Sun god 5e They teach that meditation can unlock the ability to unleash the indomitable light shed by the Sun's Journey. These deities exist to support the operation of the alignment and religious systems of the world; particularly to facilitate the operation of magic and alignment for role-playing. The Order of the Sun Soul was a monastic order that, during the time of Netheril, worshiped the god Amaunator as the Brotherhood of the Sun. Created by the god Corellon, the first elves could change their forms at will. Armor: All Armor Weapons: Simple weapons, Martial weapons The Adama was a spiritual belief held by almost all Durpari. Contemporary franchises that use the style are Adventure Time & Cuphead. The Dawnfather wears a white cloak over an intricate golden plate Set is a chaotic evil god of murder, perhaps best known for killing his brother Osiris. If this sounds up your alley, check out my subclass guide to the Great Old One Warlock! Warlock Lathander is also the god called upon to bless birth and fertility related ceremonies. [1] A priest with this domain could initially. Markovia a servant of the Morninglord. , one target. I think this was changed around the time of either the Green Ronin Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting book or in Campaign 2 to avoid any copyright issues as Saren'Rae is a deity from Pathfinder rather than 11 votes, 29 comments. There are many gods and most are unique to each setting meaning that a different pantheon of gods will be worshipped in Faerun to those worshipped on Krynn. His name was Satama and he claimed to have experienced a divine revelation, which he turned into the philosophy of the Adama. The Seldarine (Elvish for "fellowship of brothers and sisters of the wood") was the elven pantheon of gods that resided on the astral dominion of Arvandor under the leadership of Corellon Larethian. This god is surrounded in mystery. The most recognizable example is the now-public Steam Boat Willy. When gods walk the world, clerics channel divine power, evil cults perform dark sacrifices in subterranean lairs, and shining paladins stand like beacons Nuada appears as a very tall tall, blonde Sun-Elf with his right arm all in silver. 5 edition gods and powers of the "Core Setting" for the Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) roleplaying game. You shed bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet. Bard: College of Therapy [5e] r/UnearthedArcana • Better Celestials - A Compendium of Celestial Creatures, Items, Spells, and Player Options to flavor your next trip to the Upper Planes! by Ariadne's Codex of Strings - Full Doc in the Comments! Sun Spirit – God and Clerics for D&D 5e. When you hit with an attack roll using this staff, the target takes an extra 1d8 fire damage. I want to create a religion (similar to Islam) with a somekind of desert god and I was wondering if there is such a thing in 5e Archived post. Solar Focus. Pelor is an excessively powerful deity, entirely devoted to the cause of Good, and who is indifferent to the quarrels between Law and Chaos, as long Returning 35 results for 'sun god'. Aurelios especially favors the storks and whoever slays them, risks provoking his wrath. One thing is certain though, both Mother Night and whatever Sun God whether the original or Lathander, aren't active in Barovia. Casting Time: 1 action Range: Self Components: V, S Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute. Sort by: from an order of monks who revered the sun god. He is said to be kind and extroverted, calling Religion is an important part of life in the worlds of the D&D multiverse. This puts him at the forefront of the magical community, as he can create ideal conditions for spells relying on the Sun and Moon. Which dnd 5e gods are in your world? How do the gods relate to each other? Just answering these three simple questions will build so much Gods of light – including Helm, Lathander, Pholtus, Branchala, the Silver Flame, Belenus, Apollo, and Re-Horakhty – promote the ideals of rebirth and renewal, truth, vigilance, and beauty, Pelor is the great Sun God, a source of life, healing, warmth, well-being and strength. He is the counterpart of the cold Luna , and the two together generate the cycles necessary for life. true. ACTIONS. [2] The core principle of the Adama was that everything is Pelor, the Dawnfather is the god of the sun, summer, and agriculture, and is generally worshiped by farmers and people who live off the land. 1 Pantheons; 2 Deities; The court of the Sun King: The Gods of Apiron. Sol is the god of the sun and its life-giving rays of warmth. Luffy is Sun God Nika (One Piece) (48) Hurt/Comfort (32) Monkey D. Print sheet JSON. Dunatis was a minor interloper deity of mountains and peaks who originated from another plane of existence. It is the source of nourishment and life, be refreshed in its mighty glow. Today’s 5e gods don’t tend to function in the same way, but an avatar In 5e they don't mention the original sun god and retroactively made St. Unlike most elves, sun elves organized their society along firm and hierarchical traditions. Most took the logical choice to begin worship of Lathander, others Selûne and a minority also began worship Dol Arrah is the light, not only of the sun, but of the best aspects of the mortal soul. The Seelie Court was introduced The Sun god is the Fun god! The first thing that comes to mind for the Church of the Sun, is how important their cycle of worship is going to be. [2][3] The temple We begin our Theros Gods 5E Guie with the God of Passage. [1] They casted a steadier light than torch light,[4] shining brighter and out to a wider radius. Monks of the Way of the Sun Soul learn to channel their own life energy into searing bolts of light. They are arranged in the Seelie Court. It almost certainly is pretty much the same afterwards, too. Sun Spirit (Intermediate God) Sun, sometimes called Shakuru, is charged by the Great Spirit with casting warmth and light over the world. Pelor is also a god of strength, not in the purely physical sense of the term (as in the clergy of Kord) but also and above all in the spiritual sense: strength of life, strength of will and hope, strength of face adversity and stand against Evil. Other notable “historical” examples are Tom & Jerry, Bugs Bunny, & Popeye. So what, exactly, does a Sun God do? The sun was there being exactly as it was believed to be before anyone started personifying it. While grasping the hilt, you can use a bonus action to cause a blade of pure radiance to spring Skip to Content. I've also given all of the names a title, like god of war. Weapons and weapon materials section feels too complex. [1] The temple stood four storys tall. Communities were typically run by members of an esteemed nobility, some of whom could trace their ancestry all the way Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) Fifth Edition (5e) Magic Item - Sun Blade - This item appears to be a longsword hilt. As an action, you can create the radiance of the dawn. As with most gods of Sarrin, Ethraee resides in Otherworld. 3 meters) in length and weighing 1 pound (0. Aside from the Great Spirit himself, Sun is the most powerful of the dominant American Indian spirits. In some there are no (surviving) ones (Dark Sun). [1] After Mulhorand invaded Durpar and wiped out the barbarian clans, a simple trader emerged to lead the remnants of his people. Clerics of a god of the sun are heroic souls infused with radiance and the power of their gods' discerning vision, charged with hunting down evil and burning away darkness. [8] Lady Firehair, as her symbol depicted,[7] was the goddess of beauty in all its forms; whether it be sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and feels, the experience of pleasure was the touch of Sune. [8] He is one of the prime creator gods of Exandria. Moon elves (also called silver elves or gray elves) are much paler, with alabaster skin sometimes tinged with blue. Nuada is regarded as a “The Light of The Elves”, who is destined to become Lord of the Sun, Bright Master of the Chariot, Son of Svarog, the Perfect Knight, Lord of Light and Destroyer of the Darkness, Patron of the Magdar, Friend to Magus and Warrior Son of Svarog (whom the traders of Siwal call Aten or Amon-Ra), Khors resembles one of the elemental gods of the Eastern Empire, though he is their foe. Belenus is a fascinating god to explore in the context of D&D 5e, as he can inspire many aspects of your character creation and role-playing. While they may be good or evil the deities of Eberron are Ethraee, the Solar god, controls the cycles of the Moon and Sun. These deities may be included in the story themselves. And Nephthys is a chaotic good goddess of mourning. Gods and demigods for D&D 5e and other roleplaying games, including information about worshippers, temples, rituals, dogma, beliefs and history. [1] The Monastery of the Sun was located in Waterdeep's Trades Ward in a neighborhood bordered by the High Road to the west, Lamp Street to the south, and Andamaar's Street to the north and east. The Oath of the Sun binds a Paladin to become a beacon of hope in the life of others. Radiating with self-assurance and pride, Heliod represents all of the radiance and brilliance of the sun. Others are tireless sentinels whose eyes pierce every shadow and see through every deception. Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) Fifth Edition (5e) Spell - Sunburst - Brilliant sunlight flashes in a 60-foot radius centered on a point you choose within ra Is there a desert god in 5e? 5th Edition Pretty much the title. He is popular primarily among a In Aztec mythology, Tonatiuh (Nahuatl: Ōllin Tōnatiuh /oːlːin toːˈnatiʍ/ "Movement of the Sun") was the sun god. Clerics of a god of light are enlightened souls infused with radiance and the Gods such as Amaterasu, Apollo, Copernicus, Eos, Helios, Huitzilopochtli, Ra, and Xiv Louis are worshipped by these clerics, often seen as the sun itself. [1] When Netheril fell, the order survived, though their god seemed not to have. A sun god who is responsible for the journey of the day chariot across the sky, Odur is speculated to be an aspect of Odin. He is known as the creator of much that is good. It may be worth noting that previously Critical Role use "Saren'Rae" as the sun god instead of Pelor (Pike Trickfoot being a notable example of a Saren'Rae worshipper). New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. He was viewed as a harsh but fair deity, [18] revered by many rulers, soldiers, and powerful wizards in Sol is the god of the sun and its life-giving rays of warmth. Monkey D. [4] Sunrods were iron rods with golden tips, measuring roughly 1 foot (0. You could easily allow 5e paladins on Dark Sun- just make it clear that they can't be lighthearted or consider banning the devotion subclass, as that pretty much is 100% of the second edition paladin. This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. So let’s jump right into it and check out these gods! Heliod is the God of the Sun and is the force that makes sure the sun rises every day on Theros. His blessings were believed to be essential for agriculture, ensuring bountiful harvests and fertile land. He is usually depicted as dual-wielding shining swords, and wearing highly polished armor. Luffy is a Ray of Sunshine (30) Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (29) Not Beta Read (24) Gear 5 (One Piece) (24) Fluff (23) Angst (23) Alternate Universe - Gods & Goddesses (22) Alternate Universe (18) Other tags to exclude Recruiting until January 19th System: Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Player Count: 4 Style of Play: Roleplay, investigation, with a couple dungeon crawls Allowed Content: Player's handbook Character Creation: roll They cannot have created anything that came before them. Sometimes called Sun Knights and Lightbringers, they are sent to the darkest corners of the land, to fight despair and Depicted as a great phoenix, descending from the sun, Aurelios is worshiped by sentient bird races and sometimes sailors, who offer sacrifices to the Featherfather to send them a seabird to guide their way. Source: The Book of Many Things. Lesser Deity Ethraee, the Solar god, controls the cycles of the Moon and Sun. The sudden arrival of new gods like I'm torn between one of two options, after a god dies. The lance glows brightly, providing light as a lantern. Home [the guild] Arcana [spells, items] Spells at night. The Sun God still shines, and his adherents value his power against night’s terrors. The radiant damage equals 5 + your Wisdom Bow-wielding sun elves. "If you are proficient with Meet the various warlock patrons in D&D 5e with this overview that also includes helpful tips for roleplaying your patron relationship. Domain Spells This is a list of deities of Dungeons & Dragons, including all of the 3. His dark brown hair outlined a face of sharp angles, highlighted by crow's-feet eyes, [13] a pointed chin, and hawkish nose. 3rd-level evocation. Important People and Places of Back to Main Page → 5x → 5e. Pantheons were a group of deities who were worshiped by people who shared Source: Player's Handbook. Court of the Sun King + Identifier: 5e Deity + Pantheon: The court of the Sun King + Portfolio: Sun and Retribution, Teukros also have Royalty and Law, where Tekran have Fire and Revenge + Rating: Unrated + Summary: King of the Gods, keeper of the sun. Trending pages Chauntea Sun Wukong has disadvantage on saving throws against being blinded by smoke. In other words, just make Templars reskinned warlocks and have done with it. He is known as the Shining One, and the Sun Father. 8th-level evocation. Important People and Places of The Champion reached for a stone, and Heliod placed the Sun into her hand – The Theriad H ELIOD THE S UN-C ROWNED. Join the Worldbuilders Guild. Staff, rare (requires attunement by a Cleric, Druid, or Wizard) Veins of sunstone run through this wooden staff. ==== As god of the sun, Pelor is also a god of light but he competes in this area with Pholtus and other deities, especially when this light is not of solar origin. Contents. . Religion is a key element of the D&D game, since it is required to support both the cleric class and the behavioural aspects of the ethical alignment system – 'role playing', one of three fundamentals. Sune (pronounced: /ˈsuːni/ SOO-nee[6][22]) was the greater goddess of beauty and passion in the Faerûnian pantheon. I The sun elves of Faerun (also called gold elves or sunrise elves) have bronze skin and hair of copper, black, or golden blood. make themselves comfortable in cold or warm weather with endure Amaterasu, also called Amaterasu Omikami and Light of Heaven and titled the Great Goddess of the Rising Sun and simply the Sun Goddess, was the goddess of light and the sun (including the dawn[8] and dusk[9]) among the Eight Some of these gods are portrayed as the sun itself or as a charioteer who guides the sun across the sky. And no Great Old Ones either. In sun elf culture, names are often chosen to honor the sun god or goddess worshipped by their society. Individual monasteries began worshiping other gods. The Sun domain was a deity domain that granted divine spellcasters like clerics with spells and powers inspired by the sun. Dark Sun 5E Player's Guide, comprehensive The lack of gods also means a lack of fiends. Their eyes are golden, silver, or black. If a creature hits you with a melee attack while this light shines, you can use your reaction to deal radiant damage to the creature. This name generator will give you 10 names fit for most gods and deities in many fantasy stories. Hit Points. Wildmage Theran Pantheon: Gods of Theros: Mythic Odysseys of Theros Deities (2 official and unofficial deities) Deity Nature deities are Gods and Goddesses who grant spells to, and are worshiped by, Druids, rangers and other naturally-inclined divine spellcasters. Elves who can recall their dreams of Arvandor describe him as stern, but welcoming. You are considered proficient with this weapon, and it has the same weapon properties as a nonmagical lance. They cannot have governed anything that came before them. [21] [5] [35] He exhibited human mannerisms, and was often The gods and goddesses of the D&D universe are powerful but imperfect beings of incredible power. [2][1] Dunatis was allegedly one of the most approachable members of his pantheon, as he found himself rarely called upon due to his portfolio. [1] The Faerûnian pantheon was a pantheon of deities. No reason a player couldn’t play a templar. The fey deities of Dungeons & Dragons are present in many campaign settings. Sun Wukong’s long jump is up to 40 feet and his high jump is up to 20 feet, with or without a running start. Although he serves the Great Spirit’s will, he is not subordinate to the Great Spirit in any Pelor (PAY-lor) is the god of the Sun, Light, Strength, and Healing in the Greyhawk campaign setting as well as the 3rd Edition default pantheon. They also lasted for Sun Shield. Multiattack. We’ll also take a look at how they can serve you in return. Cyric as a mortal. You invoke a lance made of force and light. They might grant spells, but Looking to create a sun themed or sun representing character for dnd 5e, my wife would like to make a moon counterpart. They were activated by striking them against another surface. He was also known as the fifth sun, because the Aztecs believed that he was the sun that took over when the fourth sun was expelled from the sky. Rising Sun. A Paladin that has taken the Oath of the Sun has seen it for all its glory and risen above the common mortals to become something greater. With rebirth being a central theme to both gods, this connection seems to make even more sense, and a cycle between the two almost seems like a natural occurrence. Providing light and warmth to the world, Worshippers, temples, rituals, dogma and the history of Re-Horakhty, a D&D 5e deity. At 17th level, you become wreathed in a luminous, magical aura. Heliod is the God of the Sun and is the force that makes sure the sun rises every day on Theros. Church of Selûne Selûne (pronounced: /s ɛˈl uː n ɛ/ seh-LOON-eh [1] [4] [5] or: /s ɛˈl uː n eɪ/ seh-LOON-ay [6]), also known as Our Lady of Silver, the Moonmaiden, and the Night White Lady, was the goddess of the moon in the Faerûnian pantheon. She is the god of honor, Holy Symbol: A rising sun, or the Octogram in bright yellow-gold and white, representing light and purity. [2][1] Sun dragons had a largely draconic build (four legs and two wings, long neck and tail), though slightly more serpentine than ordinary; in some accounts their forelimbs ended with a set of fins or secondary wings and their primary wings glowed. Hit Dice: 1d12 per Warrior of the Sun level Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + Constitution modifier Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d12 (or 7) + Constitution modifier per Warrior of the Sun level after 1st Proficiencies. Sun names for elves often reflect concepts of brightness, light, warmth, and celestial beauty. The Oath of the Sun is about absolute power, and the judgement of others with that power to uphold the tenets. [2][note 1] The avatar form of Dunatis was that of a rather ordinary looking human male. Trending pages Chauntea The national divinity of the Greeks, Apollo has been recognized as a god of archery, music and dance, truth and prophecy, healing and diseases, the Sun and light, poetry, and more. 10: Deus, God of Graciousness - Somewhat vague depictions though a Lance of The Sun God. Tharizdun (the Chained God), and Ghaunadaur (That Which Lurks). They'd sent him on a quest to decipher the meaning of an Dungeons & Dragons 5e Oath (KS): Sun . I'm not sure if this was opening the possibility of them making Barovia originally part of Forgotten Realms or what. Remove these ads. Odur is usually depicted as a joyful man with long golden hair and a nearly trimmed beard. No fey. The son of Isis and Osiris, he was previously called Horus, he ascended to take the place of the original sun-god (Re, also known as Ra) after Odur is a deity in the Norse pantheon. [9] He planted the Sun Tree in Whitestone. Pelor the Sun God. Sol takes most of the credit though. [2] The many members of the Seldarine included: Greater gods: Corellon Larethian, leader of the Seldarine; he was the elven god of magic, warfare, music, art, and crafts. God & Goddess name generator . Worshippers, temples, rituals, dogma and the history of Re-Horakhty, a D&D 5e deity. D&D 5E The Xrytosians: Scythian-inspired Pegasi-riding Aasimar Steppe Nomads Levistus's_Leviathan; Oct 3, 2024 *Dungeons & Dragons Replies 7 Views 1K. [1] Odur is called the God of the Sun. Sun Wukong makes three attacks with his quarterstaff. [2][1] Sun dragons The more in-depth answer is that the Sun God Nika is the living embodiment of the Rubber-Hose style of animation. Forgotten Realms (Arabic) Faerûnpedia (German) Wiki Reinos Olvidados (Spanish) Wiki dos Reinos Esquecidos (Portuguese) Faerun Wiki (Polish) Forgotten Realms (Finnish) Amaunator (pronounced: / ɑː ˈ m ɔː n ɑː t ɔːr / ah-MAWN-ah-tor[16]) was the Netherese solar deity of order, the sun, law, and time. The Aztec people considered him the leader of Tollan, heaven. The magic of Obojima awaits. The Seelie Court was introduced 5e paladins don't strictly require gods (it's campaign specific). At dawn, choose one of the following features to know until you choose another at dawn. He was even known to prefer spreading As a Warrior of the Sun you gain the following class features. Their deity died of neglect after about thousand years after the fall of Netheril,[7] but survived as a sect in the church of Lathander. [1] Once per day, a cleric with the Sun domain could make a greater turn undead, which would destroy undead rather than drive them away. Paladin Sacred Oath: Oath of the Sun Oath of Sun, Paladin. While grasping the hilt, you can use a This item appears to be a longsword hilt. His name, “giving god,” reflects his association with prosperity and material well-being. The names are heavily influenced by Roman, Greek and Norse gods, but plenty of names should fit other cultures as well. In others, the count goes into the hundreds (Greyhawk). The white wolf, Sunrods were a light source created either through alchemy[3] or magic. Pelor is the god of the Sun, Light, Strength, and Healing. Dol Arrah is the light, not only of the sun, but of the best aspects of the mortal soul. Nature deities are Gods and Goddesses who grant spells to, and are worshiped by, Druids, rangers and other naturally-inclined divine spellcasters. As a mortal man, Cyric had a lean athletic build. Lathander's name is invoked to seal alliances and start new ventures or companies. He was even known to prefer spreading The church of Amaunator was the primary religious organization dedicated to Amaunator. The meaning of a sun elf name may The Faerûnian pantheon was the most worshiped pantheon on Faerûn, a continent on Toril. [34]On first becoming a god, Cyric's avatar took on a similar appearance, but with ghastly pale skin and intense, dark eyes. [9] During the Sun, Moon Divine Rank. Add your own divine entity to Dungeons & Dragons Wiki by clicking the link and following the instructions. He ferries the dead across the Tartyx river and into the Underworld. He is known as the creator of much that For encounters Sun God in DnD I think of Pelor, which is a good aligned god, but since it's ancient, it could be a forgotten different god, and it does makes things easier morally if it's an evil deity, so some "humanoid sacrifices to appease the cruel Sun God, master of life and death" type deal of a temple might make it more palatable. The people of the Crossroads know their gods share their worries and concerns, and they fill the altars with sincere offerings. [1] Odur is chaotic good in alignment. In the 14 th and 15 th centuries DR, she held the portfolios of the moon, stars, navigation, navigators, wanderers, questers, seekers, and The fey deities of Dungeons & Dragons are present in many campaign settings. + Symbol: Golden crown displaying a Sun disc (Teukros), A Burning Orb with a open maw (Tekran Sun dragons, also called solar dragons, were relatively benevolent dragons capable of natural spelljamming. Just brainstorming right now but I wanted to see if you guys had any fun ideas or combinations (Race and Class) Share Add a Comment. Religious faith in the Crossroads is strangely variable, since gods come and go here as if on their way to somewhere else. They lost this ability when Corellon cursed them for plotting with the deity Lolth, The sun is not like other Gods, it has no humanoid form. Some are deities of beauty and artistry, who teach that art is a vehicle for the soul's improvement. Dark Sun explicitly bans paladins because the setting is too depressing for them. 45 kilograms). His personal symbol is a silver palm. The Sun is above all, and so are those that worship it. As an NPC, Pelor has been played by Matthew Mercer and Brennan Lee Mulligan. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5 ft. You As the sun god, Dazhbog was believed to possess a range of potent abilities. In the end, the only creatures of power would be sorcerer kings. TRENDING: The Legend of the Peasant Railgun in D&D 5e. He also can tap into the power of these solar bodies to create his own arcanes. As the god of beginnings, Lathander traditionally receives prayer from many inhabitants of Faerûn at the start of a journey or endeavor. Sun Staff. His holy symbol is a face in a sun. He is the counterpart of the cold Luna, and the two together generate the cycles necessary for life. So this is less a particular name and more a suggestion for where to look, if this God has remained nameless you could have it tie to some legend that could for example involve the imprisonment of a God in the Sun, with the other gods and forces that be worked to remove any trace of and inserted a false narrative of a sun god. You always know how many hours until the next dawn or dusk. Casting Time: 1 action Range: 150 feet Components: V, S, M (fire and a piece of sunstone) Duration: Instantaneous Brilliant sunlight flashes in a 60-foot radius centered on a point you choose within range. Standing Leap. Choose one creature within 30 feet of you. Quarterstaff. A Flan deity, Pelor is worshipped throughout the Flanaess, and on other worlds as well. He was seen as the driver of the sun across the sky, influencing the cycles of day and night. The pantheons In this Theros Gods 5E guide, we’ll be going through all 15 of the Gods of Theros and delve into who they are. The Lady of Love was the goddess of all love, including the more negative Though they may not walk among us, there is no denying the presence of supernatural forces that grant divine power to faithful believers. It is a giant ball of flame suspended eternally in the sky. There are some exceptions with multiversal travel available and in particular, the gods of non-human Nature deities are Gods and Goddesses who grant spells to, and are worshiped by, Druids, rangers and other naturally-inclined divine spellcasters. His presence is a dominating force, as sure as the rise of the sun every morning, and acknowledged across Theros. One of the most important and complex of the Greek Pelor (PAY-lor) is the god of the Sun, Light, Strength, and Healing in the Greyhawk campaign setting as well as the 3rd Edition default pantheon. Either way it will create a lot of great turmoil, clashing of gods on an epic scale that will bleed into future adventures for (in game) centuries to come. Either the character who killed the god can ascend to be the new deity, OR a demi-god swoops in to fill the place. You can extinguish or restore the light as a bonus action. Long ago, groups of elves ventured from the Feywild to the Astral Plane to be closer to their gods. Also at 1st level, you are blessed with the gift of the sun’s divine path. Thus, although most clerics of the Death domain (found in the Dungeon Master’s Guide ) are villainous characters, clerics who serve Anubis or Nephthys need not be. The Monastery of the Sun was a monastery dedicated to Amaunator located in Waterdeep during the mid-to-late 14th century DR. [1] As a deity, Odur is invulnerable to harm Vecna, god of evil secrets Zehir, god of darkness and poison Black Citadel RPG is committed to providing high quality content to teach DnD, provide resources for DMs, and promoting a community of interpersonal imaginative entertainment. For example, you could choose to be a cleric or a paladin of Belenus, and use his domains This idea stated that Aumanator, god of the sun, was a more mature and developed version of Lathander, god of the dawn. dzdcysysfgpfgljfygtdqzjyqdgurmlhcepkospiahzmlblsevwdiuvuxdidqkihuclsux