI console to see what is available. "Console Commands" (which used to be called "Trainer Mod") is bundled with SMAPI, which is essential for modding. Mods . Ask questions, get help, and discuss SMAPI and mods here! ADMIN MOD Smapi commands not working . Skip to content. 6. 4 by SMAPI | Adds SMAPI console commands that let you manipulate the game. Harmony patching: Harmony lets you patch or replace methods, effectively rewriting Stardew Valley. 3. 6 or later on Linux/macOS/Windows, both single-player and multiplayer. All SMAPI versions are standard. (See above "Console Commands") support use Generic Mod Config Menu change major configs in game. For example, you This template is used on Modding:Console commands to generate automatic anchor links and provide a consistent format for command documentation. Commands This mod adds the following commands to SMAPI's console: The whereami command. ) can pass through all objects. Send messages. This comprehensive resource outlines hundreds of console commands that can be accessed through SMAPI, each with its own unique set of effects and applications. EDIT: The comment I linked to, is probably not reliable. 2 by SMAPI: - no update key command description; boots: Syntax: boots <I:itemID> Adds the specified pair of boots to your inventory. 3 for Windows will output 1. [What is this mod?] This mod adds a noclip function and a new console command (noclip) toggles it. Nothing was actually changed With the 1. Open the SMAPI command window. Extra info. SaveBackup makes a daily backup of your save files in the save-backups folder inside your main game folder. ; Unzip the mod folder into Stardew Valley/Mods. 8 by SMAPI | Adds SMAPI console commands that let you manipulate the game. Several commands are working oddly (e. Typed 'help' and it says "Unknown command, type 'help' for a list of commands" going around in circles here Share Sort by: Best. ; It may optionally have any number of compiled . Run the game Run SMAPI commands through the in game chat box! Also adds scrolling, command history, whispers, and more! update to SDV 1. Reply reply The 1. According to Smapi List, the Mod should still SMAPI [REQUIRED] - The Stardew Valley Mod Loader; Console Commands [REQUIRED] - If you install SMAPI, you will get the Console Commands mod since it comes with SMAPI (unless you deleted Console Commands from your Mods folder; to solve this problem simply reinstall SMAPI) Let other modders provide files for your mod to read, which players can install like any other mod. cabeça para a página oficial do Wiki de Stardrew Valley para obter uma lista completa de comandos de console disponíveis para usar no jogo. 6 update use several of the same commands, with some more limited without SMAPI but the two commands added in the 2024 patch include /money [#] and /debug Erros de interceptação. Stardew Valley is an open-ended country-life RPG with support for 1–8 players. For more info, see the GitHub readme or use the help add_bush and help remove_bush Stardew Valley console commands are available through the popular modding tool SMAPI. g. (Multiplayer isn't supported on mobile). 6 update use several of the same commands, with some more limited without SMAPI but the two commands added in the 2024 patch include /money [#] and /debug [command]. Stardew Valley close Clear game filter. Games . Hay específicamente dos modificaciones o trucos de Stardew Valley que puedes utilizar, es decir, el menú de trucos de CJB y el generador de elementos de CJB. This can be useful in case a emote gets stuck playing or to stop playing emotes. Enter this command in the SMAPI console (the second window that opens with the game): show_game_files; Option 3: find it [SMAPI] Loaded 6 mods: [SMAPI] Console Commands 3. NPCs, Animals, Monsters, etc. The Stardew Valley Wiki’s Modding: Console Commands page is a treasure trove of information for anyone looking to enhance their gameplay experience. I provided a text walkthrough within Smapi showing how it looks on that end, as well as how to select between both Stardew/Smapi for those who are unsure of where to enter console commands. - You can change what the colors show up as, mapping Optionally, see README. 23. This is not a valid identifier; multiple items of the same type may have the same sprite index for different textures. Template parameters. Hidden at 03 Oct 2019, 7:28PM by Deleted45384422User for the following reason: Outdated. BackpackCost: How much you have to pay to buy this backpack in the shop. Also Read: How to Play Split-Screen Co-Op in Stardew Valley. pdb files referenced by the main mod DLL;; an i18n folder containing translations;; any number of custom files used by the mod This has some significant implications for C# mods: The Game1. That's the mod loader for Stardew Valley — it launches the game with mod support and lets mods interact directly with the game code. To use console commands, bring up the console by pressing Tab or Tilde (~), type them in, and press Enter. ; Run the game using SMAPI. They have moved to a separate script (DebugCommands. The command is: debug resetjunimonotes This console command might also lead to some display errors based on your previous save game, but you should be able to finish the bundles again. Download this mod and unzip it into Stardew Valley/Mods. Se o seu mod travar ou causar um erro, o SMAPI irá interceptar o erro, mostrar os detalhes do erro na janela do console e, na maioria dos casos, recuperar o jogo automaticamente. ; Y adds 10 minutes to the clock. - Key can be changed in config. 2. Note that game versions before 1. Ask questions, get help, and discuss SMAPI and mods here! Console commands is actually a mod itself that comes bundled with SMAPI I believe, and I'm not sure why you didn't get it whenever you installed it. Make sure there are no errors or warnings for your mod in the SMAPI console. Forneça verificações de atualização. If you think that we should update any information about Stardew Valley Console Commands or that we have made a mistake, do not hesitate to write Stardew. Ça me permet de rectifier les erreurs quand j’en trouve. Bushes added by this command will regrow if that setting is enabled. You should be careful not to This command allows to force to a FarmAnimal to play an emote. Ask questions, get help, and discuss SMAPI and mods here! In one of the most recent posts here (year 2022) someone mentions that it is probably not working anymore with the newest Stardew Update. 0 and some mod versions are non-standard (e. 9 update of Stardew Valley, we now have an official way to use cheat commands without the use of mods. These require the Console Commands mod too, but every command should be prefixed with debug like this: debug where Robin > Robin is at Farm, 21,4 For example, running this command on Stardew Valley 1. Does the mod work in multiplayer? Yep, all the cheats should work in multiplayer (except changing the time if you're a farmhand). 2. Use the T Debug commands and the 1. 4. Multiplayer Host should install mod. While mods can access the shadow locations, these don't reflect the real data on the server and any changes to them won't be synced to the host. setbabychance: Sets the chance of the baby question. Tap into mobile co-op farming fun. Players can modify their games using console commands, such as current or max stamina, health, or money. Unfortunately, I couldn't record Smapi and Stardew at the same time to show when you click out of the game or hit the windows keyboard key. Enter this command in the SMAPI console (the second window that opens with the game): show_game_files; Option 3: find it With SMAPI installed, you can run the list_items console command in-game to search item IDs. In addition, hundreds of commands can be utilized with SMPAI, the mod loader for Valle Stardew con MOD803 – Leche de Iridio[/su_spoiler]Si tuvieras que aceptar mi opinión, deberías jugar Stardew Valley con modificaciones o trucos. SVE compat Will also spawn in the MinecartCave and the DeepCave, if UseModCaves is enabled (after 1. In Version 1. This is possible with a SMAPI console command. I mainly feature it here to warn everyone that today it throws errors for almost anything, so it's not worth downloading. These are documented on this page. 0 - ervas daninhas ; 2 - pedra ; 4 - Stone The community for using and creating Stardew Valley mods. Despite celebrating its eighth anniversary in 2024, Stardew Valley never really had “cheats” like many PC games. Note: run Stardew Valley once with this mod enabled to generate the config. If you want to start using cheat commands but don't know where To enter debug commands, you must install SMAPI (and not delete its bundled Console Commands mod). Stardew Valley is an open-ended country-life RPG with Members Online • ProofSale5315. Page 1; Group 2. Community . 32. Improved console commands: Overhauled console commands. Reply thenewcarpet [SMAPI] Loaded 3 mods: [SMAPI] Console Commands 3. Default = 50000). Console Commands. Find romance and affection with your true love in Stardew Valley! [SMAPI The community for using and creating Stardew Valley mods. The SMAPI console window using the debug action console command. Discuss Hi guys! I am trying to set my money using the 'player_setmoney Watch on YouTube Stardew Valley cheats and console commands (v1. T adds one hour to the clock. chevron_right. 0. Which console for Stardew Valley? Commands This mod adds the following SMAPI console commands: add_bush: Creates a new bush of the given size. [How does this mod works?] This mod patches game's default collision, so characters (incl. Bushes removed by this command will NOT regrow. This mod adds a ton of new console commands that are not featured in the default SMAPI commands. Isso significa que seu mod não travará acidentalmente o jogo e facilita muito a solução de erros. Uninstallation instructions: Before removing this mod, either demolish all upgraded aquaponics ponds, or run this console command to downgrade all aquaponics pond to the base version: selph. Page will need a full overhaul. StarDew Valley ModManager. 4. Ask questions, get help, and discuss SMAPI and mods here! TOUS LES MODS QUE JE TRADUIS SONT DES MODS QUE J’UTILISE SUR MA PARTIE. Install. Looks like console commands have changed substantially in 1. Members Online • ms_redacted. OnionNinja 08:20, 10 April 2024 (UTC) The SMAPI console window using the debug action console command. You can type help in the SMAPI console to get a list of them. FAQ Introduction. This mod adds more than 30 new commands that you can use at any time to speed up your games or just to have fun for a while, almost all of them are harmless and not destructive. Nov 23, 2024 @ 9:58pm Raise the affection of the farm animals. AutoTravel will create a json file for each player in it's mod folder. These commands can save a lot of headaches when doing multiple playthroughs of Stardew Valley, as there is a command to do almost anything in the game. Try the mod in-game. SMAPI adds a default Console Commands mod, which lets you set the mine level by entering a command like this directly into the SMAPI console window: Comandos do console . I'd assume you can enter any commands into that Reply reply Mod console commands; Mod integrations; Harmony patching; Specific guides; ← Modding:Index. 9+ Console command usage Usage: drs <command> <parameter> <command> one of the Ive tried entering commands to put the Kittyfish in my collection but the commands dont seem to work, as it says it has done the command but my collection does not change at all. A list of the commands and what they do: Help: HelpUtCom: helputcom Shows detailed help for all Utility Commands. Download the SMAPI Mod for Stardew Valley. ParentSheetIndex field as an item identifier. everythingshop). md. uiMode to know which mode is active. ADMIN MOD Smapi console command question . "Farm" or "BusStop") Your current tile's X/Y coordinates; The tile's terrain type (e. With SMAPI installed, you can run the list_items console command in-game to search item IDs. This command allows to force to a FarmAnimal to play an emote. Note: mods created before Stardew Valley 1. All games (3,323) Recently added (56) Download this mod and unzip it into Stardew Valley/Mods. Please Note that this will have lasting effects on your save game, if you save your game after resetting the bundles. 9, you’ll need to edit your save Commands This mod adds the following SMAPI console commands: add_bush: Creates a new bush of the given size. códigos de item . Stardew Valley without MOD. 5 by Pathoschild | Loads content packs which edit game data, images, and maps without changing the game files. Queenie The Bee. I am not sure how to remove them other than using the "removebuildings" command that removes Commands This mod adds the following SMAPI console commands: add_bush: Creates a new bush of the given size. It's main features (updating SMAPI Stardew Valley close Clear game filter. To avoid repeating text, this page uses a few conventions to convey common Console Code lets you write and execute C# code from the SMAPI console. Let other modders provide files for your mod to read, which players can install like any other mod. 11 comes before 1. Games. 36+ Stardew Valley Modding API (SMAPI) 2. I have tired debug caughtfish Kittyfish 1 like the wiki says for debug commands but no luck ;-; Please help. json file which describes the mod. Console commands: Add custom commands to the SMAPI console. See Data/Boots for a list of base game IDs. Run the game using SMAPI. , Stardew Valley 1. # worldMapPosition: If debug commands are not operational in Stardew Valley on your device, it could be due to not having the game’s console enabled or a conflict with a mod you have installed. You can now use list_cabins to get detailed cabin info, then use the cabin number in other commands to apply them to a specific cabin. Mod structure(模组结构) Manifest(清单) Events(事件) Config(配置) Content(内容) Data(数据) Input(输入) Logging(日志) Reflection(反射) Multiplayer(多人) Translation(翻译) Update checks(检查更新) Utilities(工具) 进阶API: Content packs(内容包) Console Game debug mode If you enable AllowGameDebug in the configuration (disabled by default), the mod will also enable the game's debug mode and hotkeys:. clothes: Syntax: clothes <I:itemID> Adds the specified clothing item to your inventory. The mod is local, so it's fine if only some players have it (whether they're the host or farmhands). "Dirt" or "Stone") Whether the tile is "Diggable" with tools A full list of Console Commands can be found at the Stardew Valley Wiki. This mod has been set to hidden. Stardew Valley 1. Commands are command description; boots: Syntax: boots <I:itemID> Adds the specified pair of boots to your inventory. finishbuildings (finishes all buildings under construction) growall (grows all crops) listanimals (lists info about all your animals in the smapi console) npclocations (lists all the locations of npcs in the smapi console) petall (pets all animals) setmenukey (changes the key to open the menu, this can also be done in the config. Mods; Games; Get ready for Stardew Valley 1. They are also known as exec commands. 33936 # worldMapLines: Toggles the world map's debug view. Basic structure. [SMAPI] Content Patcher 1. pdb files referenced by the main mod DLL;; an i18n folder containing translations;; any number of custom files used by the mod Console Code lets you write and execute C# code from the SMAPI console. It also gives you access to the game's debug commands, which are documented here. 2). Just skip out of your game (or make the window small) than you can reach the SMAPI console and wrote console commands. json file. ; SHIFT + T subtract 10 minutes from the clock. Commands /map Get a link to the server live map /wiki Get a link to this wiki /balance See how much money you have Logs chat in console and allows you to speak from console with the 'say' command. SMAPI provides some C# objects you can use to simplify your code. I realize this is pretty stupid, and I mainly wrote it as an exercise in learning to write a SMAPI console command, but someone with a lot more time on their hands than I have could probably create some Stardew Valley fan fiction with this. Games; You may also use the console command "game speed This has some significant implications for C# mods: The Game1. 6 update creator Eric Barone added support for Console Commands, so if you’re only modding for the easy money and item dupes, the process just got easier. 5) Broadly speaking there are two ways of introducing Stardew Valley cheats into your game - with mods and without mods. Support; Help chevron_right. You can separate multiple expressions with ; The community for using and creating Stardew Valley mods. Adds the following SMAPI console commands: set_farmevent <event_type> If you use this command any time before going to bed, an event of the type you specified will occur that night. This is included with SMAPI, which is the essential Stardew Valley console commands are available through the popular modding tool SMAPI. There may be duplicate copies of NPCs, horses, etc in the shadow world. If you've ever wanted to play the game at a faster (or slower) speed for whatever reason, this mod will do the trick. This should explain what the command I've never tried using the console commands, but I just started playing with mods, and when I launch stardew now there's a SMAPI command window which opens along side it. The available commands are the following: multiplayer_emotes List all the players that have this mod installed Hidden mod. Use Short snippets You can run code directly in the SMAPI console using the cs command. 7286. 9 update of Stardew Valley lets you enable cheat commands without the use of mods. This is in your Stardew Valley folder. , itemnamed), others have been deleted (e. Testing is pretty straightforward for most mods: Click Build > Rebuild Solution (Visual Studio) or Build > Rebuild All (MonoDevelop). The community for using and creating Stardew Valley mods. Contact us chevron_right. You can send a message to mods on all connected computers (including the current one) using the SendMessage method. And that was before they downloaded any mods. Si vous trouvez simple, je vous rassure : ça l’est ! Ça prend juste plus ou moins de temps en fonction de si le mod est bavard et s’il faut s’assurer de l’uniformisation des termes. Patching is a delicate thing, so it might contains Environment-dependent bugs. It How to Use Console Commands in Stardew Valley Stardew Valley is a popular farming simulation game that has gained a massive following since its release in 2016. Mod integrations: Get information about loaded mods, and integrate with mods using mod-provided APIs. Here, you can learn how to do just that. For more info, see the GitHub readme or use the help add_bush and help remove_bush Console Code lets you write and execute C# code from the SMAPI console. Add a custom command. ; 2 warps the town (on the path between the town Mod structure(模组结构) Manifest(清单) Events(事件) Config(配置) Content(内容) Data(数据) Input(输入) Logging(日志) Reflection(反射) Multiplayer(多人) Translation(翻译) Update checks(检查更新) Utilities(工具) 进阶API: Content packs(内容包) Console This mod allows you to create custom travel points, which you can fast travel to from anywhere. command - The command name; if it has aliases, separate with commas. Page 2; Land Claiming; Special Items. Examples list_mods Lists the mods to the console. Items in the removed slots will be Mod structure(模组结构) Manifest(清单) Events(事件) Config(配置) Content(内容) Data(数据) Input(输入) Logging(日志) Reflection(反射) Multiplayer(多人) Translation(翻译) Update checks(检查更新) Utilities(工具) 进阶API: Content packs(内容包) Console Stardew Valley is an open-ended country-life RPG with support for 1–8 players. Effect on SMAPI mods The game has two distinct scaling modes depending on the context: UI mode and non-UI mode. My advice is: please, please This mod offers the following: Config variable for number of days between proposal and wedding; Lets NPCs join your wedding as "witnesses" (like Best Man / Maid of Honour) Console commands for checking, changing, or cancelling an upcoming wedding; Functionality to allow existing spouses and their children to join upcoming weddings (using Free This mod registers a SMAPI console command "npc_say" which will allow you to make any NPC say anything you want. Once installed, launch the game and connect to the server. qkvcsfnlsuxoibxnrdwhozcadgwcfcjavvuqrhnyszqpebsfkmwygbtqehneowxzjrgiqvmmgix