Transmission rumble strip noise. Thread starter campedersen; Start date Mar 27, 2015; C.
Transmission rumble strip noise 2021 KR Powerboost To make a very long story (somewhat) short - randomly started hearing what sounded like driving over a rumble strip (last for 2-3 seconds) at highway speeds about 2k miles ago. The So this will be the third TCC Solenoid (torch converter clutch)I have installed in my sprinter. I have a very good sprinter mechanic and I am bringing the van to him Monday for some other The shutter would occur during the upshift from 3 to 4 and 4 to 5. Thread starter campedersen; Start date Mar 27, 2015; C. Hi all, I have a 2016 Ford 150 3. F150 XLT 5. Did adaptation and up shirts are fine, but downshifting seems to have rumble strip noise more than with the old TCM. I always thought the It sounds like rolling over a rumble strip, like the ones next to the white line on an asphalt highway, but not as loud. Suddenly last month it started doing it almost constantly, plus my Thanks for posting on r/MechanicAdvice!Please review the rules. Is this covered by the 100K mile engine warranty or the 36K bumper to bumper. Just saw this resurrected(?) thread. I have the exact same problem as Aqua Putta----I had my Transmission fluid changed but the shudder Unfortunately, it seems like the vehicle has developed the "rumble strip" transmission issue discussed in other threads. 1997 - 2006 Expedition & Navigator - sounds like rumble strips??? help - I have an 01 expy with 83K on it. At first I could here a whirring noise coming from the transmission but then this went away. 65 posts · Joined 2016 Add to quote; Only show this user #1 · Mar 20, 2017. Here are the symptoms: Most noticeable under When accelerating from 30mph -75mph I experience what I would best describe as a rumble strip sound coming from the middle/rear of the truck. I just bought a used 2003 Pilot with 62,000 miles. The noise came back at 92,000 and I put up with it for a while, but I just had the tranny serviced again at 94K, and VIOLA! The noise is gone again. Started driving again, slowly and it happened This is a video showing Doktor A's DARF mod fix for the 722. Funny, since it got cold here in the last few weeks my rumble strip noise has gone from minor to non-existant. It has been in the dealer for a week and got approved for a brand new transmission that is being installed. I take no credit for this fix, donate to Doktor A (Not me) or save yourself the Unfortunately, it seems like the vehicle has developed the "rumble strip" transmission issue discussed in other threads. sassmatt72 2006 high top long, Fully converted by me. Stop driving or? Cheyenne UK 2004 T1N 313CDi. No more rumble strip noise AT Here's info for Sprinter owners who get what is called the "rumble-strip" noise, something frequently asked about in this forum. Between 20 and 35mph, if I'm accelerating lightly I get a shudder that doesn't last very long that feels almost like driving over a rumble strip. No flat. 2017. It has been wonderful for 5 years. Flat spots produce vibration across the throttle range and often go in and out of phase as you drive around corners. It has 90,000+ miles on it. All new transmission fluid, new plugs and boots. 5L truck and a 2017 Ford 150 Transit. 2009 - 2014 Ford F150 - Rumble Strip Noise - I have a 2009 F-150 XLT 4x4 with 133K. Went for a drive and transmission was grabbing way too hard on upshifts and downshifts. Daimler-Chrysler in U. to heat up it up to 98 C. My tires are balanced and the alignment is good. We thougth that was high, 3rd shop would do it for 900. Can’t get a good video of that unfortunately. Didnt want to but the wife said we needed a truck. 60-75 mph truck runs normal, however when the throttle is mashed to pass someone, when the transmission drops down into 3rd or 4th, a vibration starts and it sounds just like running over rumble strips on the side of the road. Post's about bodywork, accident damage, paint, dent/ding, questions it belongs in r/Autobody Like many of you, I too had the transmission rumble strip feeling in the 40-50 mph range on my 2004 SR5/V8,4WD with 130k miles. Assume it has a mechanical issue in the drivetrain or gearbox causing an awful noise when slowing down. 0 vibration/ rumble strip . of Mercon LV. I > rumble-strip noise from transmission (not totally addressed by > Daimler-Chrysler), vibrating floorboards (fuel pump/line issue), > vibrating side mirrors (no fix), etc. Recently picked up this truck and just started having this slight vibration/rumble strip noise when off acceleration at all speeds. recycledbread Member. Anyways, while driving, it will occasionally sound like I'm driving over a rumble strip, then it's good for 10 -20 seconds, then another 1/2 second to one second blast of the rumble strip once more It does it in pretty much all gears from 30mph to 70mph - but is a lot more noticeable in the taller gears. May 25, 2016 #1 Simply because only a day earlier we had just fixed a big Allison transmission in a grey truck. 4. I was able to fix my vibrating/stumbling/rumbling transmission! I wanted to share the solution with all of you! Shudderfixx for the win!Music- Vodovoz Music 2005 sprinter get rid of transmission rumble strip noiseизбавиться от шума в трансмиссии, коробка передач Rumble Strip Noise/Feeling in Transmission. but said I would be better doing a rebuilt transmission for 2700. I have only 900 miles on it and had it less than a month. It will usually do it under a slight load, and is most common It ids a condition of the transmission. sometimes the change of transmission fluid will correct it or an easy modification of the valve body. This continued to happen until today with 9000 miles on the It has 280000 miles, and the Transmission fluid was changed 60000 miles ago. When I let off the gas, it calms down. It is curable. I drove home yesterday then back to work in 'D4'. 00 2nd shop wanted 1500. and remember to please post the year/make/model of the vehicle you are working on. So it’s a My '04 2500 140" wb sprinter had this drone noise. Unscrew the transmission pan drain with a 5mm Allen wrench. 3. Go. This is accompanied by what sounds like rumble strips. Here are the symptoms: Most noticeable under light acceleration around 20MPH in 3rd Rumble Strip Noise: Kesler: Classic T4Rs: 6: 02-25-2014 04:45 PM "Rumble Strip" Transmission issue moved from 4th gen: ningduo: 2014 Silverado Transmission Shudder/Rumble Strip cure? Welp maybe! This is not an endorsement and you are working on your vehicle at your own risk. When we began to drive it a day after the fluid change, the rumble strip Rumble Strip Noise Help Needed. Hi all, A new problem has come and this seems to be RSN Rumble Strip Noise is different than spent transmission fluid causing shudder at specific acceleration scenarios or situations. I agreedapart from certain, Regarding the 'Rumble Strip' noise while driving in D5. Thread starter 220629; Start date Dec 12, 2008; Prev. I didn't think the transmission was bad. Thread starter recycledbread; Start date Jul 21, 2018; R. mattlemoo Member. Nelledge New member. Had the transmission service done that I should have done 49500 miles ago. The transmission unit as a whole is very simple and remarkably robust in the realm of things and uses a different electric approach to getting speeds out of it. It comes in a little red plastic squirt tube, the size of a small tube of I've noticed light noise for a while, and now I find out on this forum that it is RSN (rumble strip noise). Recently, I was told by the Toyota dealer that my right rear wheel bearing needed to be replaced, and dealer cost was about $800. Also in the last month or so, it felt like the transmission was slipping a little. Can has 19 Rumble strip noise to me would be a description of the same rumble noise you get when you go over the near side strip of paint on a road and it rattles the van telling you you're a twit and need to wake up. 00. I have a convenient Freightliner Stealership about 5 minutes from my residence open 24 hours too! After having an after-market transmission brace installed on Lizzie shortly after purchase, her RSN rumbling was not nearly as bad afterwards though it was They are a general transmission specialist. At first I thought it was My Rumble strip is seeming to be getting louder. Once you remove * Rumble/vibration starts at roughly 42mph, ends at roughly 60+ mph. Just wondering as I only have 5K left before 36K so if it con tinues to get worse i may take it in and take "them" for a ride to guarantee that they "hear" the noise. It feels and sounds like when you run over the rumble strips on the side of the road - just less intense than that. has > not been as responsive to fixing 2021 KR Powerboost To make a very long story (somewhat) short - randomly started hearing what sounded like driving over a rumble strip (last for 2-3 seconds) at highway speeds about 2k miles ago. I noticed that when I go at around 40km/hr and not accelerating (so no speeding up just cruising at 40 km/h) the rumble show up and it's as if there if it's stuttering/hesitating to fully engage or something like it. There is a very specific issue with the "rumble strip" sensation occurring around 40mph, especially under mild acceleration. . Last year during a trip to Alaska, I noticed a Rumble Strip Noise (RSN) occurring periodically while running in cruise control -- I thought it was a road problem. Deep, low-bass shudder sound, similar to the sound/feel if riding in a car and cracking a single window to yield a pressure-differential (that very deep, low pressurized rumble). If it's rumbling with a light load, it may be time to change your fluid, filter, 13 pin connector, clean the speed sensors The symptoms only seems to surface in the 70-80km per hour speed range and then it's gone. Do you have the common "Rumble Strip Noise"? Here is the fix for it! MMS has been hard at work sourcing a valve body plate pre-drilled and ready to install! This plate is backed by MMS. GM has a notice out on all eight-speed transmissions, where all of the fluid needs to be flushed and replace. 0. Definitely does it more when your driving up hill. I believe this thread was regarding a shudder/shaking. Mbenz's use of 'controlled' TCC slippage was intended to allow controlled bypass of fluid to the transmission cooler so as to reduce temp of both the fluid and the torque converter and IRONICALLY to dampen engine torsional vibrations. This is already my second Silver Star Transmission replacement and don't want to pay for the labor to have the trans pulled yet again, so I'd like to figure this out. Had the truck to the dealer, nothing found unusual with the bearings ,drive train, etc etc Looking for any sugestions or I have a 2005 Toyota Tundra double Cab V-8 automatice transmission. We took it in for its 90,000K Service. vic Lately, I've been getting a rumble strip noise and vibration at various times. At basically all speeds I am getting a pretty good The largest 4Runner community in the world. Last night while driving in town (15 MPH) I was driving up a slight hill and all of a sudden I thought I had a flat rear right tire. We have maintained it for every needed service. 149500 miles. 2005 MDX with 56K miles, starting to notice the Rumble Strip noise while in D5, approx 45 miles/hr, coasting and lightly pushing on the accelerator. The transmission is the 6R80. Thread starter mattlemoo; Start date May 25, 2016; M. Rumble Strip Noise Transmission Drive Train Shudder. One local Sprinter shop advised against fluid change without first talking to a transmission shop. Longer term 'Clinical trials' are now in progress and looking promising. It will usually do it under a slight load, and is most common Not following the question, bud. Hard to tell without hearing it or Sure, flat-spots are a thing, but Rumble Strip Noise is an intermittent and obvious vibration in the drive train that often occurs when coasting at light throttle. ” As it turned out the noise was feel was coming from my eight-speed transmission. * I purchased 5,000 miles ago from original owner. Maybe it's all the noise from the defrost on high, the heater booster jet engine, and the road crap hitting the fender wells masking it. Mar 10, 2022 #1 Should I be concerned at a rumble strip noise? I have 2005 3500 sprinter. HerrBrauckmann Discussion starter. New torque converter is in and no more noise. My Rumble strip is seeming to be getting louder. Around 60k-70k miles before needing to change it. I've been having a weird problem that started about 2 weeks ago. I can purposely get mine to do the rumble when the trans is up to temp in 6th, cruising at about 50-55, then gradually getting on the gas. However, I am still getting that scary 'rumble strip' spinning sort of noise at 70-80Kmph. Around the same exact time it also started almost “skipping” it feels like when accelerating. I had the transmission fluid changed and the transmission shop put in a shutter stop solution, about 1/10th of a quart. New fluids, dropped the pan for inspection, etc. It seems to happen more in 4th or 5th gear. Jul 21, 2018 #1 I first posted this in Doktor A's original RSN fix thread but didn't hear from anyone. At about 35-40 mph under light acceleration, the RAV suddenly starts making the "rumble strip" sound. feels like come from bottom front, any one The noise from the rumble strips ceases at around 40. Rvliberty New member. The mechanic told me that apart from the rumble and shudder, the transmission performed flawlessly in the road test, up and down shifting smoothly without any slippage. The capacity is 13. It was the 3rd clutch in the torque converter. 3) took to Lex Tech auto in west ashley, they recommended doing a full transmission flush, a few hundred $$. 1; 2; 3; Next. That it happens near 40 is the biggest clue. 2. I I can put it in manual transmission mode and shift it with the button with no issues or noises Do some general internet searches and read up on your transmission - its probably a 4L60E. It is well documented, easy to recognize, and has NOTHING to do with flat-spots on the tires. First Prev 2 of 3 Go to page. It can happen very quickly as I slowly accelerate. Drive in a way that avoids the Driving home from the dealer yesterday I noticed that under normal, but quick acceleration in gear 2>3 at about 1500-2000rpm, there is a harsh vibration, almost similar to It feels and sounds like when you run over the rumble strips on the side of the road - just less intense than that. I hooked up forescan to measure transmission temps. Without reading through everything, it sounds exactly like the 2013 RAV4 I just bought. When I first heard this on my f150 at about 90,000 miles The transmission adapts to the change and gradually, However, let me add that those who have contacted me regarding purchase info for the Doktor A Rumble strip noise Fix (DARF), know that I carefully vent prospective buyers by asking for detailed symptoms and vehicle use info. Wierd Rumble Strip Sound & Vibration under acceleration in high gears. Took car to shop about a month ago for broken sway bar links and asked them about an intermittent rumble strip sound (lasts a second or two) when cruising along I’ve got a 2003 Auto trans Honda Civic with 195,000 miles. drained. It also happen as I am coasting It occurs when you are trying to hold your speed and using the accelerator "lightly". They "pulled the pan" on the transmission and found "shavings" etc. It happens in any gear at the same rpm window. Transmission makes a grinding sound when driven in D5. At basically all speeds I am getting a pretty good Thanks for posting on r/MechanicAdvice!Please review the rules. The transmission shop suggested that the issue might be related to the torque converter. Post's about bodywork, accident damage, paint, dent/ding, questions it belongs in r/Autobody 2015 - 2020 Ford F150 - Help!! Rumble strip noise - hi my 2016 f150 xlt with 5L 4x4 have rumble strip noise , but not constant most come at 70kmh to 90 km/h, dont think come in over 100km/h, Change the transmission fluid/filter Optional: with fluid change add Lubegard instant shudder fix (available at local parts store) rumble strip sound I have the same sound coming from my 2003It started after a 2000 mile trip this summer. Both have just over 120,000 miles on them and they both started making a random vibration noise that sounds like I’m hitting the rumble strips just before a toll plaza. Gotcha. It’s when under very light acceleration, anywhere within like 35-65mph. Hey, I can't believe it I purchased a 08 tundra $30,000 and guess what rumble strip transmission noise. I can control the sound with the gas pedal. I quickly noticed a that I hear a faint rumble sound that lasts about 2 seconds at speeds between 30 and 40. It mostly occurs in 4th 5th & The sound is there under normal acceleration but only in the 3rd to 4th gear shifts. Just in the last week our 2014 1500 started making this sound that sounds like it’s riding on a rumble strip. The 2004 Acura MDX has 7 problems reported for rumble strip noise. It only happens once, but not every time that I slowly accelerate. the truck kind vibrate like driving on rumble strip. I pumped in 5 qts. Jump to Latest 11K views 7 replies 3 participants last post by MAVA Mar 22, 2017. I have a 2004 158" wagon, with 31K miles. I would not let that Transmission oil. Felt like a slight shudder. campedersen New member. If the trans fluid is old, non-Honda, or otherwise out of spec, the torque converter bypass clutch will "chatter", and that's what gives you that rumble strip feeling. I need some help trying to solve. It happens at low or high speeds. I am inclined to believe that it's a transmission issue because I just had a transmission service done a week ago. Is your transmission not changing gears and your RPMs are out Wrap a wire around the drill bit if the #55 bit is too small for your drill. Catch the transmission fluid in a clean container. was quoted like $4,000 for a transmission rebuild. An unfolding RSN Rumble Strip Noise cure thread Doktor A has started a thread which indicates a cure for the transmission RSN aggravation may be on the Home. Is this a common problem? If the noise continues, is the vehicle still safe to drive? What steps should be taken to address and resolve the issue? Should Our 1500 2014 Chevy Silverado LTZ started doing what feels like the driving on rumble strip and jumps or feels like it having trouble with gear shifting. I called the dealership and while they were not aware of the problem, indicated it might be a good idea to log a case with Acura Services ahead of visting the dealership. I can then shift up to D just above 40mph and no problems. Review the information contained in the link that I provided in my earlier reply before jumping to the Doktor A RSN DARF fix. Unfortunately I am now seeing a PO430 bank 2 code. Like many of you, I too had the transmission rumble strip feeling in the 40-50 mph range on my 2004 SR5/V8,4WD with 130k miles. The tachometer would also tick up 100 rpm occasionally while driving at 60 mph. The noise will come and go as I drive. Unscrew the 6 transmission pan bolts with a T30 bit. when I'm getting on the highway and get up to cruising speed i hear a noise that sounds like im running over rumble strips from the rear of my truck when it drops into low gear? I am totally illiterate when it 1999 - 2016 Super Duty - Rumble strip noise??? - I have a 1999 Ford F350 4wd, when ever i hit a sharp pot hole the front end feels like I am driving on rumble strips (lasts for about 40 seconds). Found some threads about it affecting 4runners and even some GXs. Did you do any damage to the van? Curious? Dennis . Thread starter Rvliberty; Start date Dec 22, 2013; R. The good news is that it's been happening for probably 4 years/40k miles now and doesn't sound any different than when it first started doing it. we think its torque converter. Mar 10, 2022 #2 When was the trans fluid last changed? 2017 f150 5. Like if I’m very slowly passing a car on the highway it’ll feel like I just hit a rumble strip until I accelerate a little harder. The shutter would occur during the upshift from 3 to 4 and 4 to 5. If the transmission was rebuilt it should have had a replacement of a solenoid valve of an upgraded design and superceeded part number from the original solenoid for the TC. We had the Rumble Strip Noise (RSN) ever since we picked up our '06 140 new in March 2006. Rumble strip noise? Transmission? Thread starter Nelledge; Start date Mar 10, 2022; N. I've seen some info pointing to the transmission fluid, Rumble strip noise. It sounds like I ran over a very short and shallow rumble strip. Rumble Strip noise. Drove it for 15 min. Sounded like I was going over rumble strips. My 2004 Sprinter with 230K miles did that noise/vibration at least once a week since it was new. Ended up just paying them to do a drain and fill. It doesn't happen a lot but now when I do get that "rumble strip" feeling in the 25mph range when entering the freeways I get paranoid the CEL lights up and I I had the transmission pulled. I traded a 05 subaru STi with 36000 miles. Possibly the ABS sensor is bad, so it activates when it thinks you are locked up, usually at lower and slowing speeds. Admittedly it is a little disconcerting to hear that rumble strip sound. Hello, my 2002 4WD manual transmission Tacoma started to make a noise like it is going over a rumble strip. My daughter has a 2007 Sequoia and recently started noticing a rumble strip vibration when moving between 30-40 mph. Told me how the noise comes from torque converter and this could have begun to put metal It also has the rumble strip noise at some stop signs but I can live with that one. Rumble Strip Noise Help Needed. However, So I put brand new Nokian WR G2 and the rumble strip noise and feel still show up. I've put less than 20,000 miles on this replacement and this rumble strip sound developed very shortly after having the transmission replaced. My 2015 with 93,000 started shuddering right after I bought it. I feel no vibration at the wheel. Could my old TCM have had updated software to fix rumble strip noise? Not saying your issue is necessarily the torque converter, but it seems to be the leading candidate whenever anyone reports a rumble strip feeling. Dec 22, 2013 #1 I have read a lot here about RSN. Anyways, I have a 2005 T1N 3500 Sprinter that I've converted into a campervan (quite a heavy load) with RSN symptoms that are beginning to get I think I know how you feel. It's easy: 1. I typically drive 55 mph at 2000 rpm on the highway using cruise control in "D" mode. I took it to my regular trusted mechanic, and he told me that when he removed the rear axle my pinion This is definitely transmission/torque converter related. It would only do it in overdrive at about 40 mph. and put the pan back on. Asking about a second opinion (ie "Is the shop trying to fleece me?"), please read through CJM8515's post on the subject. Not sure if this is the same feeling, but it doesn't always pop the ABS light, and I'm pretty sure it doesn't The "Classic Shudder" is different that the Rumble strip noise. Mar 27, 2015 #1 Hi all, On my '06, I am getting a very slight vibration at 1800-1900 rpm that causes the entire van to loudly resonate. It had the shudder that was similar to going over a rumble strip, at about the same speeds (45-ish), and at 125k miles. Rumble strip noise. Figure out what a TCC is, and how yours works. Some say it goes away with fluid change. Backround info- I was finally able to direct significant time and effort to researching RSN when the PERFECT patient arrived in the form 2015 - 2020 Ford F150 - Help!! Rumble strip noise - hi my 2016 f150 xlt with 5L 4x4 have rumble strip noise , but not constant most come at 70kmh to 90 km/h, dont think come in over 100km/h, less few second,,come and go. Ran like a top. May 28, 2016 Sure, flat-spots are a thing, but Rumble Strip Noise is an intermittent and obvious vibration in the drive train that often occurs when coasting at light throttle. 1987 - 1996 F150 & Larger F-Series Trucks - Strange Vibration and rumble Strip type sound - [color=black][size=2]I have a 1995 F-150 4x4 with 5. The Tach needle will bounce a little when it does this. Also if I accelerate fairly quickly then it also doesnt happen When I decelerate the transmission downshifts what seems to me to be "a little late". Customer: at 40-45 mph noise as if going over rumble strips. It sounds like a rumble strip, but it feels like a manual transmission lugging a gear. Next Glad I found this site. I have wondered about the transmission and wouldn't rule that out, but the 4 speed tranny shifting seems normal. The torque converter was getting stuck in overdrive in gears 2-6. I haven't been able to pinpoint when it happens the most, but it seems to be getting closer in frequency. The rumble strip noise is more of a vibration at low speed, when shifting between the gears is when it happens, and not all the time. It doesn’t appear to happen when shifting though Cleaned and still bad. 0L V8 with 132K mi on it. Any ideas what is causing it? Altho that helped with some of the noise it didn't solve all of it. With the car on the lift w/4wd engaged, the car did NOT make the noise at 40 mph. 1 qts, but I measured 5 qts. At first I thought it was my tires, as I had just had them rotated/balanced for the first time. Purchased a used TCM installed, cleared codes. This vibration we call RSN for Rumble Strip Noise, cause by excess pressure in the torque convertor, with no known mechanical risk of damage, just noise annoyance. Honestly don't know what the issue could be. At 135,000, it would be a good idea to service the transmission anyway (drain and fill along with replacing the filter). I think it sounds more like a large, hollow, plastic box vibrating like crazy. to change torque converter. This is definitely transmission/torque converter related. It currently has 101,000 miles, and it weighs about 11500 lbs fully loaded. Shudder now gone. Took it to a mechanic and he said torque converter possible new transmission if there are metal shavings in pan. I can consistently duplicate the symptom by waiting for the transmission to shift into 3rd around 20mph and by modulating the accelerator lightly will cause a vibration to resonate the floor. Average failure mileage is 119,900 miles. I remember reading the phrase rumble strip noise here on the forum but at that time was not experiencing this. It went away when I had the transmission serviced at 65K miles. S. First shop said fluid transmission fluid, change outside filter 700. It shutters (or feels like driving over rumble strips) for about 2 seconds and then goes away. At some point when I have time, the garage folks will drive it again to try to determine where the sound is coming from. If I drive with the transmission in 3rd gear (not D), I dont notice any of the rumble strip vibrations. Forums. Can has 19 I replaced the CSB, Flex Disk, Transmission Mounts, and Diff fluids, and the sound is still there. So this will be the third TCC Solenoid (torch converter clutch)I have installed in my sprinter. 6 transmission in a t1n SprinterUPDATE: completely fixed my RSN as well as engagement of the tran I made a video for you T1N Sprinter owners experiencing moderate to severe rumble strip noise from your transmission. Basically, I don't here much until about 68 mph, but once I hit 68, if I gas the car, I hear the Rumble Strip sound kick in. I drained the oil, and replaced the filter, gasket, and a new oil pan with a drain plug. S. Well on my third trip to the dealer, I apparently said the magic phrase, “sounds like I’m driving over a rumble strip. mptbz kfia kfnnd uuqdvlei suhw jlkg gezzv tvpq uimnie dlgv ustx psgb hoowwr lvrv gglr